the detailed docs on the integrate functions now contain a description of the new max_step_checker functionality.
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Copyright 2009-2012 Karsten Ahnert
Copyright 2011-2013 Mario Mulansky
Copyright 2012 Sylwester Arabas
Copyright 2013 Pascal Germroth
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[library Boost.Numeric.Odeint
[quickbook 1.5]
[id odeint]
[dirname odeint]
[authors [Ahnert, Karsten], [Mulansky, Mario]]
[copyright 2009-2015 Karsten Ahnert and Mario Mulansky]
[category math]
Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy
at [@http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt])
[include auto_index_helpers.qbk]
[def __boost_lambda
[@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/lambda/ Boost.Lambda]]
[def __boost_phoenix
[@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/phoenix/ Boost.Phoenix]]
[def __boost_operators
[@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/utility/operators.htm Boost.Operators]]
[def __boost_ref
[@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/bind/ref.html Boost.Ref]]
[def __boost_range
[@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/range/ Boost.Range]]
[def __boost_units
[@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/units/ Boost.Units]]
[def __boost_fusion
[@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/fusion/ Boost.Fusion]]
[def __boost_graph
[@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/graph/ Boost.Graph]]
[def __boost_multiprecision
[@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/multiprecision/ Boost.Multiprecision]]
[def __boost_mpi
[@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/mpi/ Boost.MPI]]
[def __thrust
[@http://code.google.com/p/thrust/ Thrust]]
[def __ublas
[@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/numeric/ublas/index.html Boost.uBLAS]]
[def __intel_mkl
[@http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-mkl/ Intel Math Kernel Library]]
[def __gsl
[@http://www.gsl.org GSL]]
[def __vexcl
[@https://github.com/ddemidov/vexcl VexCL]]
[def __concepts
[link boost_numeric_odeint.concepts Concepts]]
[def __system
[link boost_numeric_odeint.concepts.system System]]
[def __symplectic_system
[link boost_numeric_odeint.concepts.symplectic_system Symplectic System]]
[def __simple_symplectic_system
[link boost_numeric_odeint.concepts.simple_symplectic_system Simple Symplectic System]]
[def __implicit_system
[link boost_numeric_odeint.concepts.implicit_system Implicit System]]
[def __second_order_system
[link boost_numeric_odeint.concepts.second_order_system Second Order System]]
[def __stepper
[link boost_numeric_odeint.concepts.stepper Stepper]]
[def __error_stepper
[link boost_numeric_odeint.concepts.error_stepper Error Stepper]]
[def __controlled_stepper
[link boost_numeric_odeint.concepts.controlled_stepper Controlled Stepper]]
[def __dense_output_stepper
[link boost_numeric_odeint.concepts.dense_output_stepper Dense Output Stepper]]
[def __integrate_functions
[link boost_numeric_odeint.odeint_in_detail.integrate_functions integrate functions]]
[def __tutorial
[link boost_numeric_odeint.tutorial Tutorial]]
[def __tut_solar_system
[link boost_numeric_odeint.tutorial.solar_system Solar System]]
[def __tut_chaotic_system
[link boost_numeric_odeint.tutorial.chaotic_systems_and_lyapunov_exponents Chaotic System]]
[def __tut_harmonic_oscillator
[link boost_numeric_odeint.tutorial.harmonic_oscillator Harmonic Oscillator]]
[def __using_steppers
[link boost_numeric_odeint.odeint_in_detail.steppers.using_steppers Using steppers]]
[def __generation_functions
[link boost_numeric_odeint.odeint_in_detail.generation_functions Generation functions]]
[def __adapt_state_types
[link boost_numeric_odeint.odeint_in_detail.state_types__algebras_and_operations Adapt your own state types]]
[def __resizing_lattice_example
[link boost_numeric_odeint.tutorial.self_expanding_lattices Self expanding lattices]]
[def __odeint_stepper_table
[link boost_numeric_odeint.odeint_in_detail.steppers.stepper_overview Stepper overview]]
[def __nr_ref [link numerical_recipies \[1\] ]]
[def __hairer_1_ref [link hairer_solving_odes_1 \[2\] ]]
[def __hairer_2_ref [link hairer_solving_odes_2 \[3\] ]]
[def __hairer_geom_ref [link hairer_geometrical_numeric_integration \[4\] ]]
[def __leimkuhler_reich_ref [link leimkuhler_reich_simulating_hamiltonian_dynamics \[5\] ]]
[def __symplectic_integrator_1_ref [link symplectic_yoshida_symplectic_integrators \[6\] ]]
[def __symplectic_integrator_2_ref [link symplectic_mylachlan_symmetric_composition_mehtods \[7\] ]]
[def __fpu_scholarpedia_ref [link fpu_scholarpedia \[8\] ]]
[def __synchronization_pikovsky_ref [link synchronization_pikovsky_rosenblum \[9\] ]]
[def __alpha '''α''']
[def __Alpha '''Α''']
[def __beta '''β''']
[def __Beta '''Β''']
[def __gamma '''γ''']
[def __Gamma '''Γ''']
[def __delta '''δ''']
[def __Delta '''Δ''']
[def __epsilon '''ε''']
[def __Epsilon '''Ε''']
[def __zeta '''ζ''']
[def __Zeta '''Ζ''']
[def __eta '''η''']
[def __Eta '''Η''']
[def __theta '''θ''']
[def __Theta '''Θ''']
[def __iota '''ι''']
[def __Iota '''Ι''']
[def __kappa '''κ''']
[def __Kappa '''Κ''']
[def __lambda '''λ'''][/lower case]
[def __Lambda '''Λ'''][/upper case]
[def __mu '''μ''']
[def __Mu '''Μ''']
[def __nu '''ν''']
[def __Nu '''Ν''']
[def __xi '''ξ''']
[def __Xi '''Ξ''']
[def __omicron '''ο''']
[def __Omicron '''Ο''']
[def __pi '''π''']
[def __Pi '''Π''']
[def __rho '''ρ''']
[def __Rho '''Ρ''']
[def __sigma '''σ''']
[def __Sigma '''Σ''']
[def __tau '''τ''']
[def __Tau '''Τ''']
[def __upsilon '''υ''']
[def __Upsilon '''Υ''']
[def __phi '''φ''']
[def __Phi '''Φ''']
[def __chi '''χ''']
[def __Chi '''Χ''']
[def __psi '''ψ''']
[def __Psi '''Ψ''']
[def __Omega '''Ω''']
[def __omega '''ω''']
[def __space '''​''']
[template super[x]'''<superscript>'''[x]'''</superscript>''']
[template supl[x]'''<superscript>'''__space[x]'''</superscript>''']
[template sub[x]'''<subscript>'''[x]'''</subscript>''']
[template subl[x]'''<subscript>'''__space[x]'''</subscript>''']
[template github_link[url text]'''<ulink url="https://github.com/headmyshoulder/odeint-v2/blob/master/'''[url]'''" target="_blank">'''[text]'''</ulink>''']
[/ [template github_link[url text]'''<ulink url="../../../../../'''[url]'''" target="_blank">'''[text]'''</ulink>''']]
[include getting_started.qbk]
[include tutorial.qbk]
[include details.qbk]
[include concepts.qbk]
[include literature.qbk]
[include acknowledgements.qbk]
[xinclude reference.xml]
[section:indexes Indexes]
[named_index class_name Class Index]
[named_index function_name Function Index]
[named_index typedef_name Typedef Index]
[named_index macro_name Macro Index]
# Α Α Α U+0391 Greek capital letter alpha
# Β Β Β U+0392 Greek capital letter beta
# Γ Γ Γ U+0393 Greek capital letter gamma ISOgrk3
# Δ Δ Δ U+0394 Greek capital letter delta ISOgrk3
# Ε Ε Ε U+0395 Greek capital letter epsilon
# Ζ Ζ Ζ U+0396 Greek capital letter zeta
# Η Η Η U+0397 Greek capital letter eta
# Θ Θ Θ U+0398 Greek capital letter theta ISOgrk3
# Ι Ι Ι U+0399 Greek capital letter iota
# Κ Κ Κ U+039A Greek capital letter kappa
# Λ Λ Λ U+039B Greek capital letter lambda ISOgrk3
# Μ Μ Μ U+039C Greek capital letter mu
# Ν Ν Ν U+039D Greek capital letter nu
# Ξ Ξ Ξ U+039E Greek capital letter xi ISOgrk3
# Ο Ο Ο U+039F Greek capital letter omicron
# Π Π Π U+03A0 Greek capital letter pi ISOgrk3
# Ρ Ρ Ρ U+03A1 Greek capital letter rho
# Σ Σ Σ U+03A3 Greek capital letter sigma ISOgrk3
# Τ Τ Τ U+03A4 Greek capital letter tau
# Υ Υ Υ U+03A5 Greek capital letter upsilon ISOgrk3
# Φ Φ Φ U+03A6 Greek capital letter phi ISOgrk3
# Χ Χ Χ U+03A7 Greek capital letter chi
# Ψ Ψ Ψ U+03A8 Greek capital letter psi ISOgrk3
# Ω Ω Ω U+03A9 Greek capital letter omega ISOgrk3
# α α α U+03B1 Greek small letter alpha ISOgrk3
# β β β U+03B2 Greek small letter beta ISOgrk3
# γ γ γ U+03B3 Greek small letter gamma ISOgrk3
# δ δ δ U+03B4 Greek small letter delta ISOgrk3
# ε ε ε U+03B5 Greek small letter epsilon ISOgrk3
# ζ ζ ζ U+03B6 Greek small letter zeta ISOgrk3
# η η η U+03B7 Greek small letter eta ISOgrk3
# θ θ θ U+03B8 Greek small letter theta ISOgrk3
# ι ι ι U+03B9 Greek small letter iota ISOgrk3
# κ κ κ U+03BA Greek small letter kappa ISOgrk3
# λ λ λ U+03BB Greek small letter lambda ISOgrk3
# μ μ μ U+03BC Greek small letter mu ISOgrk3
# ν ν ν U+03BD Greek small letter nu ISOgrk3
# ξ ξ ξ U+03BE Greek small letter xi ISOgrk3
# ο ο ο U+03BF Greek small letter omicron New
# π π π U+03C0 Greek small letter pi ISOgrk3
# ρ ρ ρ U+03C1 Greek small letter rho ISOgrk3
# ς ς ς U+03C2 Greek small letter final sigma ISOgrk3
# σ σ σ U+03C3 Greek small letter sigma ISOgrk3
# τ τ τ U+03C4 Greek small letter tau ISOgrk3
# υ υ υ U+03C5 Greek small letter upsilon ISOgrk3
# φ φ φ U+03C6 Greek small letter phi ISOgrk3
# χ χ χ U+03C7 Greek small letter chi ISOgrk3
# ψ ψ ψ U+03C8 Greek small letter psi ISOgrk3
# ω ω ω U+03C9 Greek small letter omega ISOgrk3
# ϑ ϑ ϑ U+03D1 Greek small letter theta symbol New
# ϒ ϒ ϒ U+03D2 Greek upsilon with hook symbol New
# ϖ ϖ ϖ U+03D6 Greek pi symbol ISOgrk3