377 lines
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377 lines
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[section Reference]
[section Parsers and combinators provided by the library]
[section Parsers]
[section Character]
* [link alphanum alphanum]
* [link digit digit]
* [link letter letter]
* [link lit lit]
* [link lit_c lit_c]
* [link one_char one_char]
* [link one_char_except one_char_except]
* [link one_char_except_c one_char_except_c]
* [link range range]
* [link range_c range_c]
* [link space space]
[section Numeric]
* [link digit_val digit_val]
* [link int_ int_]
[section Whitespace]
* [link space space]
* [link spaces spaces]
[section Validation and error reporting]
* [link empty empty]
* [link fail fail]
[section Miscellaneous]
* [link keyword keyword]
* [link return_ return_]
[section Combinators]
[section Validation and error reporting]
* [link accept_when accept_when]
* [link change_error_message change_error_message]
* [link entire_input entire_input]
* [link except except]
* [link fail_at_first_char_expected fail_at_first_char_expected]
* [link transform_error transform_error]
* [link transform_error_message transform_error_message]
[section Repetition]
See the [link repetition Repetition] section of the
[link manual User Manual] for a detailed comparison of the most common
repetition combinators.
[link finding-the-right-folding-parser-combinator Cheat-sheet] for
choosing among the `fold*` parsers.
* [link foldl foldl]
* [link foldl1 foldl1]
* [link foldl_reject_incomplete foldl_reject_incomplete]
* [link foldl_reject_incomplete1 foldl_reject_incomplete1]
* [link foldl_reject_incomplete_start_with_parser foldl_reject_incomplete_start_with_parser]
* [link foldl_start_with_parser foldl_start_with_parser]
* [link foldr foldr]
* [link foldr1 foldr1]
* [link foldr_reject_incomplete foldr_reject_incomplete]
* [link foldr_reject_incomplete1 foldr_reject_incomplete1]
* [link foldr_start_with_parser foldr_start_with_parser]
* [link iterate iterate]
* [link iterate_c iterate_c]
* [link repeated repeated]
* [link repeated1 repeated1]
* [link repeated_reject_incomplete repeated_reject_incomplete]
* [link repeated_reject_incomplete1 repeated_reject_incomplete1]
* [link repeated_one_of repeated_one_of]
* [link repeated_one_of1 repeated_one_of1]
[section Selection]
* [link if_ if_]
* [link one_of one_of]
* [link one_of_c one_of_c]
* [link optional optional]
* [link repeated_one_of repeated_one_of]
* [link repeated_one_of1 repeated_one_of1]
[section Sequence]
* [link first_of first_of]
* [link last_of last_of]
* [link middle_of middle_of]
* [link nth_of nth_of]
* [link nth_of_c nth_of_c]
* [link sequence sequence]
* [link sequence_apply sequence_apply]
[section Result transformation (semantic actions)]
* [link always always]
* [link always_c always_c]
* [link transform transform]
[section Miscellaneous]
* [link grammar grammar]
* [link look_ahead look_ahead]
* [link token token]
[section Compile-time data structures and values]
[section Result of parsing]
* [link accept accept]
* [link get_message get_message]
* [link get_position get_position]
* [link get_remaining get_remaining]
* [link get_result get_result]
* [link is_error is_error]
* [link reject reject]
[section Source position]
* [link get_col get_col]
* [link get_line get_line]
* [link get_prev_char get_prev_char]
* [link next_char next_char]
* [link next_line next_line]
* [link source_position source_position]
* [link source_position_tag source_position_tag]
* [link start start]
[section String]
* [link string string]
* [link string_tag string_tag]
[section Errors]
* [link digit_expected digit_expected]
* [link end_of_input_expected end_of_input_expected]
* [link expected_to_fail expected_to_fail]
* [link index_out_of_range index_out_of_range]
* [link letter_expected letter_expected]
* [link literal_expected literal_expected]
* [link none_of_the_expected_cases_found none_of_the_expected_cases_found]
* [link unexpected_character unexpected_character]
* [link unexpected_end_of_input unexpected_end_of_input]
* [link unpaired unpaired]
* [link whitespace_expected whitespace_expected]
[section Tags]
* [link accept_tag accept_tag]
* [link fail_tag fail_tag]
* [link source_position_tag source_position_tag]
[section Utilities]
* [link build_parser build_parser]
* [link debug_parsing_error debug_parsing_error]
* [link unless_error unless_error]
Metaparse uses a number of general purpose metafunctions and metafunction
* [link digit_to_int digit_to_int]
* [link digit_to_int_c digit_to_int_c]
* [link int_to_digit int_to_digit]
* [link int_to_digit_c int_to_digit_c]
* [link in_range in_range]
* [link in_range_c in_range_c]
* [link is_digit is_digit]
* [link is_lcase_letter is_lcase_letter]
* [link is_letter is_letter]
* [link is_ucase_letter is_ucase_letter]
* [link is_whitespace is_whitespace]
* [link is_whitespace_c is_whitespace_c]
[section Terms used by the library]
* [link boxed_value boxed value]
* [link currying currying]
* [link lazy_metafunction lazy template metafunction]
* [link nullary_metafunction nullary template metafunction]
* [link parser parser]
* [link parser_combinator parser combinator]
* [link parsing_error_message parsing error message]
* [link predicate predicate]
* [link tag tag]
* [link metafunction template metafunction]
* [link metafunction_class template metafunction class]
* [link metaprogramming_value template metaprogramming value]
[section Alphabetical]
[include accept.qbk]
[include accept_tag.qbk]
[include accept_when.qbk]
[include alphanum.qbk]
[include always_c.qbk]
[include always.qbk]
[include boxed_value.qbk]
[include build_parser.qbk]
[include change_error_message.qbk]
[include currying.qbk]
[include debug_parsing_error.qbk]
[include digit_expected.qbk]
[include digit.qbk]
[include digit_to_int_c.qbk]
[include digit_to_int.qbk]
[include digit_val.qbk]
[include empty.qbk]
[include end_of_input_expected.qbk]
[include entire_input.qbk]
[include except.qbk]
[include expected_to_fail.qbk]
[include fail_at_first_char_expected.qbk]
[include fail.qbk]
[include fail_tag.qbk]
[include first_of.qbk]
[include foldl1.qbk]
[include foldl_reject_incomplete.qbk]
[include foldl_reject_incomplete1.qbk]
[include foldl_reject_incomplete_start_with_parser.qbk]
[include foldl_start_with_parser.qbk]
[include foldl.qbk]
[include foldr1.qbk]
[include foldr_reject_incomplete.qbk]
[include foldr_reject_incomplete1.qbk]
[include foldr_start_with_parser.qbk]
[include foldr.qbk]
[include get_col.qbk]
[include get_line.qbk]
[include get_message.qbk]
[include get_position.qbk]
[include get_prev_char.qbk]
[include get_remaining.qbk]
[include get_result.qbk]
[include grammar.qbk]
[include if_.qbk]
[include index_out_of_range.qbk]
[include in_range_c.qbk]
[include in_range.qbk]
[include int_.qbk]
[include int_to_digit_c.qbk]
[include int_to_digit.qbk]
[include is_digit.qbk]
[include is_error.qbk]
[include is_lcase_letter.qbk]
[include is_letter.qbk]
[include is_ucase_letter.qbk]
[include is_whitespace_c.qbk]
[include is_whitespace.qbk]
[include iterate_c.qbk]
[include iterate.qbk]
[include keyword.qbk]
[include last_of.qbk]
[include lazy_metafunction.qbk]
[include letter_expected.qbk]
[include letter.qbk]
[include lit_c.qbk]
[include literal_expected.qbk]
[include lit.qbk]
[include look_ahead.qbk]
[include metafunction_class.qbk]
[include metafunction.qbk]
[include metaprogramming_value.qbk]
[include middle_of.qbk]
[include next_char.qbk]
[include next_line.qbk]
[include none_of_the_expected_cases_found.qbk]
[include nth_of_c.qbk]
[include nth_of.qbk]
[include nullary_metafunction.qbk]
[include one_char_except_c.qbk]
[include one_char_except.qbk]
[include one_char.qbk]
[include one_of_c.qbk]
[include one_of.qbk]
[include optional.qbk]
[include parser_combinator.qbk]
[include parser.qbk]
[include parsing_error_message.qbk]
[include predicate.qbk]
[include range_c.qbk]
[include range.qbk]
[include reject.qbk]
[include repeated1.qbk]
[include repeated_reject_incomplete1.qbk]
[include repeated_reject_incomplete.qbk]
[include repeated_one_of1.qbk]
[include repeated_one_of.qbk]
[include repeated.qbk]
[include return_.qbk]
[include sequence.qbk]
[include sequence_apply.qbk]
[include source_position.qbk]
[include source_position_tag.qbk]
[include space.qbk]
[include spaces.qbk]
[include start.qbk]
[include string.qbk]
[include string_tag.qbk]
[include tag.qbk]
[include token.qbk]
[include transform_error_message.qbk]
[include transform_error.qbk]
[include transform.qbk]
[include unexpected_character.qbk]
[include unexpected_end_of_input.qbk]
[include unless_error.qbk]
[include unpaired.qbk]
[include whitespace_expected.qbk]