
988 lines
25 KiB

#include "mojoshader_internal.h"
typedef struct HashItem
const void *key;
const void *value;
struct HashItem *next;
} HashItem;
struct HashTable
HashItem **table;
uint32 table_len;
int stackable;
void *data;
HashTable_HashFn hash;
HashTable_KeyMatchFn keymatch;
HashTable_NukeFn nuke;
MOJOSHADER_malloc m;
void *d;
static inline uint32 calc_hash(const HashTable *table, const void *key)
return table->hash(key, table->data) & (table->table_len-1);
} // calc_hash
int hash_find(const HashTable *table, const void *key, const void **_value)
HashItem *i;
void *data = table->data;
const uint32 hash = calc_hash(table, key);
HashItem *prev = NULL;
for (i = table->table[hash]; i != NULL; i = i->next)
if (table->keymatch(key, i->key, data))
if (_value != NULL)
*_value = i->value;
// Matched! Move to the front of list for faster lookup next time.
// (stackable tables have to remain in the same order, though!)
if ((!table->stackable) && (prev != NULL))
assert(prev->next == i);
prev->next = i->next;
i->next = table->table[hash];
table->table[hash] = i;
} // if
return 1;
} // if
prev = i;
} // for
return 0;
} // hash_find
int hash_iter(const HashTable *table, const void *key,
const void **_value, void **iter)
HashItem *item = (HashItem *)*iter;
if (item == NULL)
item = table->table[calc_hash(table, key)];
item = item->next;
while (item != NULL)
if (table->keymatch(key, item->key, table->data))
*_value = item->value;
*iter = item;
return 1;
} // if
item = item->next;
} // while
// no more matches.
*_value = NULL;
*iter = NULL;
return 0;
} // hash_iter
int hash_iter_keys(const HashTable *table, const void **_key, void **iter)
HashItem *item = (HashItem *)*iter;
int idx = 0;
if (item != NULL)
const HashItem *orig = item;
item = item->next;
if (item == NULL)
idx = calc_hash(table, orig->key) + 1;
} // if
while (!item && (idx < table->table_len))
item = table->table[idx++]; // skip empty buckets...
if (item == NULL) // no more matches?
*_key = NULL;
*iter = NULL;
return 0;
} // if
*_key = item->key;
*iter = item;
return 1;
} // hash_iter_keys
int hash_insert(HashTable *table, const void *key, const void *value)
HashItem *item = NULL;
const uint32 hash = calc_hash(table, key);
if ( (!table->stackable) && (hash_find(table, key, NULL)) )
return 0;
// !!! FIXME: grow and rehash table if it gets too saturated.
item = (HashItem *) table->m(sizeof (HashItem), table->d);
if (item == NULL)
return -1;
item->key = key;
item->value = value;
item->next = table->table[hash];
table->table[hash] = item;
return 1;
} // hash_insert
HashTable *hash_create(void *data, const HashTable_HashFn hashfn,
const HashTable_KeyMatchFn keymatchfn,
const HashTable_NukeFn nukefn,
const int stackable,
MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d)
const uint32 initial_table_size = 256;
const uint32 alloc_len = sizeof (HashItem *) * initial_table_size;
HashTable *table = (HashTable *) m(sizeof (HashTable), d);
if (table == NULL)
return NULL;
memset(table, '\0', sizeof (HashTable));
table->table = (HashItem **) m(alloc_len, d);
if (table->table == NULL)
f(table, d);
return NULL;
} // if
memset(table->table, '\0', alloc_len);
table->table_len = initial_table_size;
table->stackable = stackable;
table->data = data;
table->hash = hashfn;
table->keymatch = keymatchfn;
table->nuke = nukefn;
table->m = m;
table->f = f;
table->d = d;
return table;
} // hash_create
void hash_destroy(HashTable *table)
uint32 i;
void *data = table->data;
MOJOSHADER_free f = table->f;
void *d = table->d;
for (i = 0; i < table->table_len; i++)
HashItem *item = table->table[i];
while (item != NULL)
HashItem *next = item->next;
table->nuke(item->key, item->value, data);
f(item, d);
item = next;
} // while
} // for
f(table->table, d);
f(table, d);
} // hash_destroy
int hash_remove(HashTable *table, const void *key)
HashItem *item = NULL;
HashItem *prev = NULL;
void *data = table->data;
const uint32 hash = calc_hash(table, key);
for (item = table->table[hash]; item != NULL; item = item->next)
if (table->keymatch(key, item->key, data))
if (prev != NULL)
prev->next = item->next;
table->table[hash] = item->next;
table->nuke(item->key, item->value, data);
table->f(item, table->d);
return 1;
} // if
prev = item;
} // for
return 0;
} // hash_remove
// this is djb's xor hashing function.
static inline uint32 hash_string_djbxor(const char *str, size_t len)
register uint32 hash = 5381;
while (len--)
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ *(str++);
return hash;
} // hash_string_djbxor
static inline uint32 hash_string(const char *str, size_t len)
return hash_string_djbxor(str, len);
} // hash_string
uint32 hash_hash_string(const void *sym, void *data)
(void) data;
return hash_string((const char*) sym, strlen((const char *) sym));
} // hash_hash_string
int hash_keymatch_string(const void *a, const void *b, void *data)
(void) data;
return (strcmp((const char *) a, (const char *) b) == 0);
} // hash_keymatch_string
// string -> string map...
static void stringmap_nuke_noop(const void *key, const void *val, void *d) {}
static void stringmap_nuke(const void *key, const void *val, void *d)
StringMap *smap = (StringMap *) d;
smap->f((void *) key, smap->d);
smap->f((void *) val, smap->d);
} // stringmap_nuke
StringMap *stringmap_create(const int copy, MOJOSHADER_malloc m,
MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d)
HashTable_NukeFn nuke = copy ? stringmap_nuke : stringmap_nuke_noop;
StringMap *smap;
smap = hash_create(0,hash_hash_string,hash_keymatch_string,nuke,0,m,f,d);
if (smap != NULL)
smap->data = smap;
return smap;
} // stringmap_create
void stringmap_destroy(StringMap *smap)
} // stringmap_destroy
int stringmap_insert(StringMap *smap, const char *key, const char *value)
assert(key != NULL);
if (smap->nuke == stringmap_nuke_noop) // no copy?
return hash_insert(smap, key, value);
int rc = -1;
char *k = (char *) smap->m(strlen(key) + 1, smap->d);
char *v = (char *) (value ? smap->m(strlen(value) + 1, smap->d) : NULL);
int failed = ( (!k) || ((!v) && (value)) );
if (!failed)
strcpy(k, key);
if (value != NULL)
strcpy(v, value);
failed = ((rc = hash_insert(smap, k, v)) <= 0);
} // if
if (failed)
smap->f(k, smap->d);
smap->f(v, smap->d);
} // if
return rc;
} // stringmap_insert
int stringmap_remove(StringMap *smap, const char *key)
return hash_remove(smap, key);
} // stringmap_remove
int stringmap_find(const StringMap *smap, const char *key, const char **_value)
const void *value = NULL;
const int retval = hash_find(smap, key, &value);
*_value = (const char *) value;
return retval;
} // stringmap_find
// The string cache... !!! FIXME: use StringMap internally for this.
typedef struct StringBucket
char *string;
struct StringBucket *next;
} StringBucket;
struct StringCache
StringBucket **hashtable;
uint32 table_size;
MOJOSHADER_malloc m;
void *d;
const char *stringcache(StringCache *cache, const char *str)
return stringcache_len(cache, str, strlen(str));
} // stringcache
const char *stringcache_len(StringCache *cache, const char *str,
const unsigned int len)
const uint8 hash = hash_string(str, len) & (cache->table_size-1);
StringBucket *bucket = cache->hashtable[hash];
StringBucket *prev = NULL;
while (bucket)
const char *bstr = bucket->string;
if ((strncmp(bstr, str, len) == 0) && (bstr[len] == 0))
// Matched! Move this to the front of the list.
if (prev != NULL)
assert(prev->next == bucket);
prev->next = bucket->next;
bucket->next = cache->hashtable[hash];
cache->hashtable[hash] = bucket;
} // if
return bstr; // already cached
} // if
prev = bucket;
bucket = bucket->next;
} // while
// no match, add to the table.
bucket = (StringBucket *) cache->m(sizeof (StringBucket), cache->d);
if (bucket == NULL)
return NULL;
bucket->string = (char *) cache->m(len + 1, cache->d);
if (bucket->string == NULL)
cache->f(bucket, cache->d);
return NULL;
} // if
memcpy(bucket->string, str, len);
bucket->string[len] = '\0';
bucket->next = cache->hashtable[hash];
cache->hashtable[hash] = bucket;
return bucket->string;
} // stringcache_len
const char *stringcache_fmt(StringCache *cache, const char *fmt, ...)
char buf[128]; // use the stack if reasonable.
char *ptr = NULL;
int len = 0; // number of chars, NOT counting null-terminator!
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
len = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), fmt, ap);
if (len > sizeof (buf))
ptr = (char *) cache->m(len, cache->d);
if (ptr == NULL)
return NULL;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(ptr, len, fmt, ap);
} // if
const char *retval = stringcache_len(cache, ptr ? ptr : buf, len);
if (ptr != NULL)
cache->f(ptr, cache->d);
return retval;
} // stringcache_fmt
StringCache *stringcache_create(MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d)
const uint32 initial_table_size = 256;
const size_t tablelen = sizeof (StringBucket *) * initial_table_size;
StringCache *cache = (StringCache *) m(sizeof (StringCache), d);
if (!cache)
return NULL;
memset(cache, '\0', sizeof (StringCache));
cache->hashtable = (StringBucket **) m(tablelen, d);
if (!cache->hashtable)
f(cache, d);
return NULL;
} // if
memset(cache->hashtable, '\0', tablelen);
cache->table_size = initial_table_size;
cache->m = m;
cache->f = f;
cache->d = d;
return cache;
} // stringcache_create
void stringcache_destroy(StringCache *cache)
if (cache == NULL)
MOJOSHADER_free f = cache->f;
void *d = cache->d;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < cache->table_size; i++)
StringBucket *bucket = cache->hashtable[i];
cache->hashtable[i] = NULL;
while (bucket)
StringBucket *next = bucket->next;
f(bucket->string, d);
f(bucket, d);
bucket = next;
} // while
} // for
f(cache->hashtable, d);
f(cache, d);
} // stringcache_destroy
// We chain errors as a linked list with a head/tail for easy appending.
// These get flattened before passing to the application.
typedef struct ErrorItem
MOJOSHADER_error error;
struct ErrorItem *next;
} ErrorItem;
struct ErrorList
ErrorItem head;
ErrorItem *tail;
int count;
MOJOSHADER_malloc m;
void *d;
ErrorList *errorlist_create(MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d)
ErrorList *retval = (ErrorList *) m(sizeof (ErrorList), d);
if (retval != NULL)
memset(retval, '\0', sizeof (ErrorList));
retval->tail = &retval->head;
retval->m = m;
retval->f = f;
retval->d = d;
} // if
return retval;
} // errorlist_create
int errorlist_add(ErrorList *list, const char *fname,
const int errpos, const char *str)
return errorlist_add_fmt(list, fname, errpos, "%s", str);
} // errorlist_add
int errorlist_add_fmt(ErrorList *list, const char *fname,
const int errpos, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
const int retval = errorlist_add_va(list, fname, errpos, fmt, ap);
return retval;
} // errorlist_add_fmt
int errorlist_add_va(ErrorList *list, const char *_fname,
const int errpos, const char *fmt, va_list va)
ErrorItem *error = (ErrorItem *) list->m(sizeof (ErrorItem), list->d);
if (error == NULL)
return 0;
char *fname = NULL;
if (_fname != NULL)
fname = (char *) list->m(strlen(_fname) + 1, list->d);
if (fname == NULL)
list->f(error, list->d);
return 0;
} // if
strcpy(fname, _fname);
} // if
char scratch[128];
va_list ap;
va_copy(ap, va);
const int len = vsnprintf(scratch, sizeof (scratch), fmt, ap);
char *failstr = (char *) list->m(len + 1, list->d);
if (failstr == NULL)
list->f(error, list->d);
list->f(fname, list->d);
return 0;
} // if
// If we overflowed our scratch buffer, that's okay. We were going to
// allocate anyhow...the scratch buffer just lets us avoid a second
// run of vsnprintf().
if (len < sizeof (scratch))
strcpy(failstr, scratch); // copy it over.
va_copy(ap, va);
vsnprintf(failstr, len + 1, fmt, ap); // rebuild it.
} // else
error->error.error = failstr;
error->error.filename = fname;
error->error.error_position = errpos;
error->next = NULL;
list->tail->next = error;
list->tail = error;
return 1;
} // errorlist_add_va
int errorlist_count(ErrorList *list)
return list->count;
} // errorlist_count
MOJOSHADER_error *errorlist_flatten(ErrorList *list)
if (list->count == 0)
return NULL;
int total = 0;
MOJOSHADER_error *retval = (MOJOSHADER_error *)
list->m(sizeof (MOJOSHADER_error) * list->count, list->d);
if (retval == NULL)
return NULL;
ErrorItem *item = list->head.next;
while (item != NULL)
ErrorItem *next = item->next;
// reuse the string allocations
memcpy(&retval[total], &item->error, sizeof (MOJOSHADER_error));
list->f(item, list->d);
item = next;
} // while
assert(total == list->count);
list->count = 0;
list->head.next = NULL;
list->tail = &list->head;
return retval;
} // errorlist_flatten
void errorlist_destroy(ErrorList *list)
if (list == NULL)
MOJOSHADER_free f = list->f;
void *d = list->d;
ErrorItem *item = list->head.next;
while (item != NULL)
ErrorItem *next = item->next;
f((void *) item->error.error, d);
f((void *) item->error.filename, d);
f(item, d);
item = next;
} // while
f(list, d);
} // errorlist_destroy
typedef struct BufferBlock
uint8 *data;
size_t bytes;
struct BufferBlock *next;
} BufferBlock;
struct Buffer
size_t total_bytes;
BufferBlock *head;
BufferBlock *tail;
size_t block_size;
MOJOSHADER_malloc m;
void *d;
Buffer *buffer_create(size_t blksz, MOJOSHADER_malloc m,
MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d)
Buffer *buffer = (Buffer *) m(sizeof (Buffer), d);
if (buffer != NULL)
memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof (Buffer));
buffer->block_size = blksz;
buffer->m = m;
buffer->f = f;
buffer->d = d;
} // if
return buffer;
} // buffer_create
char *buffer_reserve(Buffer *buffer, const size_t len)
// note that we make the blocks bigger than blocksize when we have enough
// data to overfill a fresh block, to reduce allocations.
const size_t blocksize = buffer->block_size;
if (len == 0)
return NULL;
if (buffer->tail != NULL)
const size_t tailbytes = buffer->tail->bytes;
const size_t avail = (tailbytes >= blocksize) ? 0 : blocksize - tailbytes;
if (len <= avail)
buffer->tail->bytes += len;
buffer->total_bytes += len;
assert(buffer->tail->bytes <= blocksize);
return (char *) buffer->tail->data + tailbytes;
} // if
} // if
// need to allocate a new block (even if a previous block wasn't filled,
// so this buffer is contiguous).
const size_t bytecount = len > blocksize ? len : blocksize;
const size_t malloc_len = sizeof (BufferBlock) + bytecount;
BufferBlock *item = (BufferBlock *) buffer->m(malloc_len, buffer->d);
if (item == NULL)
return NULL;
item->data = ((uint8 *) item) + sizeof (BufferBlock);
item->bytes = len;
item->next = NULL;
if (buffer->tail != NULL)
buffer->tail->next = item;
buffer->head = item;
buffer->tail = item;
buffer->total_bytes += len;
return (char *) item->data;
} // buffer_reserve
int buffer_append(Buffer *buffer, const void *_data, size_t len)
const uint8 *data = (const uint8 *) _data;
// note that we make the blocks bigger than blocksize when we have enough
// data to overfill a fresh block, to reduce allocations.
const size_t blocksize = buffer->block_size;
if (len == 0)
return 1;
if (buffer->tail != NULL)
const size_t tailbytes = buffer->tail->bytes;
const size_t avail = (tailbytes >= blocksize) ? 0 : blocksize - tailbytes;
const size_t cpy = (avail > len) ? len : avail;
if (cpy > 0)
memcpy(buffer->tail->data + tailbytes, data, cpy);
len -= cpy;
data += cpy;
buffer->tail->bytes += cpy;
buffer->total_bytes += cpy;
assert(buffer->tail->bytes <= blocksize);
} // if
} // if
if (len > 0)
assert((!buffer->tail) || (buffer->tail->bytes == blocksize));
const size_t bytecount = len > blocksize ? len : blocksize;
const size_t malloc_len = sizeof (BufferBlock) + bytecount;
BufferBlock *item = (BufferBlock *) buffer->m(malloc_len, buffer->d);
if (item == NULL)
return 0;
item->data = ((uint8 *) item) + sizeof (BufferBlock);
item->bytes = len;
item->next = NULL;
if (buffer->tail != NULL)
buffer->tail->next = item;
buffer->head = item;
buffer->tail = item;
memcpy(item->data, data, len);
buffer->total_bytes += len;
} // if
return 1;
} // buffer_append
int buffer_append_fmt(Buffer *buffer, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
const int retval = buffer_append_va(buffer, fmt, ap);
return retval;
} // buffer_append_fmt
int buffer_append_va(Buffer *buffer, const char *fmt, va_list va)
char scratch[256];
va_list ap;
va_copy(ap, va);
const int len = vsnprintf(scratch, sizeof (scratch), fmt, ap);
// If we overflowed our scratch buffer, heap allocate and try again.
if (len == 0)
return 1; // nothing to do.
else if (len < sizeof (scratch))
return buffer_append(buffer, scratch, len);
char *buf = (char *) buffer->m(len + 1, buffer->d);
if (buf == NULL)
return 0;
va_copy(ap, va);
vsnprintf(buf, len + 1, fmt, ap); // rebuild it.
const int retval = buffer_append(buffer, scratch, len);
buffer->f(buf, buffer->d);
return retval;
} // buffer_append_va
size_t buffer_size(Buffer *buffer)
return buffer->total_bytes;
} // buffer_size
void buffer_empty(Buffer *buffer)
BufferBlock *item = buffer->head;
while (item != NULL)
BufferBlock *next = item->next;
buffer->f(item, buffer->d);
item = next;
} // while
buffer->head = buffer->tail = NULL;
buffer->total_bytes = 0;
} // buffer_empty
char *buffer_flatten(Buffer *buffer)
char *retval = (char *) buffer->m(buffer->total_bytes + 1, buffer->d);
if (retval == NULL)
return NULL;
BufferBlock *item = buffer->head;
char *ptr = retval;
while (item != NULL)
BufferBlock *next = item->next;
memcpy(ptr, item->data, item->bytes);
ptr += item->bytes;
buffer->f(item, buffer->d);
item = next;
} // while
*ptr = '\0';
assert(ptr == (retval + buffer->total_bytes));
buffer->head = buffer->tail = NULL;
buffer->total_bytes = 0;
return retval;
} // buffer_flatten
char *buffer_merge(Buffer **buffers, const size_t n, size_t *_len)
Buffer *first = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
Buffer *buffer = buffers[i];
if (buffer == NULL)
if (first == NULL)
first = buffer;
len += buffer->total_bytes;
} // for
char *retval = (char *) (first ? first->m(len + 1, first->d) : NULL);
if (retval == NULL)
*_len = 0;
return NULL;
} // if
*_len = len;
char *ptr = retval;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
Buffer *buffer = buffers[i];
if (buffer == NULL)
BufferBlock *item = buffer->head;
while (item != NULL)
BufferBlock *next = item->next;
memcpy(ptr, item->data, item->bytes);
ptr += item->bytes;
buffer->f(item, buffer->d);
item = next;
} // while
buffer->head = buffer->tail = NULL;
buffer->total_bytes = 0;
} // for
*ptr = '\0';
assert(ptr == (retval + len));
return retval;
} // buffer_merge
void buffer_destroy(Buffer *buffer)
if (buffer != NULL)
MOJOSHADER_free f = buffer->f;
void *d = buffer->d;
f(buffer, d);
} // if
} // buffer_destroy
static int blockscmp(BufferBlock *item, const uint8 *data, size_t len)
if (len == 0)
return 1; // "match"
while (item != NULL)
const size_t itemremain = item->bytes;
const size_t avail = len < itemremain ? len : itemremain;
if (memcmp(item->data, data, avail) != 0)
return 0; // not a match.
if (len == avail)
return 1; // complete match!
len -= avail;
data += avail;
item = item->next;
} // while
return 0; // not a complete match.
} // blockscmp
ssize_t buffer_find(Buffer *buffer, const size_t start,
const void *_data, const size_t len)
if (len == 0)
return 0; // I guess that's right.
if (start >= buffer->total_bytes)
return -1; // definitely can't match.
if (len > (buffer->total_bytes - start))
return -1; // definitely can't match.
// Find the start point somewhere in the center of a buffer.
BufferBlock *item = buffer->head;
const uint8 *ptr = item->data;
size_t pos = 0;
if (start > 0)
while (1)
assert(item != NULL);
if ((pos + item->bytes) > start) // start is in this block.
ptr = item->data + (start - pos);
} // if
pos += item->bytes;
item = item->next;
} // while
} // if
// okay, we're at the origin of the search.
assert(item != NULL);
assert(ptr != NULL);
const uint8 *data = (const uint8 *) _data;
const uint8 first = *data;
while (item != NULL)
const size_t itemremain = item->bytes - ((size_t)(ptr-item->data));
ptr = (uint8 *) memchr(ptr, first, itemremain);
while (ptr != NULL)
const size_t retval = pos + ((size_t) (ptr - item->data));
if (len == 1)
return retval; // we're done, here it is!
const size_t itemremain = item->bytes - ((size_t)(ptr-item->data));
const size_t avail = len < itemremain ? len : itemremain;
if ((avail == 0) || (memcmp(ptr, data, avail) == 0))
// okay, we've got a (sub)string match! Move to the next block.
// check all blocks until we get a complete match or a failure.
if (blockscmp(item->next, data+avail, len-avail))
return (ssize_t) retval;
} // if
// try again, further in this block.
ptr = (uint8 *) memchr(ptr + 1, first, itemremain - 1);
} // while
pos += item->bytes;
item = item->next;
if (item != NULL)
ptr = item->data;
} // while
return -1; // no match found.
} // buffer_find
// end of mojoshader_common.c ...