- test for sys/wait.h
- WSAEWOULDBLOCK test after nonblocking TCP connect.
- write_iov_buffer removed: unused and no struct iov on windows.
- signed/unsigned warning fixup mini_event.
- use ioctlsocket to set nonblocking I/O if fnctl is unavailable.
- skip signals that are not defined
- detect pwd.h.
- detect getpwnam, getrlimit, setsid, sbrk, chroot.
- default config has no chroot if chroot() unavailable.
- if no kill() then no pidfile is read or written.
- gmtime_r is replaced by nonthreadsafe alternative if unavail.
used in rrsig time validation errors.
git-svn-id: https://unbound.nlnetlabs.nl/svn/trunk@1097 be551aaa-1e26-0410-a405-d3ace91eadb9