
195 lines
6.8 KiB

title Found a new city
modal: 1
TBLayout: axis: x
TBSelectDropdown: id: "type"
item: text: "---------"
item: text: "Simplex"
item: text: "Simplex/Blend"
item: text: "Simplex/FBM"
item: text: "Simplex/Billow"
item: text: "Simplex/Rigid multi"
item: text: "Constant (shift)"
item: text: "Cellular"
item: text: "Cellular/Edge"
item: text: "Perlin"
item: text: "Cubic"
item: text: "Value"
item: text: "Gradient"
TBSelectDropdown: id: "blend"
item: text: "Average"
item: text: "Add"
item: text: "Subtract"
item: text: "Multiply"
item: text: "Overlay"
item: text: "Min"
item: text: "Max"
item: text: "Threshold"
TBEditField: id: "shift", text: "8"
TBEditField: id: "lacunarity", text: "2.0"
TBEditField: id: "octaves", text: "1"
TBEditField: id: "gain", text: "1.0"
TBEditField: id: "interp", text: "0"
TBEditField: id: "offset", text: "0"
TBEditField: id: "add", text: "0.0"
TBEditField: id: "mul", text: "1.0"
TBCheckBox: id: "clamp", value: 0
TBLayout: axis: y, distribution-position: "left top", distribution: "gravity"
TBToggleContainer: id: "found-city-header", toggle: "expanded", gravity: "left right"
TBLayout: axis: y
TBLayout: axis: x
TBTextField: text: "There are currently "
TBTextField: id: "cities", text: "00"
TBTextField: text: "cities";
TBLayout: axis: x
TBTextField: text: "The current size of all cities is "
TBTextField: id: "shares", text: "000000000000"
TBLayout: axis: x
TBTextField: text: "The current cost to found a new city is "
TBTextField: id: "cost", text: "0000000000.00000000"
TBLayout: axis: x
TBTextField: text: "Your current balance is "
TBTextField: id: "balance", text: "00000000.00000000"
TBLayout: axis: x
TBTextField: text: "Cost goes down as the overall size of all cities goes up"
TBEditField: id: "seed", gravity: "all", placeholder: "Seed", text: "0"
TBEditField: id: "name", gravity: "all", placeholder: "City name"
TBLayout: axis: x
TBButton: text: "Pick random seed", id: "random-seed"
TBButton: text: "Use existing seed", id: "existing-seed"
TBLayout: axis: x
TBLayout: axis: y
TBTabContainer: id: "maps", gravity: "all"
TBButton: text: "Elevation"
TBButton: text: "Stability"
TBButton: text: "Agriculture"
TBButton: text: "Geothermal heating"
TBButton: text: "Wood type"
TBButton: text: "Wood quantity"
TBButton: text: "Stone type"
TBButton: text: "Stone quantity"
TBButton: text: "Gemstone"
TBButton: text: "Manual"
TBLayout: axis: y, gravity: "all", size: "available"
TBTextField: text: "Higher score denotes higher elevation, water area in blue"
TBTextField: text: "Preview only available at zoom level 5 or less"
UITBAnimatedImageWidget: id: "elevation-map"
TBLayout: axis: y, gravity: "all", size: "available"
TBTextField: text: "Higher score decreases building decay rate"
UITBAnimatedImageWidget: id: "stability-map"
TBLayout: axis: y, gravity: "all", size: "available"
TBTextField: text: "Higher score increases food yields"
UITBAnimatedImageWidget: id: "agriculture-map"
TBLayout: axis: y, gravity: "all", size: "available"
TBTextField: text: "Higher score decreases heating needs"
UITBAnimatedImageWidget: id: "geothermal-map"
TBLayout: axis: y, gravity: "all", size: "available"
TBTextField: text: "Lower score skews towards pine, higher towards teak"
UITBAnimatedImageWidget: id: "wood-type-map"
TBLayout: axis: y, gravity: "all", size: "available"
TBTextField: text: "Higher score increases sawmill yields"
UITBAnimatedImageWidget: id: "wood-quantity-map"
TBLayout: axis: y, gravity: "all", size: "available"
TBTextField: text: "Lower score skews towards sandstone, higher towards marble"
UITBAnimatedImageWidget: id: "stone-type-map"
TBLayout: axis: y, gravity: "all", size: "available"
TBTextField: text: "Higher score increases stonecutter yields"
UITBAnimatedImageWidget: id: "stone-quantity-map"
TBLayout: axis: y, gravity: "all", size: "available"
TBTextField: text: "Higher score increases chance of stonecutters finding gemstones"
UITBAnimatedImageWidget: id: "gemstone-map"
TBLayout: axis: y, gravity: "all", size: "available"
UITBAnimatedImageWidget: id: "manual-map"
TBLayout: axis: x
TBTextField: text: "postition:"
TBTextField: id: "x"
TBTextField: id: "y"
TBTextField: text: "Value:"
TBTextField: id: "value"
TBToggleContainer: id: "offsets", toggle: "expanded"
TBLayout: axis: y
TBLayout: axis: x
TBToggleContainer: id: "id-container", toggle: "expanded"
TBLayout: axis: x
TBInlineSelect: id: "id", min: -1, max: 1023, value: -1
TBInlineSelect: id: "dx", min: -2147483648, max: 2147483647, value: 0
TBInlineSelect: id: "dy", min: -2147483648, max: 2147483647, value: 0
TBLayout: axis: x
TBTextField: text: "Zoom:"
TBInlineSelect: id: "zoom", min: 0, max: 8, value: 3
TBLayout: axis: x
TBButton: id: "recenter", text: "Re-center"
TBToggleContainer: id: "view-mode-buttons", toggle: "expanded"
TBLayout: axis: x
TBButton: text: "Go to location", id: "go-to-location"
TBToggleContainer: id: "manual", toggle: "expanded"
TBLayout: axis: y
TBLayout: axis: x, gravity: "all", distribution: "available"
TBTextField: text: "Noise type"
TBTextField: text: "Blend func"
TBLayout: axis: y
TBTextField: text: "Shift"
TBTextField: text: "Color"
TBLayout: axis: y
TBTextField: text: "Lacunarity"
TBTextField: text: "jitter"
TBTextField: text: "Octaves"
TBTextField: text: "Gain"
TBLayout: axis: y
TBTextField: text: "Interp"
TBTextField: text: "Return"
TBLayout: axis: y
TBTextField: text: "Offset"
TBTextField: text: "Distance"
TBTextField: text: "Add"
TBTextField: text: "Mul"
TBTextField: text: "Clamp"
@include ManualParameters
id: "manual0"
@include ManualParameters
id: "manual1"
@include ManualParameters
id: "manual2"
@include ManualParameters
id: "manual3"
@include ManualParameters
id: "manual4"
@include ManualParameters
id: "manual5"
@include ManualParameters
id: "manual6"
@include ManualParameters
id: "manual7"
TBLayout: axis: x
TBTextField: text: "Generation speed:"
TBTextField: id: "generation-speed"
TBTextField: text: "Min value:"
TBTextField: id: "min-value"
TBTextField: text: "Max value:"
TBTextField: id: "max-value"
TBToggleContainer: id: "found-city-footer", toggle: "expanded"
TBLayout: axis: x
TBButton: text: "OK", id: "ok"
TBButton: text: "Cancel", id: "cancel"