429 lines
17 KiB
429 lines
17 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2008 Rene Rivera
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
import re
import optparse
import time
import xml.dom.minidom
import xml.dom.pulldom
from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape, escape
import os.path
from pprint import pprint
from __builtin__ import exit
class BuildOutputXMLParsing(object):
XML parsing utilities for dealing with the Boost Build output
XML format.
def get_child_data( self, root, tag = None, id = None, name = None, strip = False, default = None ):
return self.get_data(self.get_child(root,tag=tag,id=id,name=name),strip=strip,default=default)
def get_data( self, node, strip = False, default = None ):
data = None
if node:
data_node = None
if not data_node:
data_node = self.get_child(node,tag='#text')
if not data_node:
data_node = self.get_child(node,tag='#cdata-section')
data = ""
while data_node:
data += data_node.data
data_node = data_node.nextSibling
if data_node:
if data_node.nodeName != '#text' \
and data_node.nodeName != '#cdata-section':
data_node = None
if not data:
data = default
if strip:
data = data.strip()
return data
def get_child( self, root, tag = None, id = None, name = None, type = None ):
return self.get_sibling(root.firstChild,tag=tag,id=id,name=name,type=type)
def get_sibling( self, sibling, tag = None, id = None, name = None, type = None ):
n = sibling
while n:
found = True
if type and found:
found = found and type == n.nodeType
if tag and found:
found = found and tag == n.nodeName
if (id or name) and found:
found = found and n.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE
if id and found:
if n.hasAttribute('id'):
found = found and n.getAttribute('id') == id
found = found and n.hasAttribute('id') and n.getAttribute('id') == id
if name and found:
found = found and n.hasAttribute('name') and n.getAttribute('name') == name
if found:
return n
n = n.nextSibling
return None
class BuildOutputProcessor(BuildOutputXMLParsing):
def __init__(self, inputs):
self.test = {}
self.target_to_test = {}
self.target = {}
self.parent = {}
self.timestamps = []
for input in inputs:
def add_input(self, input):
Add a single build XML output file to our data.
events = xml.dom.pulldom.parse(input)
context = []
for (event,node) in events:
if event == xml.dom.pulldom.START_ELEMENT:
if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
x_f = self.x_name_(*context)
if x_f:
# expanding eats the end element, hence walking us out one level
# call handler
elif event == xml.dom.pulldom.END_ELEMENT:
def x_name_(self, *context, **kwargs):
node = None
names = [ ]
for c in context:
if c:
if not isinstance(c,xml.dom.Node):
suffix = '_'+c.replace('-','_').replace('#','_')
suffix = '_'+c.nodeName.replace('-','_').replace('#','_')
node = c
names = map(lambda x: x+suffix,names)
if node:
for name in names:
if hasattr(self,name):
return (name,getattr(self,name))
return None
def x_build_test(self, node):
Records the initial test information that will eventually
get expanded as we process the rest of the results.
test_node = node
test_name = test_node.getAttribute('name')
test_target = self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='target',strip=True)
## print ">>> %s %s" %(test_name,test_target)
self.test[test_name] = {
'library' : "/".join(test_name.split('/')[0:-1]),
'test-name' : test_name.split('/')[-1],
'test-type' : test_node.getAttribute('type').lower(),
'test-program' : self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='source',strip=True),
'target' : test_target,
'info' : self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='info',strip=True),
'dependencies' : [],
'actions' : [],
# Add a lookup for the test given the test target.
self.target_to_test[self.test[test_name]['target']] = test_name
return None
def x_build_targets_target( self, node ):
Process the target dependency DAG into an ancestry tree so we can look up
which top-level library and test targets specific build actions correspond to.
target_node = node
name = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='name',strip=True)
path = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='path',strip=True)
jam_target = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='jam-target',strip=True)
#~ Map for jam targets to virtual targets.
self.target[jam_target] = {
'name' : name,
'path' : path
#~ Create the ancestry.
dep_node = self.get_child(self.get_child(target_node,tag='dependencies'),tag='dependency')
while dep_node:
child = self.get_data(dep_node,strip=True)
child_jam_target = '<p%s>%s' % (path,child.split('//',1)[1])
self.parent[child_jam_target] = jam_target
dep_node = self.get_sibling(dep_node.nextSibling,tag='dependency')
return None
def x_build_action( self, node ):
Given a build action log, process into the corresponding test log and
specific test log sub-part.
action_node = node
name = self.get_child(action_node,tag='name')
if name:
name = self.get_data(name)
#~ Based on the action, we decide what sub-section the log
#~ should go into.
action_type = None
if re.match('[^%]+%[^.]+[.](compile)',name):
action_type = 'compile'
elif re.match('[^%]+%[^.]+[.](link|archive)',name):
action_type = 'link'
elif re.match('[^%]+%testing[.](capture-output)',name):
action_type = 'run'
elif re.match('[^%]+%testing[.](expect-failure|expect-success)',name):
action_type = 'result'
# TODO: Enable to see what other actions can be included in the test results.
# action_type = None
action_type = 'other'
#~ print "+ [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,'','')
if action_type:
#~ Get the corresponding test.
(target,test) = self.get_test(action_node,type=action_type)
#~ Skip action that have no corresponding test as they are
#~ regular build actions and don't need to show up in the
#~ regression results.
if not test:
##print "??? [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,target,test)
return None
##print "+++ [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,target,test)
#~ Collect some basic info about the action.
action = {
'command' : self.get_action_command(action_node,action_type),
'output' : self.get_action_output(action_node,action_type),
'info' : self.get_action_info(action_node,action_type)
#~ For the test result status we find the appropriate node
#~ based on the type of test. Then adjust the result status
#~ accordingly. This makes the result status reflect the
#~ expectation as the result pages post processing does not
#~ account for this inversion.
action['type'] = action_type
if action_type == 'result':
if re.match(r'^compile',test['test-type']):
action['type'] = 'compile'
elif re.match(r'^link',test['test-type']):
action['type'] = 'link'
elif re.match(r'^run',test['test-type']):
action['type'] = 'run'
#~ The result sub-part we will add this result to.
if action_node.getAttribute('status') == '0':
action['result'] = 'succeed'
action['result'] = 'fail'
# Add the action to the test.
# Set the test result if this is the result action for the test.
if action_type == 'result':
test['result'] = action['result']
return None
def x_build_timestamp( self, node ):
The time-stamp goes to the corresponding attribute in the result.
return None
def get_test( self, node, type = None ):
Find the test corresponding to an action. For testing targets these
are the ones pre-declared in the --dump-test option. For libraries
we create a dummy test as needed.
jam_target = self.get_child_data(node,tag='jam-target')
base = self.target[jam_target]['name']
target = jam_target
while target in self.parent:
target = self.parent[target]
#~ print "--- TEST: %s ==> %s" %(jam_target,target)
#~ main-target-type is a precise indicator of what the build target is
#~ originally meant to be.
#main_type = self.get_child_data(self.get_child(node,tag='properties'),
# name='main-target-type',strip=True)
main_type = None
if main_type == 'LIB' and type:
lib = self.target[target]['name']
if not lib in self.test:
self.test[lib] = {
'library' : re.search(r'libs/([^/]+)',lib).group(1),
'test-name' : os.path.basename(lib),
'test-type' : 'lib',
'test-program' : os.path.basename(lib),
'target' : lib
test = self.test[lib]
target_name_ = self.target[target]['name']
if self.target_to_test.has_key(target_name_):
test = self.test[self.target_to_test[target_name_]]
test = None
return (base,test)
#~ The command executed for the action. For run actions we omit the command
#~ as it's just noise.
def get_action_command( self, action_node, action_type ):
if action_type != 'run':
return self.get_child_data(action_node,tag='command')
return ''
#~ The command output.
def get_action_output( self, action_node, action_type ):
return self.get_child_data(action_node,tag='output',default='')
#~ Some basic info about the action.
def get_action_info( self, action_node, action_type ):
info = {}
#~ The jam action and target.
info['name'] = self.get_child_data(action_node,tag='name')
info['path'] = self.get_child_data(action_node,tag='path')
#~ The timing of the action.
info['time-start'] = action_node.getAttribute('start')
info['time-end'] = action_node.getAttribute('end')
info['time-user'] = action_node.getAttribute('user')
info['time-system'] = action_node.getAttribute('system')
#~ Testing properties.
test_info_prop = self.get_child_data(self.get_child(action_node,tag='properties'),name='test-info')
info['always_show_run_output'] = test_info_prop == 'always_show_run_output'
#~ And for compiles some context that may be hidden if using response files.
if action_type == 'compile':
info['define'] = []
define = self.get_child(self.get_child(action_node,tag='properties'),name='define')
while define:
define = self.get_sibling(define.nextSibling,name='define')
return info
class BuildConsoleSummaryReport(object):
HEADER = '\033[35m\033[1m'
INFO = '\033[34m'
OK = '\033[32m'
WARNING = '\033[33m'
FAIL = '\033[31m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
def __init__(self, bop, opt):
self.bop = bop
def generate(self):
self.summary_info = {
'total' : 0,
'success' : 0,
'failed' : [],
def failed(self):
return len(self.summary_info['failed']) > 0
def print_test_log(self):
self.header_print("Tests run..")
for k in sorted(self.bop.test.keys()):
test = self.bop.test[k]
if len(test['actions']) > 0:
self.summary_info['total'] += 1
##print ">>>> {0}".format(test['test-name'])
if 'result' in test:
succeed = test['result'] == 'succeed'
succeed = test['actions'][-1]['result'] == 'succeed'
if succeed:
self.summary_info['success'] += 1
if succeed:
self.ok_print("[PASS] {0}",k)
self.fail_print("[FAIL] {0}",k)
for action in test['actions']:
self.print_action(succeed, action)
def print_action(self, test_succeed, action):
Print the detailed info of failed or always print tests.
#self.info_print(">>> {0}",action.keys())
if not test_succeed or action['info']['always_show_run_output']:
output = action['output'].strip()
if output != "":
p = self.fail_print if action['result'] == 'fail' else self.p_print
self.info_print("({0}) {1}",action['info']['name'],action['info']['path'])
for line in output.splitlines():
def print_summary(self):
self.header_print("Testing summary..")
self.p_print("Total: {0}",self.summary_info['total'])
self.p_print("Success: {0}",self.summary_info['success'])
if self.failed:
self.fail_print("Failed: {0}",len(self.summary_info['failed']))
for test in self.summary_info['failed']:
self.fail_print(" {0}/{1}",test['library'],test['test-name'])
def p_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
print format.format(*args,**kargs)
def info_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
print self.INFO+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
def header_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
print self.HEADER+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
def ok_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
print self.OK+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
def warn_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
print self.WARNING+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
def fail_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
print self.FAIL+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
class Main(object):
def __init__(self,args=None):
op = optparse.OptionParser(
usage="%prog [options] input+")
op.add_option( '--output',
help="type of output to generate" )
( opt, inputs ) = op.parse_args(args)
bop = BuildOutputProcessor(inputs)
output = None
if opt.output == 'console':
output = BuildConsoleSummaryReport(bop, opt)
if output:
self.failed = output.failed
if __name__ == '__main__':
m = Main()
if m.failed: