dnstap/dnstap.m4: cosmetic fixes
dnstap/: Remove compiled protoc-c output files
dnstap/dnstap.m4: Error out if required libraries are not found
dnstap: Fix ProtobufCBufferSimple usage that is incorrect as of
protobuf-c 1.0.0
dnstap/: Adapt to API changes in latest libfstrm (>= 0.2.0)
git-svn-id: https://unbound.nlnetlabs.nl/svn/trunk@3254 be551aaa-1e26-0410-a405-d3ace91eadb9
Robert Edmonds. The --enable-dnstap needs libfstrm and protobuf-c.
It is BSD licensed (see dnstap/dnstap.c).
Building with --enable-dnstap needs pkg-config with this patch.
- Noted dnstap in doc/README and doc/CREDITS.
git-svn-id: https://unbound.nlnetlabs.nl/svn/trunk@3206 be551aaa-1e26-0410-a405-d3ace91eadb9