
67 lines
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#include "Uniforms.glsl"
#include "Samplers.glsl"
#include "Transform.glsl"
#include "ScreenPos.glsl"
#include "Fog.glsl"
#ifndef GL_ES
varying vec4 vScreenPos;
varying vec2 vReflectUV;
varying vec2 vWaterUV;
varying vec4 vEyeVec;
varying highp vec4 vScreenPos;
varying highp vec2 vReflectUV;
varying highp vec2 vWaterUV;
varying highp vec4 vEyeVec;
varying vec3 vNormal;
uniform vec2 cNoiseSpeed;
uniform float cNoiseTiling;
uniform float cNoiseStrength;
uniform float cFresnelPower;
uniform vec3 cWaterTint;
void VS()
mat4 modelMatrix = iModelMatrix;
vec3 worldPos = GetWorldPos(modelMatrix);
gl_Position = GetClipPos(worldPos);
vScreenPos = GetScreenPos(gl_Position);
// GetQuadTexCoord() returns a vec2 that is OK for quad rendering; multiply it with output W
// coordinate to make it work with arbitrary meshes such as the water plane (perform divide in pixel shader)
// Also because the quadTexCoord is based on the clip position, and Y is flipped when rendering to a texture
// on OpenGL, must flip again to cancel it out
vReflectUV = GetQuadTexCoord(gl_Position);
vReflectUV.y = 1.0 - vReflectUV.y;
vReflectUV *= gl_Position.w;
vWaterUV = iTexCoord * cNoiseTiling + cElapsedTime * cNoiseSpeed;
vNormal = GetWorldNormal(modelMatrix);
vEyeVec = vec4(cCameraPos - worldPos, GetDepth(gl_Position));
void PS()
vec2 refractUV = vScreenPos.xy / vScreenPos.w;
vec2 reflectUV = vReflectUV.xy / vScreenPos.w;
vec2 noise = (texture2D(sNormalMap, vWaterUV).rg - 0.5) * cNoiseStrength;
refractUV += noise;
// Do not shift reflect UV coordinate upward, because it will reveal the clipping of geometry below water
if (noise.y < 0.0)
noise.y = 0.0;
reflectUV += noise;
float fresnel = pow(1.0 - clamp(dot(normalize(vEyeVec.xyz), vNormal), 0.0, 1.0), cFresnelPower);
vec3 refractColor = texture2D(sEnvMap, refractUV).rgb * cWaterTint;
vec3 reflectColor = texture2D(sDiffMap, reflectUV).rgb;
vec3 finalColor = mix(refractColor, reflectColor, fresnel);
gl_FragColor = vec4(GetFog(finalColor, GetFogFactor(vEyeVec.w)), 1.0);