townforge/ragnar's raids/ragnar's raids - dividing the
2022-08-04 15:57:39 +00:00

37 lines
1.2 KiB

script {
name "Ragnar's raids - Dividing the plunder"
description "Get your share of the plunder from the recent raid"
owner 0
precondition global "ragnar_raids_plunder_ready" == 1
precondition player "ragnar_raids_gold" > 0
state "init" {
init {
if (global "ragnar_raids_gold" > 0) {
set local "share" global "ragnar_raids_plunder" * player "ragnar_raids_gold" / global "ragnar_raids_gold"
set player "ragnar_raids_gold" 0
choice {
enabled local "share" == 0 and global "ragnar_raids_plunder" == 0
text "The raiding party came back empty handed, there is no plunder to share."
choice {
enabled local "share" == 0 and global "ragnar_raids_gold" > 0
text "Your share is zero. You either did not contribute enough, or the plunder was very meager, or both."
choice {
enabled global "ragnar_raids_gold" == 0
text "The flotilla came back empty handed, so there no plunder to share."
choice {
enabled local "share" > 0
text "Your share of the plunder is ${gold:share} gold"
actions {
award gold local "share"
set player "ragnar_raids_gold" 0