390 lines
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390 lines
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Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman
Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
[section:parse_api Parser API]
[section:iterator_api Iterator Based Parser API]
[heading Description]
The library provides a couple of free functions to make parsing a snap.
These parser functions have two forms. The first form `parse` works on
the character level. The second `phrase_parse` works on the phrase level
and requires skip parser. Both versions can take in attributes by
reference that will hold the parsed values on a successful parse.
[heading Header]
// forwards to <boost/spirit/home/qi/parse.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_parse.hpp>
For variadic attributes:
// forwards to <boost/spirit/home/qi/parse_attr.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_parse_attr.hpp>
The variadic attributes version of the API allows one or more
attributes to be passed into the parse functions. The functions taking two
or more are usable when the parser expression is a __qi_sequence__ only.
In this case each of the attributes passed have to match the corresponding
part of the sequence.
For the API functions deducing the correct (matching) parser type from the
supplied attribute type:
// forwards to <boost/spirit/home/qi/detail/parse_auto.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_parse_auto.hpp>
Also, see __include_structure__.
[heading Namespace]
[[`boost::spirit::qi::parse` ]]
[[`boost::spirit::qi::phrase_parse` ]]
[[`boost::spirit::qi::skip_flag::postskip` ]]
[[`boost::spirit::qi::skip_flag::dont_postskip` ]]
[heading Synopsis]
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace qi
template <typename Iterator, typename Expr>
inline bool
Iterator& first
, Iterator last
, Expr const& expr);
template <typename Iterator, typename Expr
, typename Attr1, typename Attr2, ..., typename AttrN>
inline bool
Iterator& first
, Iterator last
, Expr const& expr
, Attr1& attr1, Attr2& attr2, ..., AttrN& attrN);
template <typename Iterator, typename Expr, typename Skipper>
inline bool
Iterator& first
, Iterator last
, Expr const& expr
, Skipper const& skipper
, BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(skip_flag) post_skip = skip_flag::postskip);
template <typename Iterator, typename Expr, typename Skipper
, typename Attr1, typename Attr2, ..., typename AttrN>
inline bool
Iterator& first
, Iterator last
, Expr const& expr
, Skipper const& skipper
, Attr1& attr1, Attr2& attr2, ..., AttrN& attrN);
template <typename Iterator, typename Expr, typename Skipper
, typename Attr1, typename Attr2, ..., typename AttrN>
inline bool
Iterator& first
, Iterator last
, Expr const& expr
, Skipper const& skipper
, BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(skip_flag) post_skip
, Attr1& attr1, Attr2& attr2, ..., AttrN& attrN);
[note Starting with __spirit__ V2.5 (distributed with Boost V1.47) the
placeholder `_val` can be used in semantic actions attached to top level
parser components. In this case `_val` refers to the supplied attribute
as a whole. For API functions taking more than one attribute argument
`_val` will refer to a Fusion vector or references to the attributes.]
__qi__ parser API functions based on the automatic creation of the matching
parser type:
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace qi
template <typename Iterator, typename Attr>
inline bool
Iterator& first
, Iterator last
, Attr& attr);
template <typename Iterator, typename Attr, typename Skipper>
inline bool
Iterator& first
, Iterator last
, Attr& attr
, Skipper const& skipper
, BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(skip_flag) post_skip = skip_flag::postskip);
All functions above return `true` if none of the involved parser components
failed, and `false` otherwise.
The maximum number of supported arguments is limited by the preprocessor
constant `SPIRIT_ARGUMENTS_LIMIT`. This constant defaults to the value defined
by the preprocessor constant `PHOENIX_LIMIT` (which in turn defaults to `10`).
[note The variadic functions with two or more attributes internally combine
references to all passed attributes into a `fusion::vector` and forward
this as a combined attribute to the corresponding one attribute function.]
The `phrase_parse` functions not taking an explicit `skip_flag` as one of their
arguments invoke the passed skipper after a successful match of the parser
expression. This can be inhibited by using the other versions of that function
while passing `skip_flag::dont_postskip` to the corresponding argument.
[[Parameter] [Description]]
[[`Iterator`] [__fwditer__ pointing to the source to parse.]]
[[`Expr`] [An expression that can be converted to a Qi parser.]]
[[`Skipper`] [Parser used to skip white spaces.]]
[[`Attr`] [An attribute type utilized to create the corresponding
parser type from.]]
[[`Attr1`, `Attr2`, ..., `AttrN`][One or more attributes.]]
[endsect] [/ Iterator Based Parser API]
[section:stream_api Stream Based Parser API]
[heading Description]
The library provides a couple of Standard IO __iomanip__ allowing to integrate
__qi__ input parsing facilities with Standard input streams.
These parser manipulators have two forms. The first form, `match`, works on
the character level. The second `phrase_match` works on the phrase level
and requires a skip parser. Both versions can take in attributes by reference
that will hold the parsed values on a successful parse.
[heading Header]
// forwards to <boost/spirit/home/qi/stream/match_manip.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_match.hpp>
For variadic attributes:
// forwards to <boost/spirit/home/qi/stream/match_manip_attr.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_match_attr.hpp>
The variadic attributes version of the API allows one or more
attributes to be passed into the parse manipulators. The manipulators taking
two or more attributes are usable when the parser expression is a
__qi_sequence__ only. In this case each of the attributes passed have to
match the corresponding part of the sequence.
For the API functions deducing the correct (matching) parser type from the
supplied attribute type:
// forwards to <boost/spirit/home/qi/match_auto.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_match_auto.hpp>
Also, see __include_structure__.
[heading Namespace]
[[`boost::spirit::qi::match` ]]
[[`boost::spirit::qi::phrase_match` ]]
[[`boost::spirit::qi::skip_flag::postskip` ]]
[[`boost::spirit::qi::skip_flag::dont_postskip` ]]
[heading Synopsis]
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace qi
template <typename Expr>
inline <unspecified>
Expr const& xpr);
template <typename Expr
, typename Attr1, typename Attr2, ..., typename AttrN>
inline <unspecified>
Expr const& xpr
, Attr1& attr1, Attr2& attr2, ..., AttrN& attrN);
template <typename Expr, typename Skipper>
inline <unspecified>
Expr const& expr
, Skipper const& s
, BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(skip_flag) post_skip = skip_flag::postskip);
template <typename Expr, typename Skipper
, typename Attr1, typename Attr2, ..., typename AttrN>
inline <unspecified>
Expr const& expr
, Skipper const& s
, Attr1& attr1, Attr2& attr2, ..., AttrN& attrN);
template <typename Expr, typename Skipper
, typename Attr1, typename Attr2, ..., typename AttrN>
inline <unspecified>
Expr const& expr
, Skipper const& s
, BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(skip_flag) post_skip
, Attr1& attr1, Attr2& attr2, ..., AttrN& attrN);
__qi__ parser API functions based on the automatic creation of the matching
parser type:
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace qi
template <typename Attr>
inline <unspecified>
Attr& attr);
template <typename Attr, typename Skipper>
inline <unspecified>
Attr& attr
, Skipper const& s
, BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(skip_flag) post_skip = skip_flag::postskip);
All functions above return a standard IO stream manipulator instance (see
__iomanip__), which when streamed from an input stream will result in parsing
the input using the embedded __qi__ parser expression. Any error (or failed
parse) occurring during the invocation of the __qi__ parsers will be reflected
in the streams status flag (`std::ios_base::failbit` will be set).
The maximum number of supported arguments is limited by the preprocessor
constant `SPIRIT_ARGUMENTS_LIMIT`. This constant defaults to the value defined
by the preprocessor constant `PHOENIX_LIMIT` (which in turn defaults to `10`).
[note The variadic manipulators with two or more attributes internally combine
references to all passed attributes into a `fusion::vector`
and forward this as a combined attribute to the corresponding manipulator
taking one attribute.]
The `phrase_match` manipulators not taking an explicit `skip_flag` as one of their
arguments invoke the passed skipper after a successful match of the parser
expression. This can be inhibited by using the other versions of that manipulator
while passing `skip_flag::dont_postskip` to the corresponding argument.
[heading Template parameters]
[[Parameter] [Description]]
[[`Expr`] [An expression that can be converted to a Qi parser.]]
[[`Skipper`] [Parser used to skip white spaces.]]
[[`Attr`] [An attribute type utilized to create the corresponding
parser type from.]]
[[`Attr1`, `Attr2`, ..., `AttrN`][One or more attributes.]]
[endsect] [/ Stream Based Parser API]
[section:create_parser API for Automatic Parser Creation]
[heading Description]
The library implements a special API returning a parser instance for a
supplied attribute type. This function finds the best matching parser type
for the attribute based on a set of simple matching rules (as outlined in the
table below) applied recursively to the attribute type. The returned parser
can be utilized to match input for the provided attribute.
[heading Header]
// forwards to <boost/spirit/home/qi/auto.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_auto.hpp>
Also, see __include_structure__.
[heading Namespace]
[heading Synopsis]
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace qi
template <typename Attr>
inline <unspecified>
The returned instance can be directly passed as the parser (or the skipping
parser) to any of the __qi__ API functions. Additionally it
can be assigned to a rule as the rules right hand side expression. This
function will return a valid parser type only if the meta function
`traits::create_parser_exists` returns `mpl::true_`. Otherwise it will fail
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace traits
template <typename Attr>
struct create_parser_exists;
The meta function evaluates to `mpl::true_` if `create_parser` would return
a valid parser for the given type `Attr`.
The following table outlines the mapping rules from the attribute type to the
parser type. These rules are applied recursively to create the parser
type which can be used to match input for the given attribute type.
[[Attribute type] [Generator type]]
[[`char`, `wchar_t`] [`standard::char_`, `standard_wide::char_`]]
[[`short`, `int`, `long`] [`short_`, `int_`, `long_`]]
[[`unsigned short`, `unsigned int`, `unsigned long`]
[`ushort_`, `uint_`, `ulong_`]]
[[`float`, `double`, `long double`] [`float_`, `double_`, `long_double`]]
[[`short`, `int`, `long`] [`short_`, `int_`, `long_`]]
[[`long long`, `unsigned long long`]
[`long_long`, `ulong_long`]]
[[`bool`] [`bool_`]]
[[Any (STL) container] [Kleene Star (unary `'*'`)]]
[[Any Fusion sequence] [Sequence operator (`'>>'`)]]
[[`boost::optional<>`] [Optional operator (unary `'-'`)]]
[[`boost::variant<>`] [Alternative operator (`'|'`)]]
[important The mapping for the parsers `long_long` and `ulong_long` are only
available on platforms where the preprocessor constant
`BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG` is defined (i.e. on platforms having native
support for `long long` and `unsigned long long` (64 bit) signed and
unsigned integer types).]
[heading Template parameters]
[[Parameter] [Description]]
[[`Attr`] [An attribute type utilized to create the corresponding
parser type from.]]
[endsect] [/ API for Automatic Parser Creation]