Thomas Heller 47ba299044 started BLL compatibility tests
[SVN r67431]
2010-12-23 16:35:03 +00:00

108 lines
2.4 KiB

// cast_tests.cpp -- The Boost Lambda Library ------------------
// Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Jaakko Jarvi (
// Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Gary Powell (
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// For more information, see
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <boost/test/minimal.hpp> // see "Header Implementation Option"
#include "boost/lambda/lambda.hpp"
#include "boost/lambda/casts.hpp"
#include <string>
using namespace boost::lambda;
using namespace std;
class base {
int x;
virtual std::string class_name() const { return "const base"; }
virtual std::string class_name() { return "base"; }
virtual ~base() {}
class derived : public base {
int y[100];
virtual std::string class_name() const { return "const derived"; }
virtual std::string class_name() { return "derived"; }
void do_test() {
derived *p_derived = new derived;
base *p_base = new base;
base *b = 0;
derived *d = 0;
(var(b) = ll_static_cast<base *>(p_derived))();
(var(d) = ll_static_cast<derived *>(b))();
BOOST_CHECK(b->class_name() == "derived");
BOOST_CHECK(d->class_name() == "derived");
(var(b) = ll_dynamic_cast<derived *>(b))();
BOOST_CHECK(b != 0);
BOOST_CHECK(b->class_name() == "derived");
(var(d) = ll_dynamic_cast<derived *>(p_base))();
BOOST_CHECK(d == 0);
const derived* p_const_derived = p_derived;
BOOST_CHECK(p_const_derived->class_name() == "const derived");
(var(d) = ll_const_cast<derived *>(p_const_derived))();
BOOST_CHECK(d->class_name() == "derived");
int i = 10;
char* cp = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&i);
int* ip;
(var(ip) = ll_reinterpret_cast<int *>(cp))();
BOOST_CHECK(*ip == 10);
// typeid
BOOST_CHECK(string(ll_typeid(d)().name()) == string(typeid(d).name()));
// sizeof
BOOST_CHECK(ll_sizeof(_1)(p_derived) == sizeof(p_derived));
BOOST_CHECK(ll_sizeof(_1)(*p_derived) == sizeof(*p_derived));
BOOST_CHECK(ll_sizeof(_1)(p_base) == sizeof(p_base));
BOOST_CHECK(ll_sizeof(_1)(*p_base) == sizeof(*p_base));
int an_array[100];
BOOST_CHECK(ll_sizeof(_1)(an_array) == 100 * sizeof(int));
delete p_derived;
delete p_base;
int test_main(int, char *[]) {
return 0;