2017-06-13 04:03:48 +01:00

162 lines
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#include "BRDF.hlsl"
float3 GetSpecularDominantDir(float3 normal, float3 reflection, float roughness)
const float smoothness = 1.0 - roughness;
const float lerpFactor = smoothness * (sqrt(smoothness) + roughness);
return lerp(normal, reflection, lerpFactor);
float3 SphereLight(float3 worldPos, float3 lightVec, float3 normal, float3 toCamera, float roughness, float3 specColor, float3 diffColor, out float ndl)
float specEnergy = 1.0f;
float radius = cLightRad / 100;
float rough2 = max(roughness, 0.08);
rough2 *= rough2;
float radius2 = radius * radius;
float distToLightSqrd = dot(lightVec,lightVec);
float invDistToLight = rsqrt(distToLightSqrd);
float sinAlphaSqr = saturate(radius2 / distToLightSqrd);
float sinAlpha = sqrt(sinAlphaSqr);
ndl = dot(normal, (lightVec * invDistToLight));
if(ndl < sinAlpha)
ndl = max(ndl, -sinAlpha);
ndl = ((sinAlpha + ndl) * (sinAlpha + ndl)) / (4 * sinAlpha);
float sphereAngle = saturate(radius * invDistToLight);
specEnergy = rough2 / (rough2 + 0.5f * sphereAngle);
specEnergy *= specEnergy;
float3 R = 2 * dot(toCamera, normal) * normal - toCamera;
R = GetSpecularDominantDir(normal, R, roughness);
// Find closest point on sphere to ray
float3 closestPointOnRay = dot(lightVec, R) * R;
float3 centerToRay = closestPointOnRay - lightVec;
float invDistToRay = rsqrt(dot(centerToRay, centerToRay));
float3 closestPointOnSphere = lightVec + centerToRay * saturate(radius * invDistToRay);
lightVec = closestPointOnSphere;
float3 L = normalize(lightVec);
float3 h = normalize(toCamera + L);
float hdn = saturate(dot(h, normal));
float hdv = dot(h, toCamera);
float ndv = saturate(dot(normal, toCamera));
float hdl = saturate(dot(h, lightVec));
const float3 diffuseFactor = Diffuse(diffColor, roughness, ndv, ndl, hdv) * ndl;
const float3 fresnelTerm = Fresnel(specColor, hdv, hdl) ;
const float distTerm = Distribution(hdn, roughness);
const float visTerm = Visibility(ndl, ndv, roughness);
float3 specularFactor = distTerm * visTerm * fresnelTerm * ndl/ M_PI;
return diffuseFactor + specularFactor;
float3 TubeLight(float3 worldPos, float3 lightVec, float3 normal, float3 toCamera, float roughness, float3 specColor, float3 diffColor, out float ndl)
float radius = cLightRad / 100;
float len = cLightLength / 10;
float3 pos = (cLightPosPS.xyz - worldPos);
float3 reflectVec = reflect(-toCamera, normal);
float3 L01 = cLightDirPS * len;
float3 L0 = pos - 0.5 * L01;
float3 L1 = pos + 0.5 * L01;
float3 ld = L1 - L0;
float distL0 = length( L0 );
float distL1 = length( L1 );
float NoL0 = dot( L0, normal ) / ( 2.0 * distL0 );
float NoL1 = dot( L1, normal ) / ( 2.0 * distL1 );
ndl = ( 2.0 * clamp( NoL0 + NoL1, 0.0, 1.0 ) )
/ ( distL0 * distL1 + dot( L0, L1 ) + 2.0 );
float a = len * len;
float b = dot( reflectVec, L01 );
float t = saturate( dot( L0, b * reflectVec - L01 ) / (a - b*b) );
float3 closestPoint = L0 + ld * saturate( t);
float3 centreToRay = dot( closestPoint, reflectVec ) * reflectVec - closestPoint;
closestPoint = closestPoint + centreToRay * saturate(radius / length(centreToRay));
float3 l = normalize(closestPoint);
float3 h = normalize(toCamera + l);
ndl = saturate(dot(normal, lightVec));
float hdn = saturate(dot(h, normal));
float hdv = dot(h, toCamera);
float ndv = saturate(dot(normal, toCamera));
float hdl = saturate(dot(h, lightVec));
float distL = length(closestPoint);
float alpha = max(roughness, 0.08) * max(roughness, 0.08);
float alphaPrime = saturate(radius / (distL * 2.0) + alpha);
const float3 diffuseFactor = Diffuse(diffColor, roughness, ndv, ndl, hdv) * ndl;
const float3 fresnelTerm = Fresnel(specColor, hdv, hdl) ;
const float distTerm = Distribution(hdn, roughness);
const float visTerm = Visibility(ndl, ndv, roughness);
float3 specularFactor = distTerm * visTerm * fresnelTerm * ndl/ M_PI;
return diffuseFactor + specularFactor;
//Return the PBR BRDF value
// lightDir = the vector to the light
// lightVec = normalised lightDir
// toCamera = vector to the camera
// normal = surface normal of the pixel
// roughness = roughness of the pixel
// diffColor = the rgb color of the pixel
// specColor = the rgb specular color of the pixel
float3 GetBRDF(float3 worldPos, float3 lightDir, float3 lightVec, float3 toCamera, float3 normal, float roughness, float3 diffColor, float3 specColor)
const float3 Hn = normalize(toCamera + lightDir);
const float vdh = clamp((dot(toCamera, Hn)), M_EPSILON, 1.0);
const float ndh = clamp((dot(normal, Hn)), M_EPSILON, 1.0);
float ndl = clamp((dot(normal, lightVec)), M_EPSILON, 1.0);
const float ndv = clamp((dot(normal, toCamera)), M_EPSILON, 1.0);
const float ldh = clamp((dot(lightVec, Hn)), M_EPSILON, 1.0);
const float3 diffuseFactor = Diffuse(diffColor, roughness, ndv, ndl, vdh) * ndl;
float3 specularFactor = 0;
if(cLightRad > 0.0)
if(cLightLength > 0.0)
return TubeLight(worldPos, lightVec, normal, toCamera, roughness, specColor, diffColor, ndl);
return SphereLight(worldPos, lightVec, normal, toCamera, roughness, specColor, diffColor, ndl);
const float3 fresnelTerm = Fresnel(specColor, vdh, ldh) ;
const float distTerm = Distribution(ndh, roughness);
const float visTerm = Visibility(ndl, ndv, roughness);
specularFactor = distTerm * visTerm * fresnelTerm * ndl/ M_PI;
return diffuseFactor + specularFactor;
return diffuseFactor + specularFactor;