225 lines
6.3 KiB
225 lines
6.3 KiB
# Units documentation Jamfile
# Copyright (c) 2007-2008
# Steven Watanabe
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
# accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
import path ;
import quickbook ;
using boostbook ;
using doxygen ;
import print ;
import regex ;
import sequence ;
path-constant here : . ;
rule run_doxygen ( target : files * : name )
doxygen $(target)
# Horribly ugly, but then macros usually are :(
<doxygen:param>"PREDEFINED= \\
\"BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(expr)=\" \\
\"BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT(a,b)=static const b a\" \\
\"BOOST_UNITS_AUTO_STATIC_CONSTANT(a,b)=static const auto a = b\" \\
\"BOOST_UNITS_TYPEOF(a)=typeof(a)\" \\
\"BOOST_UNITS_DEFINE_BASE_UNIT_WITH_CONVERSIONS(namespace_, name_, name_string, symbol_, factor, other_unit, id)= \\
namespace boost { namespace units { namespace namespace_ { \\
struct name_ ## _base_unit : boost::units::base_unit<name_ ## _base_unit, other_unit::dimension_type, id> { \\
static const char* name(); \\
static const char* symbol(); \\
}; \\
} } }\" \\
run_doxygen units_reference
[ glob $(here)/../../../boost/units/*.hpp :
$(here)/../../../boost/units/physical_dimensions.hpp ]
"Units Reference"
run_doxygen si_reference
[ path.glob-tree $(here)/../../../boost/units/systems/si : *.hpp : detail ]
"SI System Reference"
run_doxygen cgs_reference
[ path.glob-tree $(here)/../../../boost/units/systems/cgs : *.hpp : detail ]
"CGS System Reference"
rule make_base_units_doc ( directory : name )
run_doxygen $(directory)_base_units_reference
[ path.glob-tree $(here)/../../../boost/units/base_units/$(directory) : *.hpp : detail conversions.hpp ]
"$(name) Base Units Reference"
make_base_units_doc angle : Angle ;
make_base_units_doc astronomical : Astronomical ;
make_base_units_doc cgs : CGS ;
make_base_units_doc imperial : Imperial ;
make_base_units_doc information : Information ;
make_base_units_doc metric : Metric ;
make_base_units_doc si : SI ;
make_base_units_doc temperature : Temperature ;
make_base_units_doc us : US ;
all_base_units_doc = angle astronomical cgs imperial information metric si temperature us ;
all_base_units_doc = $(all_base_units_doc)_base_units_reference ;
run_doxygen dimensions_reference
[ path.glob-tree $(here)/../../../boost/units/physical_dimensions : *.hpp : detail ]
"Dimensions Reference"
run_doxygen trig_reference
[ path.glob-tree $(here)/../../../boost/units/systems/angle : *.hpp : detail ]
"Trigonometry and Angle System Reference"
run_doxygen temperature_reference
[ path.glob-tree $(here)/../../../boost/units/systems/temperature : *.hpp : detail ]
"Temperature System Reference"
run_doxygen information_reference
[ path.glob-tree $(here)/../../../boost/units/systems/information : *.hpp : detail prefixes.hpp ]
"Information System Reference"
run_doxygen abstract_reference
"Abstract System Reference"
rule less ( a b )
if [ path.basename $(a) ] < [ path.basename $(b) ]
return true ;
rule generate-qbk ( target : sources * : properties * )
print.output $(target) ;
local as-path = [ sequence.transform path.make : $(sources:G=) ] ;
local known = ;
local duplicated = ;
for local file in $(as-path)
local base = [ path.basename $(file) ] ;
if $(base) in $(known)
if ! $(base) in $(duplicated)
duplicated += $(base) ;
} else
known += $(base) ;
for local file in [ sequence.insertion-sort $(as-path) : less ]
local output_filename = [ path.relative-to [ path.make $(here)/../../.. ] $(file) ] ;
local base_filename = [ path.basename $(file) ] ;
local base_unit = [ regex.replace $(base_filename) "\\.hpp" "" ] ;
if $(base_filename) in $(duplicated)
# tack the directory name onto the end
local dir-name = [ path.basename [ path.parent $(file) ] ] ;
base_unit = "$(base_unit) ($(dir-name))" ;
print.text "[headerref $(output_filename) $(base_unit)][br]" : overwrite ;
make base_units.qbk : [ path.glob-tree $(here)/../../../boost/units/base_units : *.hpp : detail conversions.hpp ] : @generate-qbk ;
explicit base_units ;
install base_units_install : base_units.qbk : <location>. ;
xml units
boostbook standalone
alias boostdoc
: units
: ;
explicit boostdoc ;
alias boostrelease ;
explicit boostrelease ;