2024-10-13 12:24:03 -03:00

885 lines
28 KiB

# Townforge: Storyline: A visit from Mara Hag
# Testnet
# Files:
# ../assets/maraHag_128.jpeg
# ../assets/maraHag_256.jpeg
# ../assets/bedroom_256.jpeg
# ../assets/nightMeadhall_256.jpeg
# Atributtes:
# Sizu
# Fate
# Variables:
# player storyline_mara_hag_visited
# Items:
# Raven feather
# Pack of Herbs
# Grandmother's Hairpin
## TODO:
## set default qX_answer to 0 and use overrides to hide source code spoilers.
script {
name "A visit from Mara Hag"
description "A night time visit from an old spirit... -- 0.36-2"
icon "@raw:maraHag_128.jpeg"
owner 0
# deployable
overrides {
1 "@b64:maraHag_256.jpeg"
2 "@b64:bedroom_256.jpeg"
3 "@b64:nightMeadhall_256.jpeg"
local "owner_fee" 600000000
local "min_level" 5
local "min_Sizu" 5
local "min_Fate" 5
local "bronze_award_feather" 100037
local "silver_award_herbs" 100038
local "gold_award_hairpin" 100039
local "q1_answer" 3 #
local "q2_answer" 2 #
local "q3_answer" 1 #
local "q4_answer" 4 #
local "q5_answer" 4 #
precondition "Already visited" player "storyline_mara_hag_visited" == 0
precondition "Level required" level >= local "min_level"
reserves { owner fees local "owner_fee" }
state "init" {
text "
<center><img src=data:,${3}/></center>
<h2>The night sleep is elusive.</h2>
You spent several hours tossing and turning, uneasy as if something was to happen.<br>
The moonlight cast its pale shadow in from the small window enclosures, as you found yourself aware of a mysterious presence.<br>
Unable to move, you were afraid to open your eyes, but the ominous pressure on your ribcage suggested immediate presence of some strange entity...
choice {
text "
You <strong>opened your eyes</strong> with an uneasy feeling,<br>
anticipating that it wouldn't just be the bleak moonlight you'd gaze upon...
selected text "
<h2>Your vision still blured,</h2>
<h3>things slowly starts to take form...</h3><br>
next state "gaze"
choice {
text "
You <strong>kept your eyes closed</strong>.<br>
Still asleep, exhausted from the day's work.<br>
Tired, you fall back into an uneasy slumber.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${3}/></center>
<h2>Your dreams were filled with ghastly visions of otherworldly creatures,</h2>
twisted memories of the past, and frightening visions of the future.<br>
You wake up with a clawing head-ache, but as the daylight pours in, you start to feel normal again.
state "gaze" {
text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>Verily, upon opening your eyes revealed a terror that slivered through your body.</h2>
Sitting on your chest was a mara, an old nightly hag roughly the size of a young lad or sizeable dog bent like a lumpy twig, with its light blue eyes fixed upon yours.<br>
Its pale skin wrinkled, hair like grey seagrass and its bones sticking out from its skin full of lumps of like clay, you were unsettled by the sight of the thing.<br>
The mara's mouth was beyond shadowed recognition, covered by the nightly dark that veiled its precise silhouette, but it was clearly about to address you.<br>
You, unable to move a muscle, felt panic set in as you could not respond to this potentially malicious entity in your presence.<br>
Still, you felt like if it had been there to harm you, it easily would've done so already, you had been asleep after all. All you could think of was...
choice {
enabled attribute "Sizu" >= local "min_Sizu"
text "
There is nothing in this world that an iron will and a metal sword could not tame.<br>
Reveal thy intentions, beast!
[ Sisu Choice ]
selected text "
<h2>Fully awake now,</h2>
<h3>you are ready for anything!</h3><br>
actions { set local "score" local "score" + 1 }
next state "confront"
choice {
enabled attribute "Fate" >= local "min_Fate"
text "
Surely a such a supernatural visitor was an omen of some great thing to come;<br>
no ordinary person would be honored by the presence of such a spirit.
[ Fate Choice ]
selected text "
<h2>Fully awake now,</h2>
<h3>you wonder what would come of this.</h3><br>
actions { set local "score" local "score" + 2 }
next state "confront"
choice {
text "
If such creature was here to harm you, and had caught you unguarded during the night, you were done for.<br>
<strong>You guess it wasn't there to harm you. So why panic?</strong><br>
You'd look into the eyes of the hag, confronting its gaze with your own.<br>
Your stare so intense that it could dispel any otherworldly creature from the void.<br>
<strong>Surely, it would have no other choice but to reveal its intentions?</strong>
selected text "
<h2>Certain that you can handle anything,</h2>
tho still a litle sleepy, you get up to confront your destiny.<br>
Let us hope you are right...
next state "confront"
choice {
text "
When you were but a young lad, your own grandmother had once told you a tale of the mares of northern lands;<br>
should one ever crawl upon you, you could close your eyes and whisper the name of your beloved grandmother,<br>
and she'd reach down from the clutches of the great beyond, to <strong>unsummon whatever otherworldly creature had lurked to disturb your sleep.</strong><br>
So you close your eyes, and quietly whispered the name of your grandmother...
selected text "
<h2>You go back to sleep.</h2>
<h3>But feel uneasy....</h3><br>
next state "banished"
state "confront" {
text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
The creature slowly lifts its eyes up from you and inspects your facial features.<br>
It slowly starts to hover, relieving the pressure ton your ribcage.<br>
With a clicking voice the creature addresses you, and you feel a light cold breeze as its breath touches your face:<br><br>
- Young blood, not too many summers, and fewer a winters, real ones, new to the land, unknown to me or my sisters, know us, know the land, know yourself<br>
and bearing gifts cometh the land and its silent unseen inhabitants play the role of an ignorant fool, and meet an untimely end perhaps not you but other of your kin,<br>
for barren lands reward the wise and devour those that feast before the crops are harvested, answer question to each of a finger, and we foretell you destinies<br>
of where you may head, or perhaps not, as land has a will of its own, beyond mine or thine will.
The creature closes its eyes, blinks a few times, and expects an answer.<br>
And that ghastly night you...
choice {
text "
Say what piece of knowledge or wisdom you may have, creature, for I am not afraid of you.<br>
<strong>I will answer you questions</strong> to the count of my fingers indeed;<br>
I will see if you do come bearing gifts, or if you're as twisted as a crooked tundra tree and wicked bearings you truly have...
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>Hovering above you,</h2>
<h3>the hag prepares his first question...</h3><br>
next state "question_1"
choice {
text "
When you were but a young lad, your own grandmother had once told you a tale of the mares of northern lands;<br>
should one ever crawl upon you, you could close your eyes and whisper the name of your beloved grandmother,<br>
and she'd reach down from the clutches of the great beyond, to <strong>unsummon whatever otherworldly creature had lurked to disturb your sleep.</strong><br>
So you close your eyes, and quietly whispered the name of your grandmother...
selected text "
<h2>You go back to sleep.</h2>
<h3>But feel uneasy....</h3><br>
next state "banished"
state "question_1" {
text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h3>The hag enquire:</h3>
- Eyes of an another world are fixed on you, young kin, their time unlike ours, yet so much like the time in your hourglass.<br>
- Tell me young kin, for it to be a year in your time, <strong>how long these spirits of an other world age in their time?</strong>
That is easy.<br>
You've heard that the runes of time foretold, that in strange tidings of time that otherworldly men go through, ...
choice {
text "... <strong>an hour</strong> in their realm equals a full cycle of a year in my time in this strange land."
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q1_answer" == 1) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_2"
choice {
text "... <strong>a day</strong> in their realm equals a full cycle of a year in my time in this strange land."
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q1_answer" == 2) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_2"
choice {
text "... <strong>a week</strong> in their realm equals a full cycle of a year in my time in this strange land."
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q1_answer" == 3) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_2"
choice {
text "... <strong>a month</strong> in their realm equals a full cycle of a year in my time in this strange land."
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q1_answer" == 4) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_2"
choice {
text "
That's <strong>enough</strong>, begone, creature!<br>
I will answer your question <strong>no more</strong>!
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag gazes at you with cold disdain, her eyes glinting like steel.</h2>
You ponder how it would react to your defiancewill it unleash its wrath or simply laugh at your audacity?<br>
The ultimate tension hangs in the air, thick as fog.
next state "bedstand"
state "question_2" {
text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h3>The hag enquire:</h3>
- An empty stomach aches like bitter frost, rumbling tummies of children are a mother's greatest fear.<br>
- When the hunger strikes, <strong>where will you find refuge to fill this thirst and hunger</strong>, oh being of flesh and bone ever craving?<br><br>
choice {
text "
My apple orchards are filled with the red and juiciest kinds, and my grapefruit vines are plenty,<br>
nobody in <strong>my house will never suffer hunger</strong>, for even my back yard is bountiful.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q2_answer" == 1) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_3"
choice {
text "
<strong>With hard work</strong> of sowing and harvesting I will gather the fruits of my labour,<br>
grain and vegetables of many kinds, these will satisfy the cravings of my children.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q2_answer" == 2) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_3"
choice {
text "
My arrow flies true and my eye is sharp like a crow's beak;<br>
<strong>I will hunt</strong> great four-legged beasts of this land, by my campfire I will rejoice together with my hunting company,<br>
for the fire is roasting a satisfying meat while I carve the skin to clothing and tooth and nails to necklaces.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q2_answer" == 2) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_3"
choice {
text "
The market halls and torgets of <strong>the city are always filled</strong> with such;<br>
the endless supplies spared by able men will surely always have bread for the hungry and mead for the thirsty.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q2_answer" == 3) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_3"
choice {
text "
That's <strong>enough</strong>, begone, creature!<br>
I will answer your question <strong>no more</strong>!
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag gazes at you with cold disdain, her eyes glinting like steel.</h2>
You ponder how it would react to your defiancewill it unleash its wrath or simply laugh at your audacity?<br>
The ultimate tension hangs in the air, thick as fog.
next state "bedstand"
state "question_3" {
text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h3>The hag enquire:</h3>
- The taxes of the Karls are heavy, much like the Jarls let whip taste the backs of Thralls.<br>
- Should you not pay your Karl whose city it is and upon whose land your house stands, <strong>what would become of your house?</strong><br><br>
choice {
text "
I would become <strong>independent</strong>, and run free of the taxes and codes of the rulers.<br>
I would not be bound by the laws of my peers.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q3_answer" == 2) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_4"
choice {
text "
My house would be <strong>in ruins</strong>, and the Karls would <strong>seize my property.</strong><br>
Worse, it would be put to ground due to my insolence.<br>
All must abide by the code that binds us.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q3_answer" == 1) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_4"
choice {
text "
I could ask my fellow peer for a <strong>loan</strong> to avoid ruin, as not to run out of coin immediately,<br>
and offer my house as settlement, if they would not just take my word of honor.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q3_answer" == 1) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_4"
choice {
text "
I would <strong>leverage</strong> my coin just by word and will, and pay from nothing<br>
like the cunning coin lender, I could promise more than I'd have in my possessions,<br>
for the world does not count my coin."
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q3_answer" == 3) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_4"
choice {
text "
That's <strong>enough</strong>, begone, creature!<br>
I will answer your question <strong>no more</strong>!
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag gazes at you with cold disdain, her eyes glinting like steel.</h2>
You ponder how it would react to your defiancewill it unleash its wrath or simply laugh at your audacity?<br>
The ultimate tension hangs in the air, thick as fog.
next state "bedstand"
state "question_4" {
text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h3>The hag enquire:</h3>
- The cryptic little key that opens all the purses and coffers of your house, should you lose it,<br>
<strong>how would you find</strong this little magical thing>, this mysterious thing that opens the strangest of locks?<br><br>
choice {
text "
I could kick and bash the door in, there is no such lock that could keep me out of my own house,<br>
and I could just <strong>force my way in</strong> like a brute of the wild.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions {
if (local "q4_answer" == 1) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 }
else { set local "score" local "score" - 1 }
next state "question_5"
choice {
text "
I would be a being of misery, bathe in ash and dust.<br>
I would weep for all my wealth and possessions would be lost and left to drift forevermore to winds of change and chance.<br>
But I could <strong>build the foundations of a new house</strong>, and so I could build the name of my family once again.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q4_answer" == 2) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "question_5"
choice {
text "
The lords of the game of life, possess such greater powers than the average being, that surely they could forge a key anew to me.<br>
I would <strong>appeal to my makers and my lords</strong>, and have them restore me to my former glory,<br>
should I be locked out of my own house and my own possessions.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions {
if (local "q4_answer" == 3) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 }
else { set local "score" local "score" - 1 }
next state "question_5"
choice {
text "
I hid and kept care of a secret scroll of <strong>words of power</strong>, and I would speak aloud these seed words of restoration,<br>
this would give me back my purse and my wealth, and so I would return to my house once again.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>One more time you will be challenged.</h3><br>
actions {
if (local "q4_answer" == 4) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 }
else { set local "score" local "score" - 1 }
next state "question_5"
choice {
text "
That's <strong>enough</strong>, begone, creature!<br>
I will answer your question <strong>no more</strong>!
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag gazes at you with cold disdain, her eyes glinting like steel.</h2>
You ponder how it would react to your defiancewill it unleash its wrath or simply laugh at your audacity?<br>
The ultimate tension hangs in the air, thick as fog.
next state "bedstand"
state "question_5" {
text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h3>The hag enquire:</h3>
- The history of the world, a chain of events leading to this moment.<br>
- Where is the knowledge of things past and present held, and <strong>who decides the way the world can go on?</strong><br><br>
choice {
text "
<strong>The gods</strong> in heights hold all the power, and in their great archives are stone tablets of knowledge stored.<br>
Only by their wisdom will the world toss and turn, and so will the sun again in the morning.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>all left is to await the hag response...</h3><br>
actions {
if (local "q5_answer" == 1) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 }
else { set local "score" local "score" - 1 }
next state "bedstand"
choice {
text "
The world is in eternal chaos and turmoil, and <strong>everything is left to chance</strong>.<br>
It does not matter how we got here, for presence unveils before my eyes without any knowledge of the past.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>all left is to await the hag response...</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q5_answer" == 2) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "bedstand"
choice {
text "
I am branch of my own, and <strong>I will create my path</strong>.<br>
There is no history, there is no presence, there is just my will and I will have others bend to my will!
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>all left is to await the hag response...</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q5_answer" == 3) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "bedstand"
choice {
text "
We are all equal.<br>
We each write and store this knowledge, and share this knowledge to each others as peers.<br>
Only through such fellowship can the world stay whole, and through our <strong>mutual consensus</strong> may things change.
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag weights your answer.</h2>
<h3>all left is to await the hag response...</h3><br>
actions { if (local "q5_answer" == 4) { set local "score" local "score" + 1 } }
next state "bedstand"
choice {
text "
That's <strong>enough</strong>, begone, creature!<br>
I will answer your question <strong>no more</strong>!
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${1}/></center>
<h2>The hag gazes at you with cold disdain, her eyes glinting like steel.</h2>
You ponder how it would react to your defiancewill it unleash its wrath or simply laugh at your audacity?<br>
The ultimate tension hangs in the air, thick as fog.
next state "bedstand"
state "bedstand" {
init {
set player "storyline_mara_hag_visited" 1
if (local "score" >= 2) { create item local "bronze_award_feather" 1 }
if (local "score" >= 3) { create item local "silver_award_herbs" 1 }
if (local "score" >= 4) { create item local "gold_award_hairpin" 1 }
text "
<center><img src=data:,${2}/></center>
<h2>The creature cackles.</h2>
It's gazing over you and snaps its fingers, and starts descending backwards in the room.<br>
Its cold eyes slowly mix with the darkness as its murky appearance disappear into the shadows.<br>
It's quiet, it is dark. You feel surreal and exhausted, as if gone through a trial.<br>
So sleep overwhelms you.
<h2>In the morning, by your bedstand is...</h2><br>
choice {
enabled local "score" < 2
text "
<h2>A slim pile of grey dust.</h2>
<h3>You touch it and it evaporates. Nothing remains.</h3>
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${2}/></center>
<h2>What an eerie encounter.</h2>
You feel uneasy, though it's unlikely this will happen again.<br>
Or so you hope at least...
choice {
enabled local "score" == 2
text "
<h2>A feather from a raven.</h2>
<h3>It is light, clean, and in very good condition, this could make a quill, perhaps?</h3>
[ Awarded: <strong>${item:local bronze_award_feather}</strong> ]
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${2}/></center>
<h2>What an eerie encounter.</h2>
You feel uneasy, though it's unlikely this will happen again.<br>
Or so you hope at least...
actions { award item local "bronze_award_feather" 1 }
choice {
enabled local "score" == 3
text "
<h2>A feather from a raven.</h2>
<h3>It is light, clean, and in very good condition, this could make a quill, perhaps?</h3>
[ Awarded: <strong>${item:local bronze_award_feather}</strong> ]
<h2>A small bundle of herbs, tied together with a grey lock of hair.</h2>
<h3>They smell nice, though you can't recall seeing these growing around here.</h3>
[ Awarded: <strong>${item:local silver_award_herbs}</strong> ]
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${2}/></center>
<h2>What an eerie encounter.</h2>
You feel uneasy, though it's unlikely this will happen again.<br>
Or so you hope at least...
actions {
award item local "bronze_award_feather" 1
award item local "silver_award_herbs" 1
choice {
enabled local "score" >= 4
text "
<h2>A feather from a raven.</h2>
<h3>It is light, clean, and in very good condition, this could make a quill, perhaps?</h3>
<strong>[ Awarded: ${item:local bronze_award_feather} ]</strong>
<h2>A small bundle of herbs, tied together with a grey lock of hair.</h2>
<h3>They smell nice, though you can't recall seeing these growing around here.</h3>
<strong>[ Awarded: ${item:local silver_award_herbs} ]</strong>
<h2>Your grandmother's copper hairpin, worn but beloved.</h2>
<h3>You are filled with memories of the past.</h3>
<strong>[ Awarded: ${item:local gold_award_hairpin} ]</strong>
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${2}/></center>
<h2>What an eerie encounter.</h2>
You feel uneasy, though it's unlikely this will happen again.<br>
Or so you hope at least...
actions {
award item local "bronze_award_feather" 1
award item local "silver_award_herbs" 1
award item local "gold_award_hairpin" 1
state "banished" {
init {
set player "storyline_mara_hag_visited" 2
create item local "gold_award_hairpin" 1
text "
<center><img src=data:,${2}/></center>
<h2>The sun rises.</h2>
<h2>In the morning, by your bedstand is...</h2><br>
choice {
text "
<h2>Your grandmother's copper hairpin, worn but beloved.</h2>
<h3>You are filled with memories of the past.</h3>
[ Awarded: <strong>${item:local gold_award_hairpin} ]</strong>
actions { award item local "gold_award_hairpin" 1 }
selected text "
<center><img src=data:,${2}/></center>
<h2>What an eerie night.</h2>