Commit Graph

  • b99afdaac3 * changing thrust operations karsten 2011-01-19 11:24:04 +0000
  • 95f7008caf changing the operations to work with units in future karsten 2011-01-19 10:18:43 +0000
  • ea0b80941e * added fusion algebra, chahged size_adjuster to work with units karsten 2011-01-19 08:30:13 +0000
  • 5f67c5f95c * finished ideas/units karsten 2011-01-18 14:53:19 +0000
  • 4e5f6b248b * making the system call compatible with boost::ref * introducing ideas/units karsten 2011-01-18 13:14:20 +0000
  • 593f3e97f8 * evaluating boost::ref for calling the system function karsten 2011-01-17 22:09:30 +0000
  • d062e60107 * updated algebras, included const versions for boost.range karsten 2011-01-11 20:14:54 +0000
  • 98d67eea6a adjust_sizer works now with boost::array instead of ptr_array karsten 2011-01-11 18:12:15 +0000
  • 3097c0b61d * thrust algebra update karsten 2011-01-11 17:48:19 +0000
  • d2420a1435 rosenbrock continued karsten 2011-01-11 14:22:39 +0000
  • 686af3a3fb working on rosenbrock4 karsten 2011-01-11 09:07:55 +0000
  • c8396ecc7e continue rosenbrock karsten 2011-01-10 16:48:37 +0000
  • 9fa549e701 * small template parameter change in controlled_error_stepper * introducing ideas/rosenbrock4 karsten 2011-01-09 17:33:16 +0000
  • d8e2e11d1e checking header dependencies karsten 2011-01-02 10:45:13 +0000
  • 1f139e709a fixing Jamfiles and including some project in Jamroot karsten 2010-12-05 15:54:21 +0000
  • 1eb870bc33 more performance tests mariomulansky 2010-12-03 14:50:08 +0000
  • 0e52bd4707 * mini changes karsten 2010-12-03 08:21:27 +0000
  • ba2d5e5eb8 rk fusion working performance odeint, mpl , fusion mariomulansky 2010-12-01 15:52:17 +0000
  • 6f9883c574 * removing the dependency of standard_algebra on the container_type karsten 2010-12-01 12:51:28 +0000
  • 19b9959322 * minimal changes in typedefs karsten 2010-11-26 16:57:29 +0000
  • c8f4791ebb * minimal changes in types karsten 2010-11-26 16:54:07 +0000
  • f1152b3792 * generic stepper typedefs and type construction karsten 2010-11-26 16:49:44 +0000
  • 1104d3cc68 added stage category for first, intermediate and last stage todo: do_step mariomulansky 2010-11-24 15:20:45 +0000
  • f38618ca9f generic runge kutta stepper with fusion vectors and boost arrays mariomulansky 2010-11-24 09:47:19 +0000
  • 18013d0e92 now using arrays mariomulansky 2010-11-23 09:44:25 +0000
  • f12fd3c00a + fusion stepper mariomulansky 2010-11-21 17:29:28 +0000
  • fb1f32778a * add fusion_array to ideas/generic_stepper karsten 2010-11-14 19:18:06 +0000
  • 4db1c5bbb4 it conpiles, but quite messy mariomulansky 2010-11-13 23:38:06 +0000
  • 6de3ee1739 first draw of generic stepper mariomulansky 2010-11-12 18:22:16 +0000
  • 92261c3f95 Adding bjam support for the butcher idea karsten 2010-11-10 10:34:01 +0000
  • 5276fb7be1 * butcher tableau steppers introduced in ideas karsten 2010-11-07 13:48:11 +0000
  • dfa77af624 * dense output dopri5 finalized karsten 2010-11-03 12:41:19 +0000
  • 34575ca069 * interface changes for the fsal steppers * some test routines for dense output steppers and controlled steppers karsten 2010-11-02 14:39:28 +0000
  • 0cf7ab86e5 * dense output dopri 5 * some formating and comments karsten 2010-11-01 17:22:14 +0000
  • df13dd8939 * test frame for gsl vectors created * initialize dense output Dormand Prince 5 karsten 2010-10-25 17:45:49 +0000
  • a421786303 added a quick'n'dirty binding for using explicit_euler with intel mkl routines mariomulansky 2010-10-05 11:14:18 +0000
  • acf4c46437 renamed stepper tags mariomulansky 2010-10-01 14:17:15 +0000
  • 3dc19c3a15 controlled stepper now works properly with fsal steppers mariomulansky 2010-10-01 13:43:46 +0000
  • 204d9a9eae * introducing the dense_output_explicit_euler stepper * some minor changes in the stepper_base classes ( const correctness ... ) * introducing the check_dense_output_explicit_euler test * introducing some source code analyzing tools, they are not finished yet karsten 2010-09-30 10:12:12 +0000
  • 12e81ad32f fixed bug in check_implicit_euler mariomulansky 2010-09-29 17:39:09 +0000
  • d67823ec8a added some const correctness mariomulansky 2010-09-29 15:52:02 +0000
  • f6ab784406 implementation of dopri5 rearranged parameters of do_step: out now comes behind t to avoid ambiguities mariomulansky 2010-09-29 15:28:33 +0000
  • 01760bd943 changed adjust_size to return bool mariomulansky 2010-09-29 12:21:38 +0000
  • c371e217e5 Splitting the file explicit_stepper_base.hpp into * base/explicit_stepper_base.hpp * base/explicit_error_stepper_base.hpp * base/explicit_stepper_and_error_stepper_base.hpp karsten 2010-09-29 11:54:31 +0000
  • 9f0b7fac14 fixed small bug in error_checker controlled_stepper_tests working now mariomulansky 2010-09-28 09:49:00 +0000
  • b6a125a657 fixing the check_resize test karsten 2010-09-10 13:40:57 +0000
  • 7f0d084293 * reorganizing the tests and small bug fixing karsten 2010-09-10 13:24:40 +0000
  • 247b3bb8ba * the stepper are now noncopyable * note that due to this restriction some tests are ugly karsten 2010-09-05 09:50:59 +0000
  • e92160646d * changing the in-place stepping to in- and out-place stepping * introducing the dopri5 method karsten 2010-08-19 15:59:01 +0000
  • 3369af1916 change the inplace transformation behaviour karsten 2010-08-19 13:49:34 +0000
  • a7740186c9 add some conditional compiler statements to get it working with nvcc again on a first glance, nvcc seems not to be able to compile boost::type_traits so it doesn't work with boost::range or boost::ublas either mariomulansky 2010-08-16 12:18:47 +0000
  • 3af3bdd0e1 reorganizing this branch karsten 2010-08-16 09:38:33 +0000
  • f50df5d0c0 +stiff example mariomulansky 2010-08-15 20:54:23 +0000
  • da88b658e1 added implicit euler (not working, yet) mariomulansky 2010-08-13 14:35:09 +0000
  • 9f1225a72b added gmp test switched to dynamic linking of gsl mariomulansky 2010-08-12 20:16:38 +0000
  • 18ded6fa80 add gmp test case (yet empty) mariomulansky 2010-08-12 14:33:43 +0000
  • a1b73d9e7b implemented error_checker mariomulansky 2010-08-10 16:20:48 +0000
  • d9bd52b119 * added construct and destruct possibilities for state types * added controlled stepper karsten 2010-07-23 14:59:48 +0000
  • 1bcf9ce33f adjuster changed karsten 2010-07-22 14:59:46 +0000
  • bad33ddee9 * clean up and organizing test * gsl_vector adaptor introduced * vector space algebra refinded * rk54_ck, rk4 implemented * some base classes for error stepper karsten 2010-07-15 16:58:13 +0000
  • be25ea1a0d * add resize functionality test * small changes in the stepper base * organizing the standard algebra karsten 2010-07-15 07:24:17 +0000
  • f88cc5d7e7 small changes in algebra karsten 2010-07-14 06:41:39 +0000
  • 044376a849 first implementation of error stepper rk_ck mariomulansky 2010-07-12 15:54:16 +0000
  • 02b6c43d77 named adjust_size2 back to adjust_size mariomulansky 2010-07-12 14:44:23 +0000
  • 9d8c1fb853 added test case for thrust mariomulansky 2010-07-12 11:03:46 +0000
  • b3fd73cbca added eclipse project files to my branch karsten 2010-07-10 11:03:12 +0000
  • f19ada7f82 checked in the draft karsten 2010-07-08 15:11:44 +0000
  • 6745908daf reorganizing my branch karsten 2010-07-05 11:09:04 +0000
  • a6a0249655 adding Jamroot karsten 2010-05-05 19:53:09 +0000
  • c166c2632e structurized my branch karsten 2010-05-05 19:52:04 +0000
  • 4c100ae931 added dev branch karsten 2010-03-24 07:58:05 +0000
  • 3e9b57fac5 merged trunk into branch karsten 2009-12-13 13:37:17 +0000
  • 2b76c0756c merging trunk into branch karsten 2009-12-13 13:28:47 +0000
  • 84678d6dcf intergration of the container_traits karsten 2009-12-13 12:39:39 +0000
  • 201d771520 forgot a bracket mariomulansky 2009-12-13 10:33:56 +0000
  • f73664382c static casts in container traits mariomulansky 2009-12-11 14:19:57 +0000
  • b53b83e84f one example added karsten 2009-12-10 22:48:22 +0000
  • 980d4115f3 added two hamiltonian solvers karsten 2009-12-10 17:06:58 +0000
  • 55f80cca82 container_traits included karsten 2009-12-09 21:44:37 +0000
  • f99d12b4c6 static_cast in iterator algebra mariomulansky 2009-12-09 20:46:40 +0000
  • 76d3fa041b iterator traits... mariomulansky 2009-12-09 16:55:24 +0000
  • 8475bfacee added container traits to karstens branch karsten 2009-12-08 21:05:00 +0000
  • 3addca3fe6 create new branch karsten 2009-12-08 21:00:59 +0000
  • 88da98e37b Move top-level boost directory over to "devel" (temporarily) Douglas Gregor 2007-07-31 20:32:15 +0000