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Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Joel de Guzman
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
I would like to thank Rainbowverse, llc (https://primeorbial.com/)
for sponsoring this work and donating it to the community.
[section:annotation Annotations - Decorating the ASTs]
As a prerequisite in understanding this tutorial, please review the previous
[tutorial_employee employee example]. This example builds on top of that
Stop and think about it... We're actually generating ASTs (abstract syntax
trees) in our previoius examples. We parsed a single structure and generated
an in-memory representation of it in the form of a struct: the struct
employee. If we changed the implementation to parse one or more employees,
the result would be a std::vector<employee>. We can go on and add more
hierarchy: teams, departments, corporations, etc. We can have an AST
representation of it all.
This example shows how to annotate the AST with the iterator positions for
access to the source code when post processing using a client supplied
`on_success` handler. The example will show how to get the position in input
source stream that corresponds to a given element in the AST.
In addition, This example also shows how to "inject" client data, using the
"with" directive, that the `on_success` handler can access as it is called
within the parse traversal through the parser's context.
The full cpp file for this example can be found here:
[@../../../example/x3/annotation.cpp annotation.cpp]
[heading The AST]
First, we'll update our previous employee struct, this time separating the
person into its own struct. So now, we have two structs, the `person` and the
`employee`. Take note too that we now inherit `person` and `employee` from
`x3::position_tagged` which provides positional information that we can use
to tell the AST's position in the input stream anytime.
namespace client { namespace ast
struct person : x3::position_tagged
std::string const& first_name = ""
, std::string const& last_name = ""
: first_name(first_name)
, last_name(last_name)
std::string first_name, last_name;
struct employee : x3::position_tagged
int age;
person who;
double salary;
Like before, we need to tell __fusion__ about our structs to make them
first-class fusion citizens that the grammar can utilize:
first_name, last_name
age, who, salary
[heading x3::position_cache]
Before we proceed, let me introduce a helper class called the
`position_cache`. It is a simple class that collects iterator ranges that
point to where each element in the AST are located in the input stream. Given
an AST, you can query the position_cache about AST's position. For example:
auto pos = positions.position_of(my_ast);
Where `my_ast` is the AST, `positions` and is the `position_cache`,
`position_of` returns an iterator range that points to the start and end
(`pos.begin()` and `pos.end()`) positions where the AST was parsed from.
`positions.begin()` and `positions.end()` points to the start and end of the
entire input stream.
[heading on_success]
The `on_success` gives you everything you want from semantic actions without
the visual clutter. Declarative code can and should be free from imperative
code. `on_success` as a concept and mechanism is an important departure from
how things are done in Spirit's previous version: Qi.
As demonstrated in the previous [tutorial_employee employee example], the
preferred way to extract data from an input source is by having the parser
collect the data for us into C++ structs as it traverses the input stream.
Ideally, Spirit X3 grammars are fully attributed and declared in such a way
that you do not have to add any imperative code and there should be no need
for semantic actions at all. The parser simply works as declared and you get
your data back as a result.
However, there are certain cases where there's no way to avoid introducing
imperative code. But semantic actions mess up our clean declarative grammars.
If we care to keep our code clean, `on_success` handlers are alternative
callback hooks to client code that are executed by the parser after a
successful parse without polluting the grammar. Like semantic actions,
`on_success` handlers have access to the AST, the iterators, and context.
But, unlike semantic actions, `on_success` handlers are cleanly separated
from the actual grammar.
[heading Annotation Handler]
As discussed, we annotate the AST with its position in the input stream with
our `on_success` handler:
// tag used to get the position cache from the context
struct position_cache_tag;
struct annotate_position
template <typename T, typename Iterator, typename Context>
inline void on_success(Iterator const& first, Iterator const& last
, T& ast, Context const& context)
auto& position_cache = x3::get<position_cache_tag>(context).get();
position_cache.annotate(ast, first, last);
`position_cache_tag` is a special tag we will use to get a reference to the
actual `position_cache`, client data that we will inject at very start, when
we call parse. More on that later.
Our `on_success` handler gets a reference to the actual `position_cache` and
calls its `annotate` member function, passing in the AST and the iterators.
`position_cache.annotate(ast, first, last)` annotates the AST with
information required by `x3::position_tagged`.
[heading The Parser]
Now we'll write a parser for our employee. To simplify, inputs will be of the
{ age, "forename", "surname", salary }
Here we go:
namespace parser
using x3::int_;
using x3::double_;
using x3::lexeme;
using ascii::char_;
struct quoted_string_class;
struct person_class;
struct employee_class;
x3::rule<quoted_string_class, std::string> const quoted_string = "quoted_string";
x3::rule<person_class, ast::person> const person = "person";
x3::rule<employee_class, ast::employee> const employee = "employee";
auto const quoted_string_def = lexeme['"' >> +(char_ - '"') >> '"'];
auto const person_def = quoted_string >> ',' >> quoted_string;
auto const employee_def =
>> int_ >> ','
>> person >> ','
>> double_
>> '}'
auto const employees = employee >> *(',' >> employee);
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(quoted_string, person, employee);
[heading Rule Declarations]
struct quoted_string_class;
struct person_class;
struct employee_class;
x3::rule<quoted_string_class, std::string> const quoted_string = "quoted_string";
x3::rule<person_class, ast::person> const person = "person";
x3::rule<employee_class, ast::employee> const employee = "employee";
Go back and review the original [link __tutorial_employee_parser__ employee parser].
What has changed?
* We split the single employee rule into three smaller rules: `quoted_string`,
`person` and `employee`.
* We're using forward declared rule classes: `quoted_string_class`, `person_class`,
and `employee_class`.
[heading Rule Classes]
Like before, in this example, the rule classes, `quoted_string_class`,
`person_class`, and `employee_class` provide statically known IDs for the
rules required by X3 to perform its tasks. In addition to that, the rule
class can also be extended to have some user-defined customization hooks that
are called:
* On success: After a rule sucessfully parses an input.
* On Error: After a rule fails to parse.
By subclassing the rule class from a client supplied handler such as our
`annotate_position` handler above:
struct person_class : annotate_position {};
struct employee_class : annotate_position {};
The code above tells X3 to check the rule class if it has an `on_success` or
`on_error` member functions and appropriately calls them on such events.
[heading The with Directive]
For any parser `p`, one can inject supplementary data that semantic actions
and handlers can access later on when they are called. The general syntax is:
For our particular example, we use to inject the `position_cache` into the
parse for our `annotate_position` on_success handler to have access to:
auto const parser =
// we pass our position_cache to the parser so we can access
// it later in our on_sucess handlers
Typically this is done just before calling `x3::parse` or `x3::phrase_parse`.
`with` is a very lightwight operation. It is possible to inject as much data
as you want, even multiple `with` directives:
Multiple `with` directives can (perhaps not obviously) be injected from
outside the called function. Here's an outline:
template <typename Parser>
void bar(Parser const& p)
// Inject data2
auto const parser = with<tag2>(data2)[p];
x3::parse(first, last, parser);
void foo()
// Inject data1
auto const parser = with<tag1>(data1)[my_parser];
[heading Let's Parse]
Now we have the complete parse mechanism with support for annotations:
using iterator_type = std::string::const_iterator;
using position_cache = boost::spirit::x3::position_cache<std::vector<iterator_type>>;
parse(std::string const& input, position_cache& positions)
using boost::spirit::x3::ascii::space;
std::vector<client::ast::employee> ast;
iterator_type iter = input.begin();
iterator_type const end = input.end();
using boost::spirit::x3::with;
// Our parser
using client::parser::employees;
using client::parser::position_cache_tag;
auto const parser =
// we pass our position_cache to the parser so we can access
// it later in our on_sucess handlers
bool r = phrase_parse(iter, end, parser, space, ast);
// ... Some error checking here
return ast;
Let's walk through the code.
First, we have some typedefs for 1) The iterator type we are using for the
parser, `iterator_type` and 2) For the `position_cache` type. The latter is a
template that accepts the type of container it will hold. In this case, a
The main parse function accepts an input, a std::string and a reference to a
position_cache, and retuns an AST: `std::vector<client::ast::employee>`.
Inside the parse function, we first create an AST where parsed data will be
std::vector<client::ast::employee> ast;
Then finally, we create a parser, injecting a reference to the `position_cache`,
and call phrase_parse:
using client::parser::employees;
using client::parser::position_cache_tag;
auto const parser =
// we pass our position_cache to the parser so we can access
// it later in our on_sucess handlers
bool r = phrase_parse(iter, end, parser, space, ast);
On successful parse, the AST, `ast`, will contain the actual parsed data.
[heading Getting The Source Positions]
Now that we have our main parse function, let's have an example sourcefile to
parse and show how we can obtain the position of an AST element, returned
after a successful parse.
Given this input:
std::string input = R"(
We call our parse function after instantiating a `position_cache` object that
will hold the source stream positions:
position_cache positions{input.begin(), input.end()};
auto ast = parse(input, positions);
We now have an AST, `ast`, that contains the parsed results. Let us get the
source positions of the 2nd employee:
auto pos = positions.position_of(ast[1]); // zero based of course!
`pos` is an iterator range that contians iterators to the start and end of
`ast[1]` in the input stream.
[heading Config]
If you read the previous [tutorial_minimal Program Structure] tutorial where
we separated various logical modules of the parser into separate cpp and
header files, and you are wondering how to provide the context configuration
information (see [link tutorial_configuration Config Section]), we need to
supplement the context like this:
using phrase_context_type = x3::phrase_parse_context<x3::ascii::space_type>::type;
typedef x3::context<
, std::reference_wrapper<position_cache>
, phrase_context_type>