87 lines
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87 lines
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// Copyright 2015, 2017 Peter Dimov.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
#include <boost/mp11/utility.hpp>
#include <boost/core/lightweight_test_trait.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
using boost::mp11::mp_invoke;
template<class...> struct X {};
template<template<class...> class F, class... T> using Y = X<F<T>...>;
template<class Q, class... T> using Z = X<mp_invoke<Q, T>...>;
struct B {};
struct D1: B {};
struct D2: B {};
struct ND {};
template<class... T> using is_base_of_t = typename std::is_base_of<T...>::type;
int main()
using boost::mp11::mp_identity_t;
using boost::mp11::mp_quote;
using Q = mp_quote<mp_identity_t>;
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_TRUE((std::is_same<mp_invoke<Q, void>, void>));
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_TRUE((std::is_same<mp_invoke<Q, int[]>, int[]>));
using Q = mp_quote<std::is_same, void>;
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_TRUE((std::is_same<mp_invoke<Q, void>, std::is_same<void, void>>));
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_TRUE((std::is_same<mp_invoke<Q, int[]>, std::is_same<void, int[]>>));
using Q = mp_quote<X, char[1], char[2], char[3]>;
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_TRUE((std::is_same<mp_invoke<Q, int[1], int[2], int[3]>, X<char[1], char[2], char[3], int[1], int[2], int[3]>>));
using Q = mp_quote<mp_identity_t>;
// using R1 = Y<Q::fn, void, char, int>;
// BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_TRUE((std::is_same<R1, X<void, char, int>>));
// error: pack expansion used as argument for non-pack parameter of alias template
#if defined( BOOST_MSVC ) && BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1910 && BOOST_MSVC >= 1900 )
using R2 = Z<Q, void, char, int>;
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_TRUE((std::is_same<R2, X<void, char, int>>));
using Q = mp_quote<is_base_of_t, B>;
#if defined( BOOST_MSVC ) && BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1800 )
using R1 = Y<Q::fn, D1, D2, ND, int>;
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_TRUE((std::is_same<R1, X<std::true_type, std::true_type, std::false_type, std::false_type>>));
#if defined( BOOST_MSVC ) && BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1910 && BOOST_MSVC >= 1900 )
using R2 = Z<Q, D1, D2, ND, int>;
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_TRUE((std::is_same<R2, X<std::true_type, std::true_type, std::false_type, std::false_type>>));
return boost::report_errors();