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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h1 style="clear: both">Experimental</h1></div></div></div>
<p>In <code><boost/outcome/experimental></code>, there ships an Outcome-based simulation of
the proposed <a href="https://wg21.link/P1095">P1095 <em>Zero overhead deterministic failure</em></a>
specific implementation of <a href="http://wg21.link/P0709">P0709 <em>Zero overhead exceptions: Throwing values</em></a>, aka “Herbceptions”. This library-only implementation lets you use a close simulacrum
of potential future C++ lightweight exceptions today in <a href="./requirements.html">any C++ 14 compiler
which Outcome supports</a>.</p>
<div class="notices warning" style="background: url('images/warning.png') top left no-repeat padding-box padding-box;">
<div class="notices heading">warning</div>
<div class="notices message"><p><b>It is stressed, in the strongest possible terms, that any item inside
<code><boost/outcome/experimental></code> is subject to unannounced breaking change based
on WG21 standards committee feedback</b>. That said, the chances are high
that most of those breaking changes will be to naming rather than to
fundamental semantics, so you can upgrade with a bit of find and replace.
There are quite a few large code bases out there
already using this experimental support in anger, we know it works well
at scale and it’s a good bit superior to <code>std::error_code</code> et al on every
<p>P1095’s support library has a reference implementation at <a href="https://ned14.github.io/status-code/">https://ned14.github.io/status-code/</a>.
You will find terse documentation there, and an API reference.
This library is wholly incorporated into Outcome in the <code><boost/outcome/experimental/status-code></code>
directory, with bindings into Outcome provided in the following headers:</p>
<p>These headers import the entire contents of the <code>BOOST_OUTCOME_SYSTEM_ERROR2_NAMESPACE</code>
namespace into the <code>BOOST_OUTCOME_V2_NAMESPACE::experimental</code> namespace. You
can thus address everything in <code>BOOST_OUTCOME_SYSTEM_ERROR2_NAMESPACE</code> via
<p>As P1095 also proposes C language support for lightweight C++ exceptions,
experimental Outcome also has a macro-based C interface that enables C
code to work with the C-compatible subset of <code>status_result<T, E></code>:</p>
</div><p><small>Last revised: January 26, 2019 at 21:01:46 UTC</small></p>
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