Separate script object functions for file and network serialization.
Fixed crashes in some factory instantiated classes when running without all subsystems.
Fixed crash if calling BringToFront() for a detached UI element.
Always create UI root element, even in headless mode.
Do not abort binary format scene loading if loading a component fails, as it is being read from a nested buffer and we can skip to the next.
RenderSurface can define multiple viewports.
RenderSurface viewports can be set to update when visible in the scene (default, same as previous functionality), update always, or to update only when manually queued. The last two modes are useful when rendering a scene view eg. for use in a UI widget.
- Urho3D engine returns proper exit code, supports window resizing and quite mode, supports setting of any log level regardless of built type.
- Change the default graphic resolution in windowed mode from 800x600 to 1024x768 which I believe should be more common now.
- Log subsystem distinguishes between standard output and standard error streams. Error log entries are sent to stderr, so even in quite mode which stops sending to stdout, the error entries would still be shown on console. This is handy to weed out mundane entries from error entries during debugging/development.
- For UI elements, only save attribute values that are different than default attribute values during save serialization.
- Misc. UI enhancement: slider supports paging on 'empty' area along the slider; scrollbar responds to the slider hover and click on 'paging' area; menu supports passing the popup state to its sibling when mouse hovering pass the sibling; (bug fix) prevent button to generate release event erroneously (click outside, drag, hover inside, then release), plus now it should behave correctly on other situation (e.g. click inside, drag outside, then drag inside again); file-selector, list view, and line edit accept keypad 'Enter' as well; cursor supports defining shape for OS mouse too when it is set to visible, new busy cursor shape; (bug fix) fix the text default attribute values for selection and hover color to match the color assigned by constructor; line edit supports double-click to select all; scrollview hides the horizontal and vertical scrollbars automatically if not needed (still does not hide correctly on a few cases though :-).
- Refactoring the scripts in Editor application to take advantage of the Urho3D UI potential and other small improvements, like: fade out the UI when moving or rotating the scene; relayout the UI element when main window resize in windowed mode; demo the usage of busy cursor when loading scene from file; modified node/component attribute values are shown with different text label color; store the configuration file in hidden folder under user home folder as per normal practice for applications runs on MacOSX and Linux platforms; use the OS mouse so the it can move freely between Editor in windowed mode and other graphical apps.
The UI attributes in *.xml files are adjusted accordingly. The most important change is, the cursor shape now uses Image resourceref instead of Texture2D.
- Refactoring to replace code constructing the empty instance with reference to static const 'empty' instance whenever it is available; refactoring to remove redefinition of VariantMap and VariantVector in Serializer.h.
- Bug fixes: prevent double posting of error messages in the log on MacOSX and Linux platforms when Urho3D exits on error; fix DumpAPI() from erroneously substituting 'doubleClickInterval' to 'floatClickInterval'.
- Added a new tool to make dumping of the Script API even easier. I have managed to initialize a minimalist engine's subsystems to start the DumpAPI() function.
I. Build environment
1. Added new cmake definition to disable/enable Log subsystem in main's CMakeLists.txt.
2. Added setting in main's CMakeLists.txt to pass the "-D_DEBUG" compiler flags for Debug configuration build on non-MSVC compiler. At least it is needed on XCode to get verbose debug log. I assume MSVC does not have this problem.
3. Added '../Engine. to include directories in Input's CMakeLists.txt to allow Input to reference Engine class for handling of SDL_QUIT event (see V.5 and VII.1).
4. Changed to sed Doxyfile to exclude Direct3D9 and include OpenGL variants of the classes, assuming gcc is only for Mac OS X and Linux.
5. Changed to sed Doxyfile to exclude Direct3D9 and include OpenGL variants of the classes.
6. Added new shell script to prepare cmake for Xcode in Mac OS X environment.
7. Updated Docs/Reference.dox to correct the URL to AMD's Compressonator.
8. Updated Docs/ScriptAPI.dox to reflect API changes in UI.
9. Added *.sh scripts in the Bin folder to invoke the respective demos.
II. Audio
1. Minor refactoring on Audio class: removed redundant header include, removed redundant call.
2. Corrected minor documentation typo error in Sound.h.
III. Container
1. HashMap minor optimisation: operator [] implementation would not traverse the container twice before node insertion, refactored Clear() and Sort() implementation, changed to static_cast instead of reinterpret_cast, etc.
2. HashSet minor optimisation: refactored Clear() and Sort() implementation, changed to static_cast instead of reinterpret_cast, etc.
3. List minor optimisation: refactored Clear() implementation and changed to static_cast instead of reinterpret_cast.
4. Corrected documentation error for operator > in Pair class.
5. Added new Contains() methods and renamed Print()/PrintArgs() to AppendWithFormat()/AppendWithFormatArgs (while they are still new :-) in String class. Added ToString() global function in StringUtils class to take advantage of new append methods (useful in constructing a formatted string for logging in one liner; becomes no-ops when logging not enabled).
6. Added new Remove() method in Vector and PODVector classes.
IV. Core
1. Enhanced ProcessUtils class to add native approach to detect number of Physical and Logical CPUs for iOS platform.
BUG FIX: Previous ParseArguments(int, char**) implementation assumed there were no space in the pathname which causes parsing error when it does. Fixed by enclosed the argument in quotes before appending into command line. With this fix, Ninja War demo is runable in iPhoneSimulator.
2. In StringUtils added new convenient global function to construct a formatted string, see III.6.
3. In Variant added MAX_VAR_TYPES enum for guarding a while loop.
V. Engine
1. Added pragma to suppress LLVM/Clang erroneous warnings on unused functions in APITemplates.h.
2. Minor refactoring on Console class: removed redundant call, renamed current_Row to currentRow_.
3. In CoreAPI refactored code to replace map's Find() method call with the newly added Contains() method, added call to reserve container capacity.
4. Refactored DebugHUD class to use the String's new append method instead of a series of strings concatenation.
5. Enhanced Engine class to make Logging an optional feature that can be turned on/off like Profiler subsystem (see I.1), only unpause the audio when it was pause by the Engine previously, no need to check for uninitialized graphics due to window was closed (see VII.1) as engine's exiting_ flag should be set when SDL quits (even by quitting the process externally).
6. GraphicsAPI minor optimisation: Add call to reserve vector to the required known size.
7. Enhanced IOAPI to add preprocessor directive to no-ops the logging functions when Logging not enabled, see I.1.
8. Enhanced UIAPI to reflect changes in UI: mainly, exposed nonFocusedMouseWheel property (see XV.12).
VI. Graphics
1. AnimatedModel optimisation: refactored ProcessRayQuery() implementation, added call to reserve container capacity, removed copy-pasta comment.
BUG FIX: Infinite while loop in SetMorphsAttr() as the index was never incremented.
2. Changed Animation constructor to also initialize length_.
3. Refactored AnimationController class: only mark for network update when necessary, corrected minor documentation error, added call to reserve container capacity, prevent out-of-bound index access in SetAnimationAttr() implementation, use the StringHash instead of plain name to find the animation state.
4. Refactored AnimationState to avoid redundant call.
5. Refactored BillboardSet class: removed redundant class forward, changed to use the revised Drawable's constructor (see VI.9), added call to reserve container capacity.
6. Refactored Camera class to remove redundant construct.
7. Refactored DebugRenderer to reuse code.
8. Refactored DecalSet class: changed to use the revised Drawable's constructor (see VI.9), added call to reserve container capacity, added new flag to track the event subscription.
9. Refactored Drawable to change its constructor to take additional drawableFlags parameter.
10. Enhanced Light class: changed to use the revised Drawable's constructor (see VI.9), refactored ProcessRayQuery() implementation, added implementation to debug draw the directional light.
BUG FIX: On mobile devices, the CSM only has two splits. Use preprocessor directive to define the attribute as VAR_VECTOR2 instead of VAR_VECTOR4, accordingly.
BUG FIX: Previous implementation used local ray against world bounding box for RAY_OBB. Fixed by first transformed the world bounding box to local coordinate.
11. Refactored Material class to set or unset the specular_ flag without traversing the shader parameters each time.
12. Refactored Model class: added call to reserve container capacity, removed redundant call to set the number of vertex buffer to 1 (which is Geometry's default).
13. Modified OcclusionBuffer Clear() method to use post decrement.
14. Refactored Octant and Octree classes: changed to use the new PODVector Remove() method, added index_ instance variable to facilitate child octant deletion, simplified the conditional check in the Release() but still achieving the same result.
15. Refactored OctreeQuery class to reorder the condition and to use post increment.
16. Refactored ParticleEmitter class: removed redundant class forward, changed to use the other ColorFade constructor that inits both color and time, added call to reserve container capacity.
17. Refactored Renderer class: removed unused static constants, amended the documentation text for HandleGraphicsFeatures(), delayed event subscription until object is initialized, moved logic to validate the shadow cascades from getter to setter, changed to use String's Contains() method instead of Find(), and a few more code changes (that make no difference :-).
18. Refactored ShaderParser class to change the method signature of GetCombination() method, removed redundant include.
19. Refactored Skeleton class to add call to reserver container capacity.
20. Refactored StaticModel class: changed to use the revised Drawable's constructor (see VI.9), changed the ProcessRayQuery() implementation.
21. Enhanced Tangent class to use pointer arithmetic instead of array indexing.
22. Refactored Terrain class: reordered instance variable initialization in constructor to keep compiler happy, added call to reserve the container capacity.
23. Refactored TerrainPatch class: changed to use the revised Drawable's constructor (see VI.9), changed ProcessRayQuery() implementation.
24. Refactored View class: removed unused method declarations (did not have implementation), changed to reuse existing Vector3 constants, changed octree query base class to FrustumOctreeQuery instead (no additional penalty as the methods are already virtualized anyway), moved constant to outside the loop in CheckVisibilityWork() implementation, reordered logical statement to take advantage of short circuit evaluation, and more.
25. Refactored Viewport class to use the more common way to insert into container.
26. Refactored Zone class: changed to use the revised Drawable's constructor (see VI.9), reordered logical statement to take advantage of short circuit evaluation.
27. Enhanced OGLGraphics class: added code to prevent unnecessary call to get OGL extensions, changed to use new String's Contains() method, added flag to speed up the Release() method, removed redundant code.
28. Changed OGLGraphicsImpl to remove unused include.
29. Changed OGLIndexBuffer to remove unnecessary override. Probably it was copy pasta from Direct3D9 version.
30. Refactored OGLShader class to use the modified ShaderParser's GetCombination() method, see VI.18.
31. Refactored OGLShaderProgram class to use reuse the index for the second string Find() call.
32. Refactored OGLShaderVariation class to the string Insert() method instead to insert all the defines.
33. Refactored OGLTexture class to use the enum instead of hardcoded value.
34. Refactored OGLTexture2D class to simplify the boolean assignment.
35. Refactored OGLTextureCube class to simplify the boolean assignment.
36. Refactored OGLVertexBuffer class to remove unnecessary override and to simplify the for loop condition check in GetElementOffset() method.
37. Refactored CustomGeometry class: changed to use the revised Drawable's constructor (see VI.9), changed ProcessRayQuery() implementation.
VII. Input
1. Enhanced Input class: added call to Engine::Exit() to properly setting the exiting flag instead of just closing the graphics (see V.5), refactored constructor to initialize the mouse related instance variables, delayed event subscription until object is initialized, and other minor refactoring.
1. Enhanced FileSystem class: added Mac OS X implementation for SystemOpen() method, changed to use new String's Contains() method instead of Find().
BUG FIX: On non-Win32 platform, files (including dirs) having name starts with '.' were being returned in the result although SCAN_HIDDEN flag is not set. The fix now excludes them.
2. Enhanced Log class: added preprocessor directive to no-ops the logging macros when Logging not enabled (see I.1), removed "XCODE_DEBUG_CONFIGURATION" as it is not effective (at least on my Xcode). Also replaced "XCODE_DEBUG_CONFIGURATION" with "_DEBUG" in SDL_uikitappdelegate.m.
3. Minor changed in Serializer.cpp to suppress compiler warning.
IX. Math
1. Refactored BoundingBox class to reuse code.
2. Enhanced MathDefs.h: better PI, added new constant M_DEGTORAD_2 which is M_DEGTORAD / 2.f (same as M_PI_2, M_PI_4 convention used in math.h).
3. Refactored Frustum class to use the new M_DEGTORAD_2 constant.
4. Refactored Plane.h to reuse code.
BUG FIX: Copy constructor did not initialize the absNormal_ properly.
5. Enhanced Quaternion class: added multiply-assign operator with a scalar, added Conjugate() method, refactored to reuse code as much as possible, returned conjugate as inverse for unit quaternion, refactored code to use the new M_DEGTORAD_2 constant.
6. Refactored Rect class to reuse code.
7. Refactored Sphere to use post increment.
X. Network
1. Refactored Connection class: changed to hide the detail of the message processing from the caller, added preprocessor directive to exclude statistics when logging is disabled, changed the code to reflect the change done in Node::CreateComponent() method signature (see XIII.2).
2. Refactored Controls class: removed redundant class forward, changed the way default constructor initialize the instance variables.
3. Refactored Network class: removed redundant class forward, changed to reflect changes done in X.1 to process messages, changed the GetConnection() implementation to avoid traversing of the clientConnections_ unnecessarily.
XI. Physics
1. Enhanced CollisionShape class to add preprocessor directive to no-ops the logging calls when Logging not enabled, see I.1. Refactored the HeightfieldData() method to eliminate if statement in the loop.
2. Minor changed in Constraint.cpp to suppress compiler warning.
3. Refactored PhysicsWorld class: removed redundant call in destructor, changed to use the new PODVector Remove() method.
4. Refactored RigidBody class to use the new PODVector Remove() method.
XII. Resource
1. Minor changed in Image.cpp to suppress compiler warning.
2. Enhanced ResourceCache class: changed code to subscribe to event only when auto reload is enabled, refactored to use HashMap's Find() instead of traversing through container manually, changed to use new String's Contains() method.
3. Minor changed in XMLElement class to define an EMPTY element constant.
XIII. Scene
1. Refactored Component class: removed redundant include, reordered logical evaluation.
2. Refactored Node class: changed the CreateComponent() to accept optional ID parameter (combined previously two methods into one), refactored to reuse code as much as possible, added new method to reset scene called by Scene class, moved protected section to correct place adhering to code convention, added new private convenient method to remove component.
3. Refactored Scene class: changed destructor and in NodeAdded() method to use the new Node::ResetScene() method (see XIII.2), changed the GetVarNamesAttr() implementation to avoid if in the loop, instead of using XMLElement and String default constructor, changed to reference new EMPTY XMLElement constant (see XII.3) and String's Clear() method, respectively.
4. Enhanced SceneResolver class to add preprocessor directive to no-ops the logging calls when Logging not enabled, see I.1.
BUG FIX: The missing 'else' statement in Resolve() method might cause component ID not resolved correctly. Fixed by adding the else statement.
5. Enhanced Serializable class: refactored code to suppress compiler warning, added new feature to read/write new optional "enum" XML element.
XIV. Script
1. Enhanced Addons class: removed redundant include, changed code to suppress compiler warning, exposed new String's Contains() methods to script enginei (see III.6).
BUG FIX: The Find() and FindLast() were erroneously exposed as returning integer value. Changed it to returning unsigned instead.
2. Enhanced Script class: added preprocessor directive to no-ops the logging calls when Logging not enabled (see I.1), changed to use new String's Contains() method instead of Find(), removed redundant call in destructor.
BUG FIX: The logMode_ instance variable was not initialized properly in the constructor (although documentation says it should be defaulted to immediate mode). Initialized it according to documentation.
3. Refactored ScriptFile class to remove redundant call.
BUG FIX: Previous implementation in Load() assumed script log mode. The fix saves the old mode and use it to revert back the mode.
4. Enhanced ScriptInstance class: refactored ClearDelayedExecute() method to avoid unnecessary vector traversal, simplified code that tracks the execution of METHOD_DELAYEDSTART, refactored to code reuse.
1. Refactored UIQuad and UIBatch: Added new constructor that initialize instance variables, moved GetInterpolatedColor() method between the two, modified the UIBatch methods to take in const UIElement reference, changed the implementation to code reuse as much as possible.
2. Refactored BorderImage class to use the new UIBatch constructor, see XV.1.
3. Very minor changed in Button.cpp to simplify the logical statement.
4. Refactored DropDownList class: Changed to call Menu::GetBatches() instead of Button::GetBatches(), changed for code reuse.
5. Refactored FileSelector class: added call to reserve container capacity, changed for code reuse.
6. Refacotred Font class: added call to reserve container capacity, removed redundant call.
BUG FIX: Corrected a typo in GetKerning() implementation causing the kerning information not being applied correctly between adjacent characters.
7. Refactored LineEdit class: Changed to call BorderImage::ApplyAttributes() instead of UIElement::Attributes(), removed redundant construct, changed to reuse code as much as possible, initialized variable in the setter method instead of during update.
8. Enhanced ListView class: added optional index parameter for RemoveItem() method, subscribed to the defocused event only when it is needed, changed to reuse code as much as possible (page up/down and home/end now support additive multi-select as the positive side effect), removed redundant construct.
9. Very minor change in Menu.cpp to use Variant::EMPTY instead of constructing an empty Variant instance.
10. Refactored ScrollView class to reuse code.
11. Refactored Text class to use the new UIBatch constructor, see XV.1.
12. Enhanced UI class: Added support to enable non-focused mouse wheel behaviour similar to Mac OS X and Linux, delayed post-update and render-update event subscription until object is initialized, removed redundant construct.
13. Enhanced UIElement class: added optional index parameter for RemoveChild() method, refactor the code to use the right constness, renamed method from GetUintColor() to GetDerivedColor(), added new private Detach() method, added mutable keyword as necessary to support const getter, refactored destructor method, added call to reserve container capacity, and more.
14. Minor change in Window.cpp to suppress compiler warning.
XVI. Third Party
1. FreeType: Included zutil.c as source in the CMakeLists.txt and fixed the problem when compiling with _DEBUG set.
2. kNet: Removed std::cout statement in the UDPMessageConnection.cpp.
3. SDL: Changed XCODE_DEBUG_CONFIGURATION to _DEBUG in SDL_uikitappdelegate.m, see VIII.2.
BUG FIX: The touch focus was always zero causing the touch event from touchpad in Mac OS X platform was not handled correctly by Input class because the GetInputInstance() method returns 0 when windowID is 0. Assign the touch's focus with current focus window ID. NOT SURE THIS IS THE CORRECT FIX THOUGH.
XVII. Demos
1. BUG FIX: and assert in the btAlignedObjectArray.h. It was caused by the script trying to remove the RigidBody and/or CollisionShape while in the middle of physics collision event handling. The Bullet's assert could be observed when build using _DEBUG. Fixed by postponinig the removal to post step.
2. Enhanced the NinjaSnowWar to support no-background-music (nobgm) option.
BUG FIX: BGM was purposely not played on multiplayer mode assuming testing is done on a same test machine, however, this has caused the BGM not to be played on the genuinue multiplayer mode using different machines. Re-enable BGM on multiplayer mode. Instead, added comments in the demo shell/batch script on how to avoid multiple BGM played on a same test machine.
Added SaveLayout() function to UI.
Fixed serialization & deserialization of IntRect & IntVector2 variants.
Fixed crash when querying a BorderImage's texture in script.
Added ReplaceExtension() utility function to simplify filename manipulation code.
Cleaned up NinjaSnowWar script code. Added particle effect on ninja's footsteps and landing from jump.
Changed ShaderCompiler command line options.
Changed FileSystem::SystemRun() to use CreateProcess() and to hide the window of the spawned program.
Removed GLShaderProcessor.
Do not use glPolygonOffset() constant bias due to its inconsistency. Instead offset the projection matrix as necessary.
Do not use multiple glUniform calls to set an array of transposed matrices, as it is not guaranteed to work. Instead transpose all matrices first, then set them in one call.
Use fixed vertex attribute locations on OpenGL.
Always transpose OpenGL matrix uniforms manually.
Workaround failed draw call after drawing billboards on OpenGL ES by transforming billboards with an identity model matrix.
Ensure finger touch ID's are positive.
Improved touch controls in NinjaSnowWar.
Create ragdolls when hit by the boxes (both TestScene & TestSceneOld.)
Fixed component ID clash when creating ragdolls in networked TestScene.
Constraints can specify rotation frame directly. Specifying the axis is still provided for convenience, but does not give exact control over the orientation.
Constraint adjusts static world position automatically when the own body position is edited.
Optimized away redundant Constraint recreation when deserializing attributes.
Added RemoveComponent by component type to Node.
Show also write-only properties in the generated scripting API documentation.
Fixed bugs in assigning parented RigidBody transforms after simulation step.
Optimized Constraint SetPosition() / SetAxis() to not recreate the constraint.
Added possibility to disable physics interpolation. This is useful on a network server to ensure clients do not receive interpolated (and possibly non-physical) node transforms.
Changed default network update FPS to 30 (half of the default physics FPS.)
Split SampleOffsets shader parameter to GBufferInvSize and ShadowMapInvSize parameters.
Set Offsets & InvSize parameters for user-defined rendertargets during postprocessing.
Fixed bug on some NVIDIA drivers caused by using tex2Dlod on the hardware depth buffer.
Fixed missing script bindings to the zone ambient gradient & camera override flags.
Added a default bounding box size for newly created zones.
Added documentation on zones.
Removed ambient + lit pass combining for less shader permutations, and to prime the Z-buffer with a lightweight pass in case there is a large amount of overdraw.
Moved ambient light calculation to the ambient pass vertex shader.
Added render mode toggle to the editor settings.
Note: OpenGL rendering is currently broken.
Find the zone at far clip plane and use it for the background color.
Added zone mask for drawables, allowing to select which zones they can belong to.
When zone moves or changes its bounding box, clear the cached zone from all drawables that were inside.
Instead of double buffered VBOs, avoid glMapBuffer & glUnmapBuffer in "discard" mode and use a CPU-side buffer instead.
Reduce UI & DebugRenderer vertex buffer size if grossly too large.
Updated documentation. Suggest AMD's Compressonator utility for normal map processing.
Added direct script access to the Controls object of Connection, instead of going through setter & getter.
Improved NinjaSnowWar controls responsiveness during low FPS, by checking for action button presses separately, and accumulating button presses for networking.
Added tracking of last assigned shader parameter per hardware register to D3D9Graphics. This allows reusing shader registers for different parameters in different shaders.
Removed the ElapsedTime shader parameter, as wrapping it is problematic depending on the calculations it would be used for.
Removed support for bool & int shader parameters from Graphics, as bool constants are not supported in OpenGL 2.0, and int parameters are not (at least currently) needed, and can lead to worse performance.
Do not render light to stencil if camera is inside the light volume.
Added optimization for directional light shadow casters that are fully occluded by another shadow caster: do not render the lit pass for them.
Removed the alpha masking hint. Alpha test no longer gives the batch a lower priority.
Optimized shaders to do more work in the vertex shader.
Deferred rendering removed, at least for now.
Switched to RGB normal maps, with specular intensity in the alpha channel. Removed NormalMapTool.
Optimization of light influence on objects by stencil masking.
Split shadowed lights are now rendered in one pass. A virtual shadow depth cube texture is used for point lights.
Refactored shadow map allocation. Allow to use lower resolution shadow maps than quarter size.
Added the Polyhedron math object, used for improved shadow map focusing.
Reversed the convention for the plane intercept parameter.
Math-related code cleanup.
Editor script fixes.
Fixed loading resources from script.
Fixed crashes when handling events from objects that subsequently get destroyed.
Fixed not being able to load elements of type UIElement from xml layouts.
Various networking and script API bugfixes.
Fixed kNet profiling compile errors due to STL -> Container library conversion.
Fixed loading of textures failing in headless mode (just return success without doing anything.)
The E_CLIENTCONNECTED and E_CLIENTDISCONNECTED events now also come from the Connection in question, to allow using GetSender() for convenience, instead of looking up the connection from event data.
Added simple network traffic statistics logging to Connection.
Added commented out package download test code to
Increased kNet's UDP send rate upper limit and aggressiveness in increasing the send rate.
Fixed being unable to do sparse seeks in files when writing.
Container library bugfixes.
Removed light prepass rendering support, as it has implementation difficulties under OpenGL and is often unsatisfactory in performance and specular lighting quality.
Removed the shader subdirectories.
Added option to specify whether single-channel images are to be interpreted as luminance or alpha, when loading into a texture.
Tweaked NinjaSnowWar difficulty.
Moved CreateObject from Object to Context.
Made EventHandler & AnimationState RefCounted to simplify memory management.
Fixed deletion of object, if no shared pointer to it existed previously, and it sent an event.
Fixed threading issue with objects' static type names. Now they are defined inside OBJECTTYPESTATIC macro as well.
Fixed Engine crash when running without the script system.