411 lines
12 KiB
411 lines
12 KiB
Copyright (c) Marshall Clow 2012-2012.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
For more information, see http://www.boost.org
#include <new> // for placement new
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef> // for NULL, std::size_t, std::ptrdiff_t
#include <cstring> // for std::strchr and std::strcmp
#include <cstdlib> // for std::malloc and std::free
#include <boost/utility/string_view.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/core/lightweight_test.hpp>
typedef boost::string_view string_view;
void ends_with ( const char *arg ) {
const size_t sz = std::strlen ( arg );
string_view sr ( arg );
string_view sr2 ( arg );
const char *p = arg;
while ( *p ) {
BOOST_TEST ( sr.ends_with ( p ));
while ( !sr2.empty ()) {
BOOST_TEST ( sr.ends_with ( sr2 ));
sr2.remove_prefix (1);
sr2 = arg;
while ( !sr2.empty ()) {
BOOST_TEST ( sr.ends_with ( sr2 ));
sr2.remove_prefix (1);
char ch = sz == 0 ? '\0' : arg [ sz - 1 ];
sr2 = arg;
if ( sz > 0 )
BOOST_TEST ( sr2.ends_with ( ch ));
BOOST_TEST ( !sr2.ends_with ( ++ch ));
BOOST_TEST ( sr2.ends_with ( string_view()));
void starts_with ( const char *arg ) {
const size_t sz = std::strlen ( arg );
string_view sr ( arg );
string_view sr2 ( arg );
const char *p = arg + std::strlen ( arg ) - 1;
while ( p >= arg ) {
std::string foo ( arg, p + 1 );
BOOST_TEST ( sr.starts_with ( foo ));
while ( !sr2.empty ()) {
BOOST_TEST ( sr.starts_with ( sr2 ));
sr2.remove_suffix (1);
char ch = *arg;
sr2 = arg;
if ( sz > 0 )
BOOST_TEST ( sr2.starts_with ( ch ));
BOOST_TEST ( !sr2.starts_with ( ++ch ));
BOOST_TEST ( sr2.starts_with ( string_view ()));
void reverse ( const char *arg ) {
// Round trip
string_view sr1 ( arg );
std::string string1 ( sr1.rbegin (), sr1.rend ());
string_view sr2 ( string1 );
std::string string2 ( sr2.rbegin (), sr2.rend ());
BOOST_TEST ( std::equal ( sr2.rbegin (), sr2.rend (), arg ));
BOOST_TEST ( string2 == arg );
BOOST_TEST ( std::equal ( sr1.begin (), sr1.end (), string2.begin ()));
// This helper function eliminates signed vs. unsigned warnings
string_view::size_type ptr_diff ( const char *res, const char *base ) {
BOOST_TEST ( res >= base );
return static_cast<string_view::size_type> ( res - base );
void find ( const char *arg ) {
string_view sr1;
string_view sr2;
const char *p;
// When we search for the empty string, we find it at position 0
BOOST_TEST ( sr1.find (sr2) == 0 );
BOOST_TEST ( sr1.rfind(sr2) == 0 );
// Look for each character in the string(searching from the start)
p = arg;
sr1 = arg;
while ( *p ) {
string_view::size_type pos = sr1.find(*p);
BOOST_TEST ( pos != string_view::npos && ( pos <= ptr_diff ( p, arg )));
// Look for each character in the string (searching from the end)
p = arg;
sr1 = arg;
while ( *p ) {
string_view::size_type pos = sr1.rfind(*p);
BOOST_TEST ( pos != string_view::npos && pos < sr1.size () && ( pos >= ptr_diff ( p, arg )));
// Look for pairs on characters (searching from the start)
sr1 = arg;
p = arg;
while ( *p && *(p+1)) {
string_view sr3 ( p, 2 );
string_view::size_type pos = sr1.find ( sr3 );
BOOST_TEST ( pos != string_view::npos && pos <= static_cast<string_view::size_type>( p - arg ));
sr1 = arg;
p = arg;
// for all possible chars, see if we find them in the right place.
// Note that strchr will/might do the _wrong_ thing if we search for NULL
for ( int ch = 1; ch < 256; ++ch ) {
string_view::size_type pos = sr1.find(ch);
const char *strp = std::strchr ( arg, ch );
BOOST_TEST (( strp == NULL ) == ( pos == string_view::npos ));
if ( strp != NULL )
BOOST_TEST ( ptr_diff ( strp, arg ) == pos );
sr1 = arg;
p = arg;
// for all possible chars, see if we find them in the right place.
// Note that strchr will/might do the _wrong_ thing if we search for NULL
for ( int ch = 1; ch < 256; ++ch ) {
string_view::size_type pos = sr1.rfind(ch);
const char *strp = std::strrchr ( arg, ch );
BOOST_TEST (( strp == NULL ) == ( pos == string_view::npos ));
if ( strp != NULL )
BOOST_TEST ( ptr_diff ( strp, arg ) == pos );
// Find everything at the start
p = arg;
sr1 = arg;
while ( !sr1.empty ()) {
string_view::size_type pos = sr1.find(*p);
BOOST_TEST ( pos == 0 );
sr1.remove_prefix (1);
// Find everything at the end
sr1 = arg;
p = arg + std::strlen ( arg ) - 1;
while ( !sr1.empty ()) {
string_view::size_type pos = sr1.rfind(*p);
BOOST_TEST ( pos == sr1.size () - 1 );
sr1.remove_suffix (1);
// Find everything at the start
sr1 = arg;
p = arg;
while ( !sr1.empty ()) {
string_view::size_type pos = sr1.find_first_of(*p);
BOOST_TEST ( pos == 0 );
sr1.remove_prefix (1);
// Find everything at the end
sr1 = arg;
p = arg + std::strlen ( arg ) - 1;
while ( !sr1.empty ()) {
string_view::size_type pos = sr1.find_last_of(*p);
BOOST_TEST ( pos == sr1.size () - 1 );
sr1.remove_suffix (1);
// Basic sanity checking for "find_first_of / find_first_not_of"
sr1 = arg;
sr2 = arg;
while ( !sr1.empty() ) {
BOOST_TEST ( sr1.find_first_of ( sr2 ) == 0 );
BOOST_TEST ( sr1.find_first_not_of ( sr2 ) == string_view::npos );
sr1.remove_prefix ( 1 );
p = arg;
sr1 = arg;
while ( *p ) {
string_view::size_type pos1 = sr1.find_first_of(*p);
string_view::size_type pos2 = sr1.find_first_not_of(*p);
BOOST_TEST ( pos1 != string_view::npos && pos1 < sr1.size () && pos1 <= ptr_diff ( p, arg ));
if ( pos2 != string_view::npos ) {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < pos2; ++i )
BOOST_TEST ( sr1[i] == *p );
BOOST_TEST ( sr1 [ pos2 ] != *p );
BOOST_TEST ( pos2 != pos1 );
// Basic sanity checking for "find_last_of / find_last_not_of"
sr1 = arg;
sr2 = arg;
while ( !sr1.empty() ) {
BOOST_TEST ( sr1.find_last_of ( sr2 ) == ( sr1.size () - 1 ));
BOOST_TEST ( sr1.find_last_not_of ( sr2 ) == string_view::npos );
sr1.remove_suffix ( 1 );
p = arg;
sr1 = arg;
while ( *p ) {
string_view::size_type pos1 = sr1.find_last_of(*p);
string_view::size_type pos2 = sr1.find_last_not_of(*p);
BOOST_TEST ( pos1 != string_view::npos && pos1 < sr1.size () && pos1 >= ptr_diff ( p, arg ));
BOOST_TEST ( pos2 == string_view::npos || pos1 < sr1.size ());
if ( pos2 != string_view::npos ) {
for ( size_t i = sr1.size () -1 ; i > pos2; --i )
BOOST_TEST ( sr1[i] == *p );
BOOST_TEST ( sr1 [ pos2 ] != *p );
BOOST_TEST ( pos2 != pos1 );
template <typename T>
class custom_allocator {
typedef T value_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef const T* const_pointer;
typedef void* void_pointer;
typedef const void* const_void_pointer;
typedef std::size_t size_type;
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef T& reference;
typedef const T& const_reference;
template<class U>
struct rebind {
typedef custom_allocator<U> other;
custom_allocator() BOOST_NOEXCEPT {}
template <typename U>
custom_allocator(custom_allocator<U> const&) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {}
pointer allocate(size_type n) const {
return static_cast<pointer>(std::malloc(sizeof(value_type) * n));
void deallocate(pointer p, size_type) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
pointer address(reference value) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
return &value;
const_pointer address(const_reference value) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
return &value;
BOOST_CONSTEXPR size_type max_size() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
return (~(size_type)0u) / sizeof(value_type);
template <class U, class... Args>
void construct(U* ptr, Args&&... args) const {
::new((void*)ptr) U(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...);
template <class U, class V>
void construct(U* ptr, V&& value) const {
::new((void*)ptr) U(static_cast<V&&>(value));
template <class U, class V>
void construct(U* ptr, const V& value) const {
::new((void*)ptr) U(value);
template <class U>
void construct(U* ptr) const {
::new((void*)ptr) U();
template <class U>
void destroy(U* ptr) const {
template <typename T, typename U>
BOOST_CONSTEXPR bool operator==(const custom_allocator<T> &, const custom_allocator<U> &) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
return true;
template <typename T, typename U>
BOOST_CONSTEXPR bool operator!=(const custom_allocator<T> &, const custom_allocator<U> &) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
return false;
void to_string ( const char *arg ) {
string_view sr1;
std::string str1;
std::string str2;
str1.assign ( arg );
sr1 = arg;
// str2 = sr1.to_string<std::allocator<char> > ();
str2 = sr1.to_string ();
BOOST_TEST ( str1 == str2 );
std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, custom_allocator<char> > str3 = sr1.to_string(custom_allocator<char>());
BOOST_TEST ( std::strcmp(str1.c_str(), str3.c_str()) == 0 );
std::string str4 = static_cast<std::string> ( sr1 );
BOOST_TEST ( str1 == str4 );
void compare ( const char *arg ) {
string_view sr1;
std::string str1;
std::string str2 = str1;
str1.assign ( arg );
sr1 = arg;
BOOST_TEST ( sr1 == sr1); // compare string_view and string_view
BOOST_TEST ( sr1 == str1); // compare string and string_view
BOOST_TEST ( str1 == sr1 ); // compare string_view and string
BOOST_TEST ( sr1 == arg ); // compare string_view and pointer
BOOST_TEST ( arg == sr1 ); // compare pointer and string_view
if ( sr1.size () > 0 ) {
BOOST_TEST ( sr1 != str1 );
BOOST_TEST ( str1 != sr1 );
BOOST_TEST ( sr1 < str1 );
BOOST_TEST ( sr1 <= str1 );
BOOST_TEST ( str1 > sr1 );
BOOST_TEST ( str1 >= sr1 );
(*str1.rbegin()) -= 2;
BOOST_TEST ( sr1 != str1 );
BOOST_TEST ( str1 != sr1 );
BOOST_TEST ( sr1 > str1 );
BOOST_TEST ( sr1 >= str1 );
BOOST_TEST ( str1 < sr1 );
BOOST_TEST ( str1 <= sr1 );
const char *test_strings [] = {
"AAA", // all the same
"adsfadadiaef;alkdg;aljt;j agl;sjrl;tjs;lga;lretj;srg[w349u5209dsfadfasdfasdfadsf",
int main()
const char **p = &test_strings[0];
while ( *p != NULL ) {
starts_with ( *p );
ends_with ( *p );
reverse ( *p );
find ( *p );
to_string ( *p );
compare ( *p );
return boost::report_errors();