Not intrusive. Significantly speeds up tests on MSVC (for about 3 times). Finally solves exceeding build time limits on CI with MSVC compilers. Did not set up PCH for X3, it is fast as-is (tooks only about 2 minutes). Repository tests reuse PCH from Qi/Karma tests.
159 lines
5.1 KiB
159 lines
5.1 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_char.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_generate.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_action.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_phoenix_attributes.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_statement.hpp>
#include "test.hpp"
using namespace spirit_test;
using namespace boost::spirit;
using namespace boost::phoenix;
using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
BOOST_TEST(test(" ", space));
BOOST_TEST(test(L" ", space));
BOOST_TEST(!test("\t", space));
BOOST_TEST(!test(L"\t", space));
BOOST_TEST(test(" ", space, ' '));
BOOST_TEST(test(L" ", space, L' '));
BOOST_TEST(test("\t", space, '\t'));
BOOST_TEST(test(L"\t", space, L'\t'));
BOOST_TEST(!test("", space, 'x'));
BOOST_TEST(!test(L"", space, L'x'));
BOOST_TEST(!test(" ", ~space, ' '));
BOOST_TEST(!test(L" ", ~space, L' '));
BOOST_TEST(test("x", ~space, 'x'));
BOOST_TEST(test(L"x", ~space, L'x'));
using namespace boost::spirit::standard_wide;
BOOST_TEST(test(" ", space));
BOOST_TEST(test(L" ", space));
BOOST_TEST(!test("\t", space));
BOOST_TEST(!test(L"\t", space));
BOOST_TEST(test(" ", space, ' '));
BOOST_TEST(test(L" ", space, L' '));
BOOST_TEST(test("\t", space, '\t'));
BOOST_TEST(test(L"\t", space, L'\t'));
BOOST_TEST(!test("", space, 'x'));
BOOST_TEST(!test(L"", space, L'x'));
using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("x ", 'x', ' '));
BOOST_TEST(test_delimited(L"x ", L'x', L' '));
BOOST_TEST(!test_delimited("x ", 'y', ' '));
BOOST_TEST(!test_delimited(L"x ", L'y', L' '));
BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("x ", 'x', ' '));
BOOST_TEST(test_delimited(L"x ", L'x', L' '));
BOOST_TEST(!test_delimited("x ", 'y', ' '));
BOOST_TEST(!test_delimited(L"x ", L'y', L' '));
BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("x ", char_, 'x', ' '));
BOOST_TEST(test_delimited(L"x ", char_, L'x', L' '));
BOOST_TEST(!test_delimited("x ", char_, 'y', ' '));
BOOST_TEST(!test_delimited(L"x ", char_, L'y', L' '));
BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("x ", char_('x'), ' '));
BOOST_TEST(!test_delimited("x ", char_('y'), ' '));
BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("x ", char_('x'), 'x', ' '));
BOOST_TEST(!test_delimited("", char_('y'), 'x', ' '));
BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("x ", char_("x"), ' '));
BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("x ", char_, ' ')); // anychar without a parameter doesn't make any sense
{ // pre-delimiting
std::string generated;
std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> it(generated);
BOOST_TEST(karma::generate_delimited(it, '_', '^'
, karma::delimit_flag::predelimit));
BOOST_TEST(generated == "^_^");
using namespace boost::spirit::standard_wide;
std::basic_string<wchar_t> generated;
std::back_insert_iterator<std::basic_string<wchar_t> > it(generated);
BOOST_TEST(karma::generate_delimited(it, char_, L'.'
, karma::delimit_flag::predelimit, L'x'));
BOOST_TEST(generated == L".x.");
// action tests
using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
BOOST_TEST(test("x", char_[_1 = val('x')]));
BOOST_TEST(!test("x", char_[_1 = val('y')]));
// we support Phoenix attributes only starting with V2.2
#if SPIRIT_VERSION >= 0x2020
// yes, we can use phoenix expressions as attributes as well
// but only if we include karma_phoenix_attributes.hpp
namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix;
BOOST_TEST(test("x", ascii::char_, phoenix::val('x')));
char c = 'x';
BOOST_TEST(test("x", ascii::char_, phoenix::ref(c)));
BOOST_TEST(test("y", ascii::char_, ++phoenix::ref(c)));
namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
namespace wide = boost::spirit::standard_wide;
boost::optional<char> v ('x');
boost::optional<wchar_t> w (L'x');
BOOST_TEST(test("x", ascii::char_, v));
BOOST_TEST(test(L"x", wide::char_, w));
BOOST_TEST(test("x", ascii::char_('x'), v));
BOOST_TEST(test(L"x", wide::char_(L'x'), w));
BOOST_TEST(!test("", ascii::char_('y'), v));
BOOST_TEST(!test(L"", wide::char_(L'y'), w));
return boost::report_errors();