
372 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2002-2008, Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// Test program for "boost/utility/value_init.hpp"
// 21 Ago 2002 (Created) Fernando Cacciola
// 15 Jan 2008 (Added tests regarding compiler issues) Fernando Cacciola, Niels Dekker
// 23 May 2008 (Added tests regarding initialized_value) Niels Dekker
// 21 Ago 2008 (Added swap test) Niels Dekker
#include <cstring> // For memcmp.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "boost/utility/value_init.hpp"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
#include <boost/core/lightweight_test.hpp>
// Sample POD type
struct POD
POD () : f(0), c(0), i(0){}
POD ( char c_, int i_, float f_ ) : f(f_), c(c_), i(i_) {}
friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, POD const& pod )
{ return os << '(' << pod.c << ',' << pod.i << ',' << pod.f << ')' ; }
friend bool operator == ( POD const& lhs, POD const& rhs )
{ return lhs.f == rhs.f && lhs.c == rhs.c && lhs.i == rhs.i ; }
float f;
char c;
int i;
} ;
// Sample non POD type
struct NonPODBase
virtual ~NonPODBase() {}
} ;
struct NonPOD : NonPODBase
NonPOD () : id() {}
explicit NonPOD ( std::string const& id_) : id(id_) {}
friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, NonPOD const& npod )
{ return os << '(' << npod.id << ')' ; }
friend bool operator == ( NonPOD const& lhs, NonPOD const& rhs )
{ return lhs.id == rhs.id ; }
std::string id ;
} ;
// Sample aggregate POD struct type
// Some compilers do not correctly value-initialize such a struct, for example:
// Borland C++ Report #51854, "Value-initialization: POD struct should be zero-initialized "
// http://qc.codegear.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=51854
struct AggregatePODStruct
float f;
char c;
int i;
bool operator == ( AggregatePODStruct const& lhs, AggregatePODStruct const& rhs )
{ return lhs.f == rhs.f && lhs.c == rhs.c && lhs.i == rhs.i ; }
// An aggregate struct that contains an std::string and an int.
// Pavel Kuznetsov (MetaCommunications Engineering) used a struct like
// this to reproduce the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler bug, reported as
// Feedback ID 100744, "Value-initialization in new-expression"
// https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=100744
struct StringAndInt
std::string s;
int i;
bool operator == ( StringAndInt const& lhs, StringAndInt const& rhs )
{ return lhs.s == rhs.s && lhs.i == rhs.i ; }
// A struct that has an explicit (user defined) destructor.
// Some compilers do not correctly value-initialize such a struct, for example:
// Microsoft Visual C++, Feedback ID 100744, "Value-initialization in new-expression"
// https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=100744
struct StructWithDestructor
int i;
~StructWithDestructor() {}
bool operator == ( StructWithDestructor const& lhs, StructWithDestructor const& rhs )
{ return lhs.i == rhs.i ; }
// A struct that has a virtual function.
// Some compilers do not correctly value-initialize such a struct either, for example:
// Microsoft Visual C++, Feedback ID 100744, "Value-initialization in new-expression"
// https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=100744
struct StructWithVirtualFunction
int i;
virtual void VirtualFunction();
void StructWithVirtualFunction::VirtualFunction()
bool operator == ( StructWithVirtualFunction const& lhs, StructWithVirtualFunction const& rhs )
{ return lhs.i == rhs.i ; }
// A struct that is derived from an aggregate POD struct.
// Some compilers do not correctly value-initialize such a struct, for example:
// GCC Bugzilla Bug 30111, "Value-initialization of POD base class doesn't initialize members",
// reported by Jonathan Wakely, http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=30111
struct DerivedFromAggregatePODStruct : AggregatePODStruct
DerivedFromAggregatePODStruct() : AggregatePODStruct() {}
// A struct that wraps an aggregate POD struct as data member.
struct AggregatePODStructWrapper
AggregatePODStructWrapper() : dataMember() {}
AggregatePODStruct dataMember;
bool operator == ( AggregatePODStructWrapper const& lhs, AggregatePODStructWrapper const& rhs )
{ return lhs.dataMember == rhs.dataMember ; }
typedef unsigned char ArrayOfBytes[256];
// A struct that allows testing whether the appropriate copy functions are called.
struct CopyFunctionCallTester
bool is_copy_constructed;
bool is_assignment_called;
: is_copy_constructed(false), is_assignment_called(false) {}
CopyFunctionCallTester(const CopyFunctionCallTester & )
: is_copy_constructed(true), is_assignment_called(false) {}
CopyFunctionCallTester & operator=(const CopyFunctionCallTester & )
is_assignment_called = true ;
return *this ;
// A struct that allows testing whether its customized swap function is called.
struct SwapFunctionCallTester
bool is_custom_swap_called;
int data;
: is_custom_swap_called(false), data(0) {}
SwapFunctionCallTester(const SwapFunctionCallTester & arg)
: is_custom_swap_called(false), data(arg.data) {}
void swap(SwapFunctionCallTester & arg)
std::swap(data, arg.data);
is_custom_swap_called = true;
arg.is_custom_swap_called = true;
void swap(SwapFunctionCallTester & lhs, SwapFunctionCallTester & rhs)
template<class T>
void check_initialized_value ( T const& y )
T initializedValue = boost::initialized_value ;
BOOST_TEST ( y == initializedValue ) ;
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#if __BORLANDC__ == 0x582
void check_initialized_value( NonPOD const& )
// The initialized_value check is skipped for Borland 5.82
// and this type (NonPOD), because the following statement
// won't compile on this particular compiler version:
// NonPOD initializedValue = boost::initialized_value() ;
// This is caused by a compiler bug, that is fixed with a newer version
// of the Borland compiler. The Release Notes for Delphi(R) 2007 for
// Win32(R) and C++Builder(R) 2007 (http://dn.codegear.com/article/36575)
// say about similar statements:
// both of these statements now compile but under 5.82 got the error:
// Error E2015: Ambiguity between 'V::V(const A &)' and 'V::V(const V &)'
// This test function tests boost::value_initialized<T> for a specific type T.
// The first argument (y) is assumed have the value of a value-initialized object.
// Returns true on success.
template<class T>
bool test ( T const& y, T const& z )
const int errors_before_test = boost::detail::test_errors();
boost::value_initialized<T> x ;
BOOST_TEST ( y == x ) ;
BOOST_TEST ( y == boost::get(x) ) ;
static_cast<T&>(x) = z ;
boost::get(x) = z ;
BOOST_TEST ( x == z ) ;
boost::value_initialized<T> const x_c ;
BOOST_TEST ( y == x_c ) ;
BOOST_TEST ( y == boost::get(x_c) ) ;
T& x_c_ref = const_cast<T&>( boost::get(x_c) ) ;
x_c_ref = z ;
BOOST_TEST ( x_c == z ) ;
boost::value_initialized<T> const copy1 = x;
BOOST_TEST ( boost::get(copy1) == boost::get(x) ) ;
boost::value_initialized<T> copy2;
copy2 = x;
BOOST_TEST ( boost::get(copy2) == boost::get(x) ) ;
boost::value_initialized<T> * ptr = new boost::value_initialized<T>;
BOOST_TEST ( y == *ptr ) ;
delete ptr;
boost::value_initialized<T const> cx ;
BOOST_TEST ( y == cx ) ;
BOOST_TEST ( y == boost::get(cx) ) ;
boost::value_initialized<T const> const cx_c ;
BOOST_TEST ( y == cx_c ) ;
BOOST_TEST ( y == boost::get(cx_c) ) ;
return boost::detail::test_errors() == errors_before_test ;
int main()
BOOST_TEST ( test( 0,1234 ) ) ;
BOOST_TEST ( test( 0.0,12.34 ) ) ;
BOOST_TEST ( test( POD(0,0,0.0), POD('a',1234,56.78f) ) ) ;
BOOST_TEST ( test( NonPOD( std::string() ), NonPOD( std::string("something") ) ) ) ;
NonPOD NonPOD_object( std::string("NonPOD_object") );
BOOST_TEST ( test<NonPOD *>( 0, &NonPOD_object ) ) ;
AggregatePODStruct zeroInitializedAggregatePODStruct = { 0.0f, '\0', 0 };
AggregatePODStruct nonZeroInitializedAggregatePODStruct = { 1.25f, 'a', -1 };
BOOST_TEST ( test(zeroInitializedAggregatePODStruct, nonZeroInitializedAggregatePODStruct) );
StringAndInt stringAndInt0;
StringAndInt stringAndInt1;
stringAndInt0.i = 0;
stringAndInt1.i = 1;
stringAndInt1.s = std::string("1");
BOOST_TEST ( test(stringAndInt0, stringAndInt1) );
StructWithDestructor structWithDestructor0;
StructWithDestructor structWithDestructor1;
structWithDestructor0.i = 0;
structWithDestructor1.i = 1;
BOOST_TEST ( test(structWithDestructor0, structWithDestructor1) );
StructWithVirtualFunction structWithVirtualFunction0;
StructWithVirtualFunction structWithVirtualFunction1;
structWithVirtualFunction0.i = 0;
structWithVirtualFunction1.i = 1;
BOOST_TEST ( test(structWithVirtualFunction0, structWithVirtualFunction1) );
DerivedFromAggregatePODStruct derivedFromAggregatePODStruct0;
DerivedFromAggregatePODStruct derivedFromAggregatePODStruct1;
static_cast<AggregatePODStruct &>(derivedFromAggregatePODStruct0) = zeroInitializedAggregatePODStruct;
static_cast<AggregatePODStruct &>(derivedFromAggregatePODStruct1) = nonZeroInitializedAggregatePODStruct;
BOOST_TEST ( test(derivedFromAggregatePODStruct0, derivedFromAggregatePODStruct1) );
AggregatePODStructWrapper aggregatePODStructWrapper0;
AggregatePODStructWrapper aggregatePODStructWrapper1;
aggregatePODStructWrapper0.dataMember = zeroInitializedAggregatePODStruct;
aggregatePODStructWrapper1.dataMember = nonZeroInitializedAggregatePODStruct;
BOOST_TEST ( test(aggregatePODStructWrapper0, aggregatePODStructWrapper1) );
ArrayOfBytes zeroInitializedArrayOfBytes = { 0 };
boost::value_initialized<ArrayOfBytes> valueInitializedArrayOfBytes;
BOOST_TEST (std::memcmp(get(valueInitializedArrayOfBytes), zeroInitializedArrayOfBytes, sizeof(ArrayOfBytes)) == 0);
boost::value_initialized<ArrayOfBytes> valueInitializedArrayOfBytes2;
valueInitializedArrayOfBytes2 = valueInitializedArrayOfBytes;
BOOST_TEST (std::memcmp(get(valueInitializedArrayOfBytes), get(valueInitializedArrayOfBytes2), sizeof(ArrayOfBytes)) == 0);
boost::value_initialized<CopyFunctionCallTester> copyFunctionCallTester1;
BOOST_TEST ( ! get(copyFunctionCallTester1).is_copy_constructed);
BOOST_TEST ( ! get(copyFunctionCallTester1).is_assignment_called);
boost::value_initialized<CopyFunctionCallTester> copyFunctionCallTester2 = boost::value_initialized<CopyFunctionCallTester>(copyFunctionCallTester1);
BOOST_TEST ( get(copyFunctionCallTester2).is_copy_constructed);
BOOST_TEST ( ! get(copyFunctionCallTester2).is_assignment_called);
boost::value_initialized<CopyFunctionCallTester> copyFunctionCallTester3;
copyFunctionCallTester3 = boost::value_initialized<CopyFunctionCallTester>(copyFunctionCallTester1);
BOOST_TEST ( ! get(copyFunctionCallTester3).is_copy_constructed);
BOOST_TEST ( get(copyFunctionCallTester3).is_assignment_called);
boost::value_initialized<SwapFunctionCallTester> swapFunctionCallTester1;
boost::value_initialized<SwapFunctionCallTester> swapFunctionCallTester2;
get(swapFunctionCallTester1).data = 1;
get(swapFunctionCallTester2).data = 2;
boost::swap(swapFunctionCallTester1, swapFunctionCallTester2);
BOOST_TEST( get(swapFunctionCallTester1).data == 2 );
BOOST_TEST( get(swapFunctionCallTester2).data == 1 );
BOOST_TEST( get(swapFunctionCallTester1).is_custom_swap_called );
BOOST_TEST( get(swapFunctionCallTester2).is_custom_swap_called );
return boost::report_errors();