townforge/ragnar's raids/ragnar's raids -
2022-08-04 15:57:39 +00:00

401 lines
17 KiB

script {
name "Ragnar's raids - Preparation"
description "Preparations are made for the next raid. Enlist to gather plunder!"
owner 0
precondition global "ragnar_raids_enabled" != 0
precondition (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 and blockchain height >= global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height")
OR (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" == 0 and global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height" > 0 and blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
overrides {
1 "The fleet is now preparing, and needs gold, labour, wood and food before it is ready to set sail."
2 "The fleet now has finished preparations, though you can still pledge needs gold, labour, wood and food. It will set sail soon."
3 "You can pledge the following from your current inventory:
${gold:cur_gold} gold
${local cur_labour} labour
${local cur_wood} pine wood
${local cur_grain} grain
${local cur_meat} meat
${local cur_salted_meat} salted meat
Fish and vegetables spoil too fast and are unsuitable for the expedition.
Your inventory is read at the time of the last script state change.
If it is out of date, you can select \"I'm done\" and run it again.
Pledging anything will also cause a state change and refresh your inventory.
4 "The fleet has now sailed, it is too late to pledge any further resources."
local "min_gold" 2500000000
local "min_labour" 25000
local "min_wood" 20000
local "min_food" 20000
procedure "check_ready" {
if (global "ragnar_raids_gold" >= local "min_gold" and global "ragnar_raids_labour" >= local "min_labour" and global "ragnar_raids_wood" >= local "min_wood" and global "ragnar_raids_food" >= local "min_food" and global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0) {
set global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" 0
set global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height" blockchain height
start background script global "ragnar_raids_raiding_script_id"
state "init" {
init {
set local "cur_gold" gold
set local "cur_labour" player item 256
set local "cur_wood" player item 4
set local "cur_grain" player item 1025
set local "cur_meat" player item 1026
set local "cur_salted_meat" player item 1027
if (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" == 0) {
set local "intro_index" 2
} else {
set local "intro_index" 1
if (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" == 0 and blockchain height >= global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height") {
set local "pledge_index" 4
} else {
set local "pledge_index" 3
text "${${intro_index}}
You have currently pledged:
${gold:player ragnar_raids_gold} gold
${player ragnar_raids_labour} labour
${player ragnar_raids_wood} wood
${player ragnar_raids_food} food
The more gold you pledge, the more of the plunder you will receive.
The more gold and wood, the larger the size of the raiding fleet.
The larger the size of the raiding fkeet, the more plunder it can carry.
The more labour, wood and gold, the stronger the raiding party.
The stronger the raiding party, the more food needed.
Current total pledged by all:
${gold:global ragnar_raids_gold} gold
${global ragnar_raids_labour} labour
${global ragnar_raids_wood} wood
${global ragnar_raids_food} food
The raid needs at least the following total resources to be pleged before starting:
${gold:min_gold} gold
${min_labour} labour
${min_wood} wood
${min_food} food
choice {
enabled gold >= 1.0 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 1 more gold"
reserves { player gold 1.0 }
actions {
pay gold 1.0
set player "ragnar_raids_gold" player "ragnar_raids_gold" + 1.0
set global "ragnar_raids_gold" global "ragnar_raids_gold" + 1.0
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled gold >= 5.0 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 5 more gold"
reserves { player gold 5.0 }
actions {
pay gold 5.0
set player "ragnar_raids_gold" player "ragnar_raids_gold" + 5.0
set global "ragnar_raids_gold" global "ragnar_raids_gold" + 5.0
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled gold >= 25.0 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 25 more gold"
reserves { player gold 25.0 }
actions {
pay gold 25.0
set player "ragnar_raids_gold" player "ragnar_raids_gold" + 25.0
set global "ragnar_raids_gold" global "ragnar_raids_gold" + 25.0
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled gold >= 100.0 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 100 more gold"
reserves { player gold 100.0 }
actions {
pay gold 100.0
set player "ragnar_raids_gold" player "ragnar_raids_gold" + 100.0
set global "ragnar_raids_gold" global "ragnar_raids_gold" + 100.0
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 256 >= 100 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 100 more labour"
reserves { player item 256 100 }
actions {
consume item 256 100 # labour
set player "ragnar_raids_labour" player "ragnar_raids_labour" + 100
set global "ragnar_raids_labour" global "ragnar_raids_labour" + 100
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 256 >= 1000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 1000 more labour"
reserves { player item 256 1000 }
actions {
consume item 256 1000 # labour
set player "ragnar_raids_labour" player "ragnar_raids_labour" + 1000
set global "ragnar_raids_labour" global "ragnar_raids_labour" + 1000
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 256 >= 10000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 10000 more labour"
reserves { player item 256 10000 }
actions {
consume item 256 10000 # labour
set player "ragnar_raids_labour" player "ragnar_raids_labour" + 10000
set global "ragnar_raids_labour" global "ragnar_raids_labour" + 10000
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 256 >= 50000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 50000 more labour"
reserves { player item 256 50000 }
actions {
consume item 256 50000 # labour
set player "ragnar_raids_labour" player "ragnar_raids_labour" + 50000
set global "ragnar_raids_labour" global "ragnar_raids_labour" + 50000
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 4 >= 100 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 100 more pine wood"
reserves { player item 4 100 }
actions {
consume item 4 100 # wood
set player "ragnar_raids_wood" player "ragnar_raids_wood" + 100
set global "ragnar_raids_wood" global "ragnar_raids_wood" + 100
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 4 >= 1000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 1000 more pine wood"
reserves { player item 4 1000 }
actions {
consume item 4 1000 # wood
set player "ragnar_raids_wood" player "ragnar_raids_wood" + 1000
set global "ragnar_raids_wood" global "ragnar_raids_wood" + 1000
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 4 >= 10000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 10000 more pine wood"
reserves { player item 4 10000 }
actions {
consume item 4 10000 # wood
set player "ragnar_raids_wood" player "ragnar_raids_wood" + 10000
set global "ragnar_raids_wood" global "ragnar_raids_wood" + 10000
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 4 >= 50000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 50000 more pine wood"
reserves { player item 4 50000 }
actions {
consume item 4 50000 # wood
set player "ragnar_raids_wood" player "ragnar_raids_wood" + 50000
set global "ragnar_raids_wood" global "ragnar_raids_wood" + 50000
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 1025 >= 100 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 100 more grain (200 food)"
reserves { player item 1025 100 }
actions {
consume item 1025 100 # grain
set player "ragnar_raids_food" player "ragnar_raids_food" + 100 * 2 # assumes 2 food points for grain
set global "ragnar_raids_food" global "ragnar_raids_food" + 100 * 2
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 1025 >= 1000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 1000 more grain (2000 food)"
reserves { player item 1025 1000 }
actions {
consume item 1025 1000 # grain
set player "ragnar_raids_food" player "ragnar_raids_food" + 1000 * 2 # assumes 2 food points for grain
set global "ragnar_raids_food" global "ragnar_raids_food" + 1000 * 2
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 1025 >= 5000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 5000 more grain (10000 food)"
reserves { player item 1025 5000 }
actions {
consume item 1025 5000 # grain
set player "ragnar_raids_food" player "ragnar_raids_food" + 5000 * 2 # assumes 2 food points for grain
set global "ragnar_raids_food" global "ragnar_raids_food" + 5000 * 2
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 1025 >= 25000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 25000 more grain (50000 food)"
reserves { player item 1025 25000 }
actions {
consume item 1025 25000 # grain
set player "ragnar_raids_food" player "ragnar_raids_food" + 25000 * 2 # assumes 2 food points for grain
set global "ragnar_raids_food" global "ragnar_raids_food" + 25000 * 2
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 1026 >= 25 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 25 more meat (125 food)"
reserves { player item 1026 25 }
actions {
consume item 1026 25 # meat
set player "ragnar_raids_food" player "ragnar_raids_food" + 25 * 5 # assumes 5 food points for meat
set global "ragnar_raids_food" global "ragnar_raids_food" + 25 * 5
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 1026 >= 100 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 100 more meat (500 food)"
reserves { player item 1026 100 }
actions {
consume item 1026 100 # meat
set player "ragnar_raids_food" player "ragnar_raids_food" + 100 * 5 # assumes 5 food points for meat
set global "ragnar_raids_food" global "ragnar_raids_food" + 100 * 5
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 1026 >= 1000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 1000 more meat (5000 food)"
reserves { player item 1026 1000 }
actions {
consume item 1026 1000 # meat
set player "ragnar_raids_food" player "ragnar_raids_food" + 1000 * 5 # assumes 5 food points for meat
set global "ragnar_raids_food" global "ragnar_raids_food" + 1000 * 5
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 1026 >= 5000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 5000 more meat (25000 food)"
reserves { player item 1026 5000 }
actions {
consume item 1026 5000 # meat
set player "ragnar_raids_food" player "ragnar_raids_food" + 5000 * 5 # assumes 5 food points for meat
set global "ragnar_raids_food" global "ragnar_raids_food" + 5000 * 5
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 1027 >= 25 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 25 more salted meat (125 food)"
reserves { player item 1027 25 }
actions {
consume item 1027 25 # salted meat
set player "ragnar_raids_food" player "ragnar_raids_food" + 25 * 5 # assumes 5 food points for salted meat
set global "ragnar_raids_food" global "ragnar_raids_food" + 25 * 5
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 1027 >= 100 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 100 more salted meat (500 food)"
reserves { player item 1027 100 }
actions {
consume item 1027 100 # salted meat
set player "ragnar_raids_food" player "ragnar_raids_food" + 100 * 5 # assumes 5 food points for salted meat
set global "ragnar_raids_food" global "ragnar_raids_food" + 100 * 5
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 1027 >= 1000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 1000 more salted meat (5000 food)"
reserves { player item 1027 1000 }
actions {
consume item 1027 1000 # salted meat
set player "ragnar_raids_food" player "ragnar_raids_food" + 1000 * 5 # assumes 5 food points for salted meat
set global "ragnar_raids_food" global "ragnar_raids_food" + 1000 * 5
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled player item 1027 >= 5000 and (global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height")
text "Pledge 5000 more salted meat (25000 food)"
reserves { player item 1027 5000 }
actions {
consume item 1027 5000 # salted meat
set player "ragnar_raids_food" player "ragnar_raids_food" + 5000 * 5 # assumes 5 food points for salted meat
set global "ragnar_raids_food" global "ragnar_raids_food" + 5000 * 5
call "check_ready"
next state "init"
choice {
enabled global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0
and gold < 1.0
and player item 4 < 100 # pine
and player item 256 < 100 # labour
and player item 1025 < 100 # grain
and player item 1026 < 25 # meat
and player item 1027 < 25 # salted meat
text "You do not have enough gold, labour, pine, grain, meat, nor salted meat to contribute to the next raid."
choice {
enabled global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" == 0 and blockchain height >= global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height"
text "The raiding party has now set sail."
choice {
enabled global "ragnar_raids_preparation_start_height" > 0 or blockchain height < global "ragnar_raids_set_sail_height"
text "I'm done"