2014-08-01 14:09:36 +04:00

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<!DOCTYPE header PUBLIC "-//Boost//DTD BoostBook XML V1.0//EN"
Copyright 2003, Eric Friedman, Itay Maman.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
<header name="boost/variant/visitor_ptr.hpp">
<namespace name="boost">
<class name="visitor_ptr_t">
<template-type-parameter name="T"/>
<template-type-parameter name="R"/>
<purpose>Adapts a function pointer for use as a static visitor.</purpose>
<simpara>Adapts the function given at construction for use as a
<link linkend="variant.concepts.static-visitor">static visitor</link>
of type <code>T</code> with result type <code>R</code>.</simpara>
<inherit access="public"><classname>static_visitor</classname>&lt;R&gt;</inherit>
<constructor specifiers="explicit">
<paramtype>R (*)(T)</paramtype>
<simpara>Constructs the visitor with the given function.</simpara>
<method-group name="static visitor interfaces">
<overloaded-method name="operator()">
<parameter name="operand">
<template-type-parameter name="U"/>
<paramtype>const U&amp;</paramtype>
<simpara>If passed a value or reference of type
<code>T</code>, it invokes the function given at
construction, appropriately forwarding
<returns>Returns the result of the function invocation.</returns>
<throws id="visitor_ptr_t.visit.throws">
<simpara>The overload taking a value or reference of type
<code>T</code> throws if the invoked function throws.
The overload taking all other values <emphasis>always</emphasis>
throws <code><classname>bad_visit</classname></code>.</simpara>
<function name="visitor_ptr">
<simpara>Returns a visitor object that adapts function pointers for
use as a static visitor.</simpara>
<simpara>Constructs and returns a
<code><classname>visitor_ptr_t</classname></code> adaptor over the
given function.</simpara>
<template-type-parameter name="R"/>
<template-type-parameter name="T"/>
<paramtype>R (*)(T)</paramtype>
<simpara>Returns a <code><classname>visitor_ptr_t</classname></code>
visitor object that, when applied, invokes the given
<simpara>Will not throw. (Note, however, that the returned
<classname alt="boost::visitor_ptr_t">visitor object</classname> may
throw when applied.)</simpara>