323 lines
12 KiB
323 lines
12 KiB
// error_code_test.cpp -----------------------------------------------------//
// Copyright Beman Dawes 2006
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// See library home page at http://www.boost.org/libs/system
#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
#include <boost/system/cygwin_error.hpp>
#include <boost/system/linux_error.hpp>
#include <boost/system/windows_error.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/cerrno.hpp>
// Although using directives are not the best programming practice, testing
// with a boost::system using directive increases use scenario coverage.
using namespace boost::system;
#if defined( BOOST_WINDOWS_API )
// Neither MinGW or Cygwin versions of winerror.h work if used alone, so on
// either of those platforms include the full windows.h
# if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
# include <windows.h>
# else
# include <winerror.h>
# endif
#elif defined( BOOST_POSIX_API )
# error "Only supported for POSIX and Windows"
void check_ostream( error_code ec, const char * expected )
std::stringstream ss;
std::string s;
ss << ec;
ss >> s;
BOOST_TEST( s == expected );
// throws_function_test ------------------------------------------------------------//
// usage example
int divide(int dividend, int divisor, boost::system::error_code& ec = boost::throws())
if (divisor == 0) // is there an error?
if (&ec == &boost::throws()) // throw on error
throw "oops!"; // whatever exception you prefer
ec = error_code(EDOM, generic_category()); // report error via error_code
return 0;
if (&ec != &boost::throws()) // error reporting via error_code
return dividend / divisor;
// test usage example
void test_throws_usage()
std::cout << "Test throws() example and usage...\n";
error_code ec;
// no error tests
BOOST_TEST_EQ((divide(10, 2)), 5); // no error, report via exception
ec = make_error_code(errc::argument_out_of_domain);
BOOST_TEST_EQ((divide(10, 5, ec)), 2); // no error, report via error_code
ec = make_error_code(errc::argument_out_of_domain);
BOOST_TEST_EQ((divide(10, 0, ec)), 0); // error, report via error_code
bool exception_thrown = false;
{ divide(10, 0); } // error, report via exception
catch (...)
{ exception_thrown = true; }
//error_code should_fail(boost::throws()); // should fail at runtime
//boost::throws() = ec; // should fail at runtime
// main ------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// TODO: add hash_value tests
int main( int, char ** )
std::cout << "Conversion use cases...\n";
error_condition x1( errc::file_exists );
//error_code x2( errc::file_exists ); // should fail to compile
std::cout << "General tests...\n";
// unit tests:
BOOST_TEST( generic_category() == generic_category() );
BOOST_TEST( system_category() == system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( generic_category() != system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( system_category() != generic_category() );
BOOST_TEST_NE( generic_category() < system_category(), system_category() < generic_category() );
error_code ec;
error_condition econd;
BOOST_TEST( !ec );
BOOST_TEST( ec.value() == 0 );
econd = ec.default_error_condition();
BOOST_TEST( econd.value() == 0 );
BOOST_TEST( econd.category() == generic_category() );
BOOST_TEST( ec == errc::success );
BOOST_TEST( ec.category() == system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( std::strcmp( ec.category().name(), "system") == 0 );
BOOST_TEST( !(ec < error_code( 0, system_category() )) );
BOOST_TEST( !(error_code( 0, system_category() ) < ec) );
BOOST_TEST( ec < error_code( 1, system_category() ) );
BOOST_TEST( !(error_code( 1, system_category() ) < ec) );
error_code ec_0_system( 0, system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( !ec_0_system );
BOOST_TEST( ec_0_system.value() == 0 );
econd = ec_0_system.default_error_condition();
BOOST_TEST( econd.value() == 0 );
BOOST_TEST( econd.category() == generic_category() );
BOOST_TEST( ec_0_system == errc::success );
BOOST_TEST( ec_0_system.category() == system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( std::strcmp( ec_0_system.category().name(), "system") == 0 );
check_ostream( ec_0_system, "system:0" );
BOOST_TEST( ec_0_system == ec );
error_code ec_1_system( 1, system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( ec_1_system );
BOOST_TEST( ec_1_system.value() == 1 );
BOOST_TEST( ec_1_system.value() != 0 );
BOOST_TEST( ec != ec_1_system );
BOOST_TEST( ec_0_system != ec_1_system );
check_ostream( ec_1_system, "system:1" );
ec = error_code( BOOST_ACCESS_ERROR_MACRO, system_category() );
econd = ec.default_error_condition();
BOOST_TEST( econd.value() == static_cast<int>(errc::permission_denied) );
BOOST_TEST( econd.category() == generic_category() );
BOOST_TEST( econd == error_condition( errc::permission_denied, generic_category() ) );
BOOST_TEST( econd == errc::permission_denied );
BOOST_TEST( errc::permission_denied == econd );
BOOST_TEST( ec == errc::permission_denied );
BOOST_TEST( ec.category() == system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( std::strcmp( ec.category().name(), "system") == 0 );
// test the explicit make_error_code conversion for errc
ec = make_error_code( errc::bad_message );
BOOST_TEST( ec == errc::bad_message );
BOOST_TEST( errc::bad_message == ec );
BOOST_TEST( ec != errc::permission_denied );
BOOST_TEST( errc::permission_denied != ec );
BOOST_TEST( ec.category() == generic_category() );
//// test the deprecated predefined error_category synonyms
//BOOST_TEST( &system_category() == &native_ecat );
//BOOST_TEST( &generic_category() == &errno_ecat );
//BOOST_TEST( system_category() == native_ecat );
//BOOST_TEST( generic_category() == errno_ecat );
// test error_code and error_condition message();
// see Boost.Filesystem operations_test for code specific message() tests
ec = error_code( -1, system_category() );
std::cout << "error_code message for -1 is \"" << ec.message() << "\"\n";
std::cout << "error_code message for 0 is \"" << ec_0_system.message() << "\"\n";
#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API)
// Borland appends newline, so just check text
BOOST_TEST( ec.message().substr(0,13) == "Unknown error" );
// Fails when the language isn't US English
// BOOST_TEST( ec_0_system.message().substr(0,36) == "The operation completed successfully" );
#elif defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__)
// Linux appends value to message as unsigned, so it varies with # of bits
BOOST_TEST( ec.message().substr(0,13) == "Unknown error" );
#elif defined(__hpux)
BOOST_TEST( ec.message() == "" );
#elif defined(__osf__)
BOOST_TEST( ec.message() == "Error -1 occurred." );
#elif defined(__vms)
BOOST_TEST( ec.message() == "error -1" );
ec = error_code( BOOST_ACCESS_ERROR_MACRO, system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( ec.message() != "" );
BOOST_TEST( ec.message().substr( 0, 13) != "Unknown error" );
econd = error_condition( -1, generic_category() );
error_condition econd_ok;
std::cout << "error_condition message for -1 is \"" << econd.message() << "\"\n";
std::cout << "error_condition message for 0 is \"" << econd_ok.message() << "\"\n";
#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API)
// Borland appends newline, so just check text
BOOST_TEST( econd.message().substr(0,13) == "Unknown error" );
BOOST_TEST( econd_ok.message().substr(0,8) == "No error" );
#elif defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__)
// Linux appends value to message as unsigned, so it varies with # of bits
BOOST_TEST( econd.message().substr(0,13) == "Unknown error" );
#elif defined(__hpux)
BOOST_TEST( econd.message() == "" );
#elif defined(__osf__)
BOOST_TEST( econd.message() == "Error -1 occurred." );
#elif defined(__vms)
BOOST_TEST( econd.message() == "error -1" );
econd = error_condition( BOOST_ACCESS_ERROR_MACRO, generic_category() );
BOOST_TEST( econd.message() != "" );
BOOST_TEST( econd.message().substr( 0, 13) != "Unknown error" );
std::cout << "Windows tests...\n";
// these tests probe the Windows errc decoder
// test the first entry in the decoder table:
ec = error_code( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( ec == errc::permission_denied );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().value() == errc::permission_denied );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().category() == generic_category() );
// test the second entry in the decoder table:
ec = error_code( ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( ec == errc::file_exists );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().value() == errc::file_exists );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().category() == generic_category() );
// test the third entry in the decoder table:
ec = error_code( ERROR_BAD_UNIT, system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( ec.value() == ERROR_BAD_UNIT );
BOOST_TEST( ec == errc::no_such_device );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().value() == errc::no_such_device );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().category() == generic_category() );
// test the last non-Winsock entry in the decoder table:
ec = error_code( ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT, system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( ec == errc::permission_denied );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().value() == errc::permission_denied );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().category() == generic_category() );
// test the last Winsock entry in the decoder table:
ec = error_code( WSAEWOULDBLOCK, system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( ec == errc::operation_would_block );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().value() == errc::operation_would_block );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().category() == generic_category() );
// test not-in-table condition:
ec = error_code( 1234567890, system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( ec.value() == 1234567890 );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().value() == 1234567890 );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().category() == system_category() );
#else // POSIX
std::cout << "POSIX tests...\n";
ec = error_code( EACCES, system_category() );
BOOST_TEST( ec == error_code( errc::permission_denied, system_category() ) );
BOOST_TEST( error_code( errc::permission_denied, system_category() ) == ec );
BOOST_TEST( ec == errc::permission_denied );
BOOST_TEST( errc::permission_denied == ec );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().value() == errc::permission_denied );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().category() == generic_category() );
# ifdef __CYGWIN__
std::cout << "Cygwin tests...\n";
ec = cygwin_error::no_package;
BOOST_TEST( ec == cygwin_error::no_package );
BOOST_TEST( ec == error_code( ENOPKG, system_category() ) );
BOOST_TEST( ec == error_code( cygwin_error::no_package, system_category() ) );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().category() == system_category() );
# elif defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__)
std::cout << "Linux tests...\n";
ec = linux_error::dot_dot_error;
BOOST_TEST( ec == linux_error::dot_dot_error );
BOOST_TEST( ec == error_code( EDOTDOT, system_category() ) );
BOOST_TEST( ec == error_code( linux_error::dot_dot_error, system_category() ) );
BOOST_TEST( ec.default_error_condition().category() == system_category() );
# endif
return ::boost::report_errors();