338 lines
12 KiB
338 lines
12 KiB
Copyright (c) 2001-2015 Joel de Guzman
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/string/tst.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/string/tst_map.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/no_case.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/standard.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/standard_wide.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>
template <typename TST, typename Char>
void add(TST& tst, Char const* s, int data)
Char const* last = s;
while (*last)
tst.add(s, last, data);
template <typename TST, typename Char>
void remove(TST& tst, Char const* s)
Char const* last = s;
while (*last)
tst.remove(s, last);
template <typename TST, typename Char, typename CaseCompare>
void docheck(TST const& tst, CaseCompare const& comp, Char const* s, bool expected, int N = 0, int val = -1)
Char const* first = s;
Char const* last = s;
while (*last)
int* r = tst.find(s, last,comp);
BOOST_TEST((r != 0) == expected);
if (r != 0)
BOOST_TEST((s-first) == N);
if (r)
BOOST_TEST(*r == val);
struct printer
template <typename String, typename Data>
void operator()(String const& s, Data const& data)
std::cout << " " << s << ": " << data << std::endl;
template <typename TST>
void print(TST const& tst)
std::cout << '[' << std::endl;
std::cout << ']' << std::endl;
boost::spirit::x3::case_compare<boost::spirit::char_encoding::standard> ncomp;
boost::spirit::x3::case_compare<boost::spirit::char_encoding::standard_wide> wcomp;
boost::spirit::x3::no_case_compare<boost::spirit::char_encoding::standard> nc_ncomp;
boost::spirit::x3::no_case_compare<boost::spirit::char_encoding::standard_wide> nc_wcomp;
template <typename Lookup, typename WideLookup>
void tests()
{ // basic tests
Lookup lookup;
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "not-yet-there", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "", false);
add(lookup, "apple", 123);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "apple", true, 5, 123); // full match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "banana", false); // no-match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applexxx", true, 5, 123); // partial match
add(lookup, "applepie", 456);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepie", true, 8, 456); // full match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "banana", false); // no-match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepiexxx", true, 8, 456); // partial match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "apple", true, 5, 123); // full match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applexxx", true, 5, 123); // partial match
{ // variation of above
Lookup lookup;
add(lookup, "applepie", 456);
add(lookup, "apple", 123);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepie", true, 8, 456); // full match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "banana", false); // no-match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepiexxx", true, 8, 456); // partial match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "apple", true, 5, 123); // full match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applexxx", true, 5, 123); // partial match
{ // variation of above
Lookup lookup;
add(lookup, "applepie", 456);
add(lookup, "apple", 123);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepie", true, 8, 456); // full match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "banana", false); // no-match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepiexxx", true, 8, 456); // partial match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "apple", true, 5, 123); // full match
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applexxx", true, 5, 123); // partial match
{ // narrow char tests
Lookup lookup;
add(lookup, "pineapple", 1);
add(lookup, "orange", 2);
add(lookup, "banana", 3);
add(lookup, "applepie", 4);
add(lookup, "apple", 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "pineapple", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "orange", true, 6, 2);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "banana", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "apple", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "pizza", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "steak", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepie", true, 8, 4);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "bananarama", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applet", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepi", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "appl", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "pineapplez", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "orangez", true, 6, 2);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "bananaz", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applez", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "pizzaz", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "steakz", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepiez", true, 8, 4);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "bananaramaz", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "appletz", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepix", true, 5, 5);
{ // wide char tests
WideLookup lookup;
add(lookup, L"pineapple", 1);
add(lookup, L"orange", 2);
add(lookup, L"banana", 3);
add(lookup, L"applepie", 4);
add(lookup, L"apple", 5);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"pineapple", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"orange", true, 6, 2);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"banana", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"apple", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"pizza", false);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"steak", false);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"applepie", true, 8, 4);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"bananarama", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"applet", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"applepi", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"appl", false);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"pineapplez", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"orangez", true, 6, 2);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"bananaz", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"applez", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"pizzaz", false);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"steakz", false);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"applepiez", true, 8, 4);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"bananaramaz", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"appletz", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, wcomp, L"applepix", true, 5, 5);
{ // test remove
Lookup lookup;
add(lookup, "pineapple", 1);
add(lookup, "orange", 2);
add(lookup, "banana", 3);
add(lookup, "applepie", 4);
add(lookup, "apple", 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "pineapple", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "orange", true, 6, 2);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "banana", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "apple", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepie", true, 8, 4);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "bananarama", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applet", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepi", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "appl", false);
remove(lookup, "banana");
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "pineapple", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "orange", true, 6, 2);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "banana", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "apple", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepie", true, 8, 4);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "bananarama", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applet", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepi", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "appl", false);
remove(lookup, "apple");
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "pineapple", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "orange", true, 6, 2);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "apple", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepie", true, 8, 4);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applet", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepi", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "appl", false);
remove(lookup, "orange");
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "pineapple", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "orange", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepie", true, 8, 4);
remove(lookup, "pineapple");
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "pineapple", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "orange", false);
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepie", true, 8, 4);
remove(lookup, "applepie");
docheck(lookup, ncomp, "applepie", false);
{ // copy/assign/clear test
Lookup lookupa;
add(lookupa, "pineapple", 1);
add(lookupa, "orange", 2);
add(lookupa, "banana", 3);
add(lookupa, "applepie", 4);
add(lookupa, "apple", 5);
Lookup lookupb(lookupa); // copy ctor
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "pineapple", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "orange", true, 6, 2);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "banana", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "apple", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "pizza", false);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "steak", false);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "applepie", true, 8, 4);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "bananarama", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "applet", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "applepi", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "appl", false);
lookupb.clear(); // clear
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "pineapple", false);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "orange", false);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "banana", false);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "apple", false);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "applepie", false);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "bananarama", false);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "applet", false);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "applepi", false);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "appl", false);
lookupb = lookupa; // assign
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "pineapple", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "orange", true, 6, 2);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "banana", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "apple", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "pizza", false);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "steak", false);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "applepie", true, 8, 4);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "bananarama", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "applet", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "applepi", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookupb, ncomp, "appl", false);
{ // test for_each
Lookup lookup;
add(lookup, "pineapple", 1);
add(lookup, "orange", 2);
add(lookup, "banana", 3);
add(lookup, "applepie", 4);
add(lookup, "apple", 5);
{ // case insensitive tests
Lookup lookup;
// NOTE: make sure all entries are in lower-case!!!
add(lookup, "pineapple", 1);
add(lookup, "orange", 2);
add(lookup, "banana", 3);
add(lookup, "applepie", 4);
add(lookup, "apple", 5);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "pineapple", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "orange", true, 6, 2);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "banana", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "apple", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "applepie", true, 8, 4);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "PINEAPPLE", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "ORANGE", true, 6, 2);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "BANANA", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "APPLE", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "APPLEPIE", true, 8, 4);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "pineApple", true, 9, 1);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "orangE", true, 6, 2);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "Banana", true, 6, 3);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "aPPLe", true, 5, 5);
docheck(lookup, nc_ncomp, "ApplePie", true, 8, 4);
int main()
using boost::spirit::x3::tst;
using boost::spirit::x3::tst_map;
tests<tst<char, int>, tst<wchar_t, int> >();
//~ tests<tst_map<char, int>, tst_map<wchar_t, int> >();
return boost::report_errors();