Crypto City da83f01ff4 make dividend command more flexible
it can optionally distribute to unowned items only, as well as
pay per item rather than split
2021-07-06 12:52:33 +00:00

2028 lines
71 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2018 The Monero Project
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
# permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
# conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
# of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
# materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be
# used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
# prior written permission.
"""Daemon class to make rpc calls and store state."""
from .rpc import JSONRPC
class Wallet(object):
def __init__(self, protocol='http', host='', port=0, idx=0): = host
self.port = port
self.rpc = JSONRPC('{protocol}://{host}:{port}'.format(protocol=protocol, host=host, port=port if port else 18090+idx))
def transfer(self, destinations, account_index = 0, subaddr_indices = [], priority = 0, ring_size = 0, unlock_time = 0, get_tx_key = True, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
transfer = {
'method': 'transfer',
'params': {
'destinations': destinations,
'account_index': account_index,
'subaddr_indices': subaddr_indices,
'priority': priority,
'ring_size' : ring_size,
'unlock_time' : unlock_time,
'get_tx_key' : get_tx_key,
'do_not_relay' : do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex' : get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata' : get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(transfer)
def transfer_split(self, destinations, account_index = 0, subaddr_indices = [], priority = 0, ring_size = 0, unlock_time = 0, get_tx_key = True, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
transfer = {
"method": "transfer_split",
"params": {
'destinations': destinations,
'account_index': account_index,
'subaddr_indices': subaddr_indices,
'priority': priority,
'ring_size' : ring_size,
'unlock_time' : unlock_time,
'get_tx_key' : get_tx_key,
'do_not_relay' : do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex' : get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata' : get_tx_metadata,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "0"
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(transfer)
def get_transfer_by_txid(self, txid, account_index = 0):
get_transfer_by_txid = {
'method': 'get_transfer_by_txid',
'params': {
'txid': txid,
'account_index': account_index,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_transfer_by_txid)
def get_bulk_payments(self, min_block_height = 0):
get_bulk_payments = {
'method': 'get_bulk_payments',
'params': {
'min_block_height': min_block_height,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_bulk_payments)
def describe_transfer(self, unsigned_txset = '', multisig_txset = ''):
describe_transfer = {
'method': 'describe_transfer',
'params': {
'unsigned_txset': unsigned_txset,
'multisig_txset': multisig_txset,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(describe_transfer)
def create_wallet(self, filename='', password = '', language = 'English'):
create_wallet = {
'method': 'create_wallet',
'params': {
'filename': filename,
'password': password,
'language': language
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(create_wallet)
def get_balance(self, account_index = 0, address_indices = [], all_accounts = False, strict = False):
get_balance = {
'method': 'get_balance',
'params': {
'account_index': account_index,
'address_indices': address_indices,
'all_accounts': all_accounts,
'strict': strict,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_balance)
getbalance = get_balance
def sweep_dust(self, get_tx_keys = True, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
sweep_dust = {
'method': 'sweep_dust',
'params': {
'get_tx_keys': get_tx_keys,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(sweep_dust)
sweep_unmixable = sweep_dust
def sweep_all(self, address = '', account_index = 0, subaddr_indices = [], priority = 0, ring_size = 0, outputs = 1, unlock_time = 0, get_tx_keys = False, below_amount = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
sweep_all = {
'method': 'sweep_all',
'params' : {
'address' : address,
'account_index' : account_index,
'subaddr_indices' : subaddr_indices,
'priority' : priority,
'ring_size' : ring_size,
'outputs' : outputs,
'unlock_time' : unlock_time,
'get_tx_keys' : get_tx_keys,
'below_amount' : below_amount,
'do_not_relay' : do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex' : get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata' : get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(sweep_all)
def sweep_single(self, address = '', priority = 0, ring_size = 0, outputs = 1, unlock_time = 0, get_tx_keys = False, key_image = "", do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
sweep_single = {
'method': 'sweep_single',
'params' : {
'address' : address,
'priority' : priority,
'ring_size' : ring_size,
'outputs' : outputs,
'unlock_time' : unlock_time,
'get_tx_keys' : get_tx_keys,
'key_image' : key_image,
'do_not_relay' : do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex' : get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata' : get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(sweep_single)
def get_address(self, account_index = 0, subaddresses = []):
get_address = {
'method': 'get_address',
'params' : {
'account_index' : account_index,
'address_index': subaddresses
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_address)
getaddress = get_address
def create_account(self, label = ""):
create_account = {
'method': 'create_account',
'params' : {
'label': label
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(create_account)
def create_address(self, account_index = 0, label = "", count = 1):
create_address = {
'method': 'create_address',
'params' : {
'account_index': account_index,
'label': label,
'count': count
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(create_address)
def label_address(self, subaddress_index, label):
label_address = {
'method': 'label_address',
'params' : {
'index': { 'major': subaddress_index[0], 'minor': subaddress_index[1]},
'label': label
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(label_address)
def label_account(self, account_index, label):
label_account = {
'method': 'label_account',
'params' : {
'account_index': account_index,
'label': label
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(label_account)
def get_address_index(self, address):
get_address_index = {
'method': 'get_address_index',
'params' : {
'address': address
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_address_index)
def query_key(self, key_type):
query_key = {
'method': 'query_key',
'params' : {
'key_type': key_type
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(query_key)
def restore_deterministic_wallet(self, seed = '', seed_offset = '', filename = '', restore_height = 0, password = '', language = '', autosave_current = True):
restore_deterministic_wallet = {
'method': 'restore_deterministic_wallet',
'params' : {
'restore_height': restore_height,
'filename': filename,
'seed': seed,
'seed_offset': seed_offset,
'password': password,
'language': language,
'autosave_current': autosave_current,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(restore_deterministic_wallet)
def generate_from_keys(self, restore_height = 0, filename = "", password = "", address = "", spendkey = "", viewkey = "", autosave_current = True):
generate_from_keys = {
'method': 'generate_from_keys',
'params' : {
'restore_height': restore_height,
'filename': filename,
'address': address,
'spendkey': spendkey,
'viewkey': viewkey,
'password': password,
'autosave_current': autosave_current,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(generate_from_keys)
def open_wallet(self, filename, password='', autosave_current = True):
open_wallet = {
'method': 'open_wallet',
'params' : {
'filename': filename,
'password': password,
'autosave_current': autosave_current,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(open_wallet)
def close_wallet(self, autosave_current = True):
close_wallet = {
'method': 'close_wallet',
'params' : {
'autosave_current': autosave_current
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(close_wallet)
def change_wallet_password(self, old_password, new_password):
change_wallet_password = {
'method': 'change_wallet_password',
'params' : {
'old_password': old_password,
'new_password': new_password,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(change_wallet_password)
def store(self):
store = {
'method': 'store',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(store)
def stop_wallet(self):
stop_wallet = {
'method': 'stop_wallet',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(stop_wallet)
def refresh(self):
refresh = {
'method': 'refresh',
'params' : {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(refresh)
def incoming_transfers(self, transfer_type='all', account_index = 0, subaddr_indices = []):
incoming_transfers = {
'method': 'incoming_transfers',
'params' : {
'transfer_type': transfer_type,
'account_index': account_index,
'subaddr_indices': subaddr_indices,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(incoming_transfers)
def get_transfers(self, in_ = True, out = True, pending = True, failed = True, pool = True, min_height = None, max_height = None, account_index = 0, subaddr_indices = [], all_accounts = False):
get_transfers = {
'method': 'get_transfers',
'params' : {
'in': in_,
'out': out,
'pending': pending,
'failed': failed,
'pool': pool,
'min_height': min_height,
'max_height': max_height,
'filter_by_height': min_height or max_height,
'account_index': account_index,
'subaddr_indices': subaddr_indices,
'all_accounts': all_accounts,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_transfers)
def auto_refresh(self, enable, period = 0):
auto_refresh = {
'method': 'auto_refresh',
'params' : {
'enable': enable,
'period': period
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(auto_refresh)
def set_daemon(self, address, trusted = False, ssl_support = "autodetect", ssl_private_key_path = "", ssl_certificate_path = "", ssl_allowed_certificates = [], ssl_allowed_fingerprints = [], ssl_allow_any_cert = False):
set_daemon = {
'method': 'set_daemon',
'params' : {
'address': address,
'trusted': trusted,
'ssl_support': ssl_support,
'ssl_private_key_path': ssl_private_key_path,
'ssl_certificate_path': ssl_certificate_path,
'ssl_allowed_certificates': ssl_allowed_certificates,
'ssl_allowed_fingerprints': ssl_allowed_fingerprints,
'ssl_allow_any_cert': ssl_allow_any_cert,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(set_daemon)
def is_multisig(self):
is_multisig = {
'method': 'is_multisig',
'params' : {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(is_multisig)
def prepare_multisig(self):
prepare_multisig = {
'method': 'prepare_multisig',
'params' : {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(prepare_multisig)
def make_multisig(self, multisig_info, threshold, password = ''):
make_multisig = {
'method': 'make_multisig',
'params' : {
'multisig_info': multisig_info,
'threshold': threshold,
'password': password,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(make_multisig)
def finalize_multisig(self, multisig_info, password = ''):
finalize_multisig = {
'method': 'finalize_multisig',
'params' : {
'multisig_info': multisig_info,
'password': password,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(finalize_multisig)
def exchange_multisig_keys(self, multisig_info, password = ''):
exchange_multisig_keys = {
'method': 'exchange_multisig_keys',
'params' : {
'multisig_info': multisig_info,
'password': password,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(exchange_multisig_keys)
def export_multisig_info(self):
export_multisig_info = {
'method': 'export_multisig_info',
'params' : {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(export_multisig_info)
def import_multisig_info(self, info = []):
import_multisig_info = {
'method': 'import_multisig_info',
'params' : {
'info': info
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(import_multisig_info)
def sign_multisig(self, tx_data_hex):
sign_multisig = {
'method': 'sign_multisig',
'params' : {
'tx_data_hex': tx_data_hex
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(sign_multisig)
def submit_multisig(self, tx_data_hex):
submit_multisig = {
'method': 'submit_multisig',
'params' : {
'tx_data_hex': tx_data_hex
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(submit_multisig)
def sign_transfer(self, unsigned_txset, export_raw = False, get_tx_keys = False):
sign_transfer = {
'method': 'sign_transfer',
'params' : {
'unsigned_txset': unsigned_txset,
'export_raw': export_raw,
'get_tx_keys': get_tx_keys,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(sign_transfer)
def submit_transfer(self, tx_data_hex):
submit_transfer = {
'method': 'submit_transfer',
'params' : {
'tx_data_hex': tx_data_hex,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(submit_transfer)
def get_tx_key(self, txid):
get_tx_key = {
'method': 'get_tx_key',
'params' : {
'txid': txid,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_tx_key)
def check_tx_key(self, txid = '', tx_key = '', address = ''):
check_tx_key = {
'method': 'check_tx_key',
'params' : {
'txid': txid,
'tx_key': tx_key,
'address': address,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(check_tx_key)
def get_tx_proof(self, txid = '', address = '', message = ''):
get_tx_proof = {
'method': 'get_tx_proof',
'params' : {
'txid': txid,
'address': address,
'message': message,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_tx_proof)
def check_tx_proof(self, txid = '', address = '', message = '', signature = ''):
check_tx_proof = {
'method': 'check_tx_proof',
'params' : {
'txid': txid,
'address': address,
'message': message,
'signature': signature,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(check_tx_proof)
def get_spend_proof(self, txid = '', message = ''):
get_spend_proof = {
'method': 'get_spend_proof',
'params' : {
'txid': txid,
'message': message,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_spend_proof)
def check_spend_proof(self, txid = '', message = '', signature = ''):
check_spend_proof = {
'method': 'check_spend_proof',
'params' : {
'txid': txid,
'message': message,
'signature': signature,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(check_spend_proof)
def get_reserve_proof(self, all_ = True, account_index = 0, amount = 0, message = ''):
get_reserve_proof = {
'method': 'get_reserve_proof',
'params' : {
'all': all_,
'account_index': account_index,
'amount': amount,
'message': message,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_reserve_proof)
def check_reserve_proof(self, address = '', message = '', signature = ''):
check_reserve_proof = {
'method': 'check_reserve_proof',
'params' : {
'address': address,
'message': message,
'signature': signature,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(check_reserve_proof)
def sign(self, data, account_index = 0, address_index = 0, signature_type = ""):
sign = {
'method': 'sign',
'params' : {
'data': data,
'account_index': account_index,
'address_index': address_index,
'signature_type': signature_type,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(sign)
def verify(self, data, address, signature):
verify = {
'method': 'verify',
'params' : {
'data': data,
'address': address,
'signature': signature,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(verify)
def get_height(self):
get_height = {
'method': 'get_height',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_height)
getheight = get_height
def relay_tx(self, hex_):
relay_tx = {
'method': 'relay_tx',
'params': {
'hex': hex_,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(relay_tx)
def get_languages(self):
get_languages = {
'method': 'get_languages',
'params': {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_languages)
def export_outputs(self):
export_outputs = {
'method': 'export_outputs',
'params': {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(export_outputs)
def import_outputs(self, outputs_data_hex):
import_outputs = {
'method': 'import_outputs',
'params': {
'outputs_data_hex': outputs_data_hex
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(import_outputs)
def export_key_images(self, all_ = False):
export_key_images = {
'method': 'export_key_images',
'params': {
'all': all_
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(export_key_images)
def import_key_images(self, signed_key_images, offset = 0):
import_key_images = {
'method': 'import_key_images',
'params': {
'offset': offset,
'signed_key_images': signed_key_images,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(import_key_images)
def set_log_level(self, level):
set_log_level = {
'method': 'set_log_level',
'params': {
'level': level,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(set_log_level)
def set_log_categories(self, categories):
set_log_categories = {
'method': 'set_log_categories',
'params': {
'categories': categories,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(set_log_categories)
def validate_address(self, address, any_net_type = False, allow_openalias = False):
validate_address = {
'method': 'validate_address',
'params': {
'address': address,
'any_net_type': any_net_type,
'allow_openalias': allow_openalias,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(validate_address)
def get_accounts(self, tag, strict_balances = False):
get_accounts = {
'method': 'get_accounts',
'params': {
'tag': tag,
'strict_balances': strict_balances,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_accounts)
def get_account_tags(self):
get_account_tags = {
'method': 'get_account_tags',
'params': {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_account_tags)
def tag_accounts(self, tag, accounts = []):
tag_accounts = {
'method': 'tag_accounts',
'params': {
'tag': tag,
'accounts': accounts,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(tag_accounts)
def untag_accounts(self, accounts = []):
untag_accounts = {
'method': 'untag_accounts',
'params': {
'accounts': accounts,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(untag_accounts)
def set_account_tag_description(self, tag, description):
set_account_tag_description = {
'method': 'set_account_tag_description',
'params': {
'tag': tag,
'description': description,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(set_account_tag_description)
def rescan_blockchain(self, hard = False):
rescan_blockchain = {
'method': 'rescan_blockchain',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'hard': hard,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(rescan_blockchain)
def rescan_spent(self):
rescan_spent = {
'method': 'rescan_spent',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(rescan_spent)
def set_tx_notes(self, txids = [], notes = []):
set_tx_notes = {
'method': 'set_tx_notes',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'txids': txids,
'notes': notes,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(set_tx_notes)
def get_tx_notes(self, txids = []):
get_tx_notes = {
'method': 'get_tx_notes',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'txids': txids,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_tx_notes)
def set_attribute(self, key, value):
set_attribute = {
'method': 'set_attribute',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'key': key,
'value': value,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(set_attribute)
def get_attribute(self, key):
get_attribute = {
'method': 'get_attribute',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'key': key,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_attribute)
def make_uri(self, address = '', payment_id = '', amount = 0, tx_description = '', recipient_name = ''):
make_uri = {
'method': 'make_uri',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'address': address,
'payment_id': payment_id,
'amount': amount,
'tx_description': tx_description,
'recipient_name': recipient_name,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(make_uri)
def parse_uri(self, uri):
parse_uri = {
'method': 'parse_uri',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'uri': uri,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(parse_uri)
def add_address_book(self, address = '', payment_id = '', description = ''):
add_address_book = {
'method': 'add_address_book',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'address': address,
'payment_id': payment_id,
'description': description,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(add_address_book)
def edit_address_book(self, index, address = None, payment_id = None, description = None):
edit_address_book = {
'method': 'edit_address_book',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'index': index,
'set_address': address != None,
'address': address or '',
'set_payment_id': payment_id != None,
'payment_id': payment_id or '',
'set_description': description != None,
'description': description or '',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(edit_address_book)
def get_address_book(self, entries = []):
get_address_book = {
'method': 'get_address_book',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'entries': entries,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_address_book)
def delete_address_book(self, index):
delete_address_book = {
'method': 'delete_address_book',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'index': index,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(delete_address_book)
def start_mining(self, threads_count, do_background_mining = False, ignore_battery = False):
start_mining = {
'method': 'start_mining',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'threads_count': threads_count,
'do_background_mining': do_background_mining,
'ignore_battery': ignore_battery,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(start_mining)
def stop_mining(self):
stop_mining = {
'method': 'stop_mining',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(stop_mining)
def estimate_tx_size_and_weight(self, n_inputs, n_outputs, ring_size = 0, rct = True):
estimate_tx_size_and_weight = {
'method': 'estimate_tx_size_and_weight',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params': {
'n_inputs': n_inputs,
'n_outputs': n_outputs,
'ring_size': ring_size,
'rct': rct,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(estimate_tx_size_and_weight)
def get_version(self):
get_version = {
'method': 'get_version',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(get_version)
def scan_tx(self, txids):
scan_tx = {
'method': 'scan_tx',
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'params' : {
'txids': txids,
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(scan_tx)
# CC
def cc_deposit(self, amount, name = '', inviting_account = 0, priority = 0, get_tx_key = True, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_deposit = {
'method': 'cc_deposit',
'params': {
'amount': amount,
'name': name,
'inviting_account': inviting_account,
'priority': priority,
'get_tx_key' : get_tx_key,
'do_not_relay' : do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex' : get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata' : get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_deposit)
def cc_withdraw(self, amount, priority = 0, get_tx_key = True, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_withdraw = {
'method': 'cc_withdraw',
'params': {
'amount': amount,
'priority': priority,
'get_tx_key' : get_tx_key,
'do_not_relay' : do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex' : get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata' : get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_withdraw)
def cc_transfer(self, public_key, amount, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_transfer = {
'method': 'cc_transfer',
'params': {
'public_key': public_key,
'amount': amount,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_transfer)
def cc_buy_land(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, city = 0, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_buy_land = {
'method': 'cc_buy_land',
'params': {
'x0': x0,
'y0': y0,
'x1': x1,
'y1': y1,
'city': city,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_buy_land)
def cc_build(self, flag, dx, dy, width, height, block_data, encoded, palette = [], remove = False, build_height = 0, parent = 0, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_build = {
'method': 'cc_build',
'params': {
'flag': flag,
'dx': dx,
'dy': dy,
'width': width,
'height': height,
'block_data': block_data,
'encoded': encoded,
'remove': remove,
'build_height': build_height,
'palette': palette,
'parent': parent,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_build)
def cc_buy_items(self, entries, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_buy_items = {
'method': 'cc_buy_items',
'params': {
'entries': entries,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_buy_items)
def cc_get_info(self):
cc_get_info = {
'method': 'cc_get_info',
'params': {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_get_info)
def cc_trade_flag(self, bid, flag_id, price, accrual_start_height, accrual, accrual_price_limit, flag_construction_height, expiration, match_nonce = 0, cost = 0, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_trade_flag = {
'method': 'cc_trade_flag',
'params': {
'bid': bid,
'flag_id': flag_id,
'price': price,
'accrual_start_height': accrual_start_height,
'accrual': accrual,
'accrual_price_limit': accrual_price_limit,
'flag_construction_height': flag_construction_height,
'expiration': expiration,
'match_nonce': match_nonce,
'cost': cost,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_trade_flag)
def cc_trade_city(self, bid, city_id, price, accrual_start_height, accrual, accrual_price_limit, expiration, match_nonce = 0, cost = 0, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_trade_city = {
'method': 'cc_trade_city',
'params': {
'bid': bid,
'city_id': city_id,
'price': price,
'accrual_start_height': accrual_start_height,
'accrual': accrual,
'accrual_price_limit': accrual_price_limit,
'expiration': expiration,
'match_nonce': match_nonce,
'cost': cost,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_trade_city)
def cc_trade_item(self, bid, id, amount, price, accrual_start_height = 0, accrual = 0, accrual_price_limit = 0, expiration = 0, matches = [], cost = 0, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_trade_item = {
'method': 'cc_trade_item',
'params': {
'bid': bid,
'id': id,
'amount': amount,
'price': price,
'accrual_start_height': accrual_start_height,
'accrual': accrual,
'accrual_price_limit': accrual_price_limit,
'expiration': expiration,
'matches': matches,
'cost': cost,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_trade_item)
def cc_building_settings(self, flag, role, economic_power, construction_height, name = '', priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_building_settings = {
'method': 'cc_building_settings',
'params': {
'flag': flag,
'role': role,
'economic_power': economic_power,
'construction_height': construction_height,
'name': name,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_building_settings)
def cc_assign_items(self, flag, items, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_assign_items = {
'method': 'cc_assign_items',
'params': {
'flag': flag,
'items': items,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_assign_items)
def cc_rename_flag(self, flag, old_name, new_name, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_rename_flag = {
'method': 'cc_rename_flag',
'params': {
'flag': flag,
'old_name': old_name,
'new_name': new_name,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_rename_flag)
def cc_repair(self, flags, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_repair = {
'method': 'cc_repair',
'params': {
'flags': flags,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_repair)
def cc_chat(self, line, me = False, timestamp = None, color = 0, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_chat = {
'method': 'cc_chat',
'params': {
'line': line,
'me': me,
'timestamp': timestamp,
'color': color,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_chat)
def cc_demolish(self, flag, role, economic_power, repair, construction_height, last_service_height, service_price, name, ignore, active, crop, sow_height, num_missed_ticks, budget, tiles, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_demolish = {
'method': 'cc_demolish',
'params': {
'flag': flag,
'role': role,
'economic_power': economic_power,
'repair': repair,
'construction_height': construction_height,
'last_service_height': last_service_height,
'service_price': service_price,
'name': name,
'ignore': ignore,
'active': active,
'crop': crop,
'sow_height': sow_height,
'num_missed_ticks': num_missed_ticks,
'budget': budget,
'tiles': tiles,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_demolish)
def cc_research(self, discovery, amount, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_research = {
'method': 'cc_research',
'params': {
'discovery': discovery,
'amount': amount,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_research)
def cc_found_city(self, id, seed, name, cost, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_found_city = {
'method': 'cc_found_city',
'params': {
'id': id,
'seed': seed,
'name': name,
'cost': cost,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_found_city)
def cc_give(self, public_key, items = [], flag = 0, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_give = {
'method': 'cc_give',
'params': {
'public_key': public_key,
'items': items,
'flag': flag,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_give)
def cc_match(self, match, matches, cost = 0, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_match = {
'method': 'cc_match',
'params': {
'match': match,
'matches': matches,
'cost': cost,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_match)
def cc_new_item(self, amount, name, is_group, is_public, group, primary_description, secondary_description, gold = 0, coin_design = '', hash = '', priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_new_item = {
'method': 'cc_new_item',
'params': {
'amount': amount,
'name': name,
'is_group': is_group,
'is_public': is_public,
'group': group,
'primary_description': primary_description,
'secondary_description': secondary_description,
'gold': gold,
'coin_design': coin_design,
'hash': hash,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_new_item)
def cc_dividend(self, split, owned_item, distributed_item, amount_to_distribute, exclude_owned, note = "", priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_dividend = {
'method': 'cc_dividend',
'params': {
'split': split,
'owned_item': owned_item,
'distributed_item': distributed_item,
'amount_to_distribute': amount_to_distribute,
'exclude_owned': exclude_owned,
'note': note,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_dividend)
def cc_ignore(self, type, id, ignore, note = "", priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_ignore = {
'method': 'cc_ignore',
'params': {
'type': type,
'id': id,
'ignore': ignore,
'note': note,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_ignore)
def cc_event_badge(self, badge_id, name, description, design, instances, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_event_badge = {
'method': 'cc_event_badge',
'params': {
'badge_id': badge_id,
'name': name,
'description': description,
'design': design,
'instances': instances,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_event_badge)
def cc_resize_flag(self, flag, dx0, dy0, dx1, dy1, cost, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_resize_flag = {
'method': 'cc_resize_flag',
'params': {
'flag': flag,
'dx0': dx0,
'dy0': dy0,
'dx1': dx1,
'dy1': dy1,
'cost': cost,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_resize_flag)
def cc_destroy_items(self, item_id, amount, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_destroy_items = {
'method': 'cc_destroy_items',
'params': {
'item_id': item_id,
'amount': amount,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_destroy_items)
def cc_define_attribute(self, name, description, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_define_attribute = {
'method': 'cc_define_attribute',
'params': {
'name': name,
'description': description,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_define_attribute)
def cc_increase_attribute(self, attribute_id, points, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_increase_attribute = {
'method': 'cc_increase_attribute',
'params': {
'attribute_id': attribute_id,
'points': points,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_increase_attribute)
def cc_dice_roll(self, text, min_value, max_value, account = 0, attribute = 0, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_dice_roll = {
'method': 'cc_dice_roll',
'params': {
'text': text,
'min_value': min_value,
'max_value': max_value,
'account': account,
'attribute': attribute,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_dice_roll)
def cc_hunt(self, target, city, population, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_hunt = {
'method': 'cc_hunt',
'params': {
'target': target,
'city': city,
'population': population,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_hunt)
def cc_change_palette(self, flag, palette, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_change_palette = {
'method': 'cc_change_palette',
'params': {
'flag': flag,
'palette': palette,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_change_palette)
def cc_fight_fire(self, burning_flag, fire_state, firefighting_flag, last_firefighting_height, cost, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_fight_fire = {
'method': 'cc_fight_fire',
'params': {
'burning_flag': burning_flag,
'fire_state': fire_state,
'firefighting_flag': firefighting_flag,
'last_firefighting_height': last_firefighting_height,
'cost': cost,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_fight_fire)
def cc_service(self, flag, delta_service_price, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_service = {
'method': 'cc_service',
'params': {
'flag': flag,
'delta_service_price': delta_service_price,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_service)
def cc_create_invitation(self, amount, expiration = 0, recipient = ""):
cc_create_invitation = {
'method': 'cc_create_invitation',
'params': {
'amount': amount,
'expiration': expiration,
'recipient': recipient,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_create_invitation)
def cc_redeem_account(self, invitation, name, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_redeem_account = {
'method': 'cc_redeem_account',
'params': {
'invitation': invitation,
'name': name,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_redeem_account)
def cc_destroy_flag(self, id, city, x0, y0, x1, y1, construction_height, crop, sow_height, vegetables_nutrients, grain_nutrients, palette, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_destroy_flag = {
'method': 'cc_destroy_flag',
'params': {
'id': id,
'city': city,
'x0': x0,
'y0': y0,
'x1': x1,
'y1': y1,
'construction_height': construction_height,
'crop': crop,
'sow_height': sow_height,
'vegetables_nutrients': vegetables_nutrients,
'grain_nutrients': grain_nutrients,
'palette': palette,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_destroy_flag)
def cc_add_city_specialization(self, city, specialization, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_add_city_specialization = {
'method': 'cc_add_city_specialization',
'params': {
'city': city,
'specialization': specialization,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_add_city_specialization)
def cc_sow(self, flag, crop, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_sow = {
'method': 'cc_sow',
'params': {
'flag': flag,
'crop': crop,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_sow)
def cc_harvest(self, flag, crop, sow_height, nutrients, num_missed_ticks, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_harvest = {
'method': 'cc_harvest',
'params': {
'flag': flag,
'crop': crop,
'sow_height': sow_height,
'nutrients': nutrients,
'num_missed_ticks': num_missed_ticks,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_harvest)
def cc_mint(self, coin, amount, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_mint = {
'method': 'cc_mint',
'params': {
'coin': coin,
'amount': amount,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_mint)
def cc_smelt(self, coin, amount, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_smelt = {
'method': 'cc_smelt',
'params': {
'coin': coin,
'amount': amount,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_smelt)
def cc_cancel_nonce(self, nonce, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_cancel_nonce = {
'method': 'cc_cancel_nonce',
'params': {
'nonce': nonce,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_cancel_nonce)
def cc_create_script(self, source = '', blob = '', blobs = [], priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_create_script = {
'method': 'cc_create_script',
'params': {
'source': source,
'blob': blob,
'blobs': blobs,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_create_script)
def cc_start_script(self, script, city, flag = 0, x = 0, y = 0, h = 0, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_start_script = {
'method': 'cc_start_script',
'params': {
'script': script,
'city': city,
'flag': flag,
'x': x,
'y': y,
'h': h,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_start_script)
def cc_script_choice(self, script, state, city, owner, choice, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_script_choice = {
'method': 'cc_script_choice',
'params': {
'script': script,
'state': state,
'city': city,
'owner': owner,
'choice': choice,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_script_choice)
def cc_set_script_variable(self, name, old_value, new_value, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_set_script_variable = {
'method': 'cc_set_script_variable',
'params': {
'name': name,
'old_value': old_value,
'new_value': new_value,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_set_script_variable)
def cc_create_mortgage(self, flag, name, description, item, tick_payment, maturity_payment, num_ticks_delay, num_tick_payments, shares, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_create_mortgage = {
'method': 'cc_create_mortgage',
'params': {
'flag': flag,
'name': name,
'description': description,
'item': item,
'tick_payment': tick_payment,
'maturity_payment': maturity_payment,
'num_ticks_delay': num_ticks_delay,
'num_tick_payments': num_tick_payments,
'shares': shares,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_create_mortgage)
def cc_chop_wood(self, items, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_chop_wood = {
'method': 'cc_chop_wood',
'params': {
'items': items,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_chop_wood)
def cc_carve_runestone(self, flag, x, y, h, previous_message, message, script_delta, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_carve_runestone = {
'method': 'cc_carve_runestone',
'params': {
'flag': flag,
'x': x,
'y': y,
'h': h,
'previous_message': previous_message,
'message': message,
'script_delta': script_delta,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_carve_runestone)
def cc_create_auction(self, type, entries, base_ticks, title = "", description = "", priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_create_auction = {
'method': 'cc_create_auction',
'params': {
'type': type,
'entries': entries,
'base_ticks': base_ticks,
'title': title,
'description': description,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_create_auction)
def cc_auction_bid(self, auction, price, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_auction_bid = {
'method': 'cc_auction_bid',
'params': {
'auction': auction,
'price': price,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_auction_bid)
def cc_enable_script(self, script, enable, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_enable_script = {
'method': 'cc_enable_script',
'params': {
'script': script,
'enable': enable,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_enable_script)
def cc_allow_styling(self, account, city, allow, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_allow_styling = {
'method': 'cc_allow_styling',
'params': {
'account': account,
'city': city,
'allow': allow,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_allow_styling)
def cc_update_item(self, item, prev_sdesc, new_sdesc, priority = 0, do_not_relay = False, get_tx_hex = False, get_tx_metadata = False):
cc_update_item = {
'method': 'cc_update_item',
'params': {
'item': item,
'prev_sdesc': prev_sdesc,
'new_sdesc': new_sdesc,
'priority': priority,
'do_not_relay': do_not_relay,
'get_tx_hex': get_tx_hex,
'get_tx_metadata': get_tx_metadata,
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '0'
return self.rpc.send_json_rpc_request(cc_update_item)